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Types of Rug Hand-knotted & Hand Tufted.

This pdf. should provide some tips on how to decide which type of rug is best for you, taking into account factors like personal style, budget, and lifestyle. It could also include some examples of when each type of rug might be most appropriate, such as hand-knotted rugs for a formal living room and hand-tufted rugs for a playroom or casual family room.

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Types of Rug Hand-knotted & Hand Tufted.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Hand-knottedRug WhichIsBest? HandTuftedRug

  2. Hand-KnottedRugs Theserugsaremadebyskilledartisanswho tie individual knots ontoaloomtocreatethe rug'sdesign. They are incredibly durable and can often be repaired or restored if they become damaged overtime. Theserugsareagreatinvestmentpiecefor yourhomeastheycanlastforgenerations. Theyhaveahighlevelofdetailandintricacy intheirdesignsduetoeachknotis individuallytied. Theserugsareperfectforformalor traditionalspaces,wheretheycanbethe room'sfocalpoint.

  3. Hand-TuftedRugs Hand-tuftedrugs:yarnpunched throughbackingwithahandheldtool. Lesslabor-intensive,moreaffordable thanhand-knotted Lowerdetail/intricacyduetonotbeing individuallytied Greatfor casual/contemporary spaces addingtexture/colorwithout overwhelming Oftenmadewithlessexpensive syntheticfibers

  4. WhichRugShouldYouChoose? Whendeciding betweena hand-knotted andhand-tuftedrug,thereareseveral factorstoconsider. Hand-knottedrugsareabetterinvestmentforformalortraditionalspaces,as theyaremoredurableandhaveahigherlevelofdetail. Hand-tuftedrugsareabetteroptionforcasualorcontemporaryspaces,asthey aremoreaffordableandcanbeeasilyreplacedorupdated. Youshouldalsoconsideryourbudget,ashand-knottedrugscanbequite expensive. Additionally,thinkaboutyourlifestyle-ifyouhavepetsorchildren,ahand- tuftedrugmightbeabetterchoiceasitislesslikelytoshowwearandtear. Ultimately,thechoicebetweenahand-knottedandhand-tuftedrugcomes downtopersonalpreferenceandtheneedsofyourspace.

  5. Thank You ForReading Website www.maheshexports.com Contact +91-7652059482 Addresss ArajiNo141-143,G.T.Road, Jagatpur,Varanasi,Uttar Pradesh-221313

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