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Best DPT Therapist in New Hyde Park

Neurological therapy is well known for emphasizing the use of the whole person in treatment and its overarching goal of maximization of a patient's function. A few examples are decreased flexibility, less strength or endurance, slower reflexes, impaired circulation, and diminished cognitive function and memory. Mainstreet PT is the best DPT specialist in New Hyde Park.

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Best DPT Therapist in New Hyde Park

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  2. ABOUTUS MainstreetPToffersthebestphysiotherapy duetoourcomprehensiveapproachto rehabilitationandexercisetobuildmuscle strength. Along with physical therapy, we also offer individualised fitness coaching, dietadvice,andlifestyleadjustments.Allof thisisinlinewithourobjective,whichisto armyouwiththeknowledgeyouneedto makewiserchoicesregardingyourpersonal healthandwellbeing.

  3. ACUPRESSURE THERAPY Acupressureisasortofmassage therapyinwhichcertainbodypartsare subjectedtomanualpressure.Although itsexacteffectsareyetunknown, acupressureissupposedtorelieve obstructedenergy.Somebelievethat thepressuremaytriggerendorphin release. These substances in the body naturallyreducepain.

  4. LET'STALK TOUS WEBSITE www.mainstreetpt.com PHONENUMBER (516)673-4161 EMAILADDRESS contact@mainstreetpt.com


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