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Mainstream Myths about Low-Carb Ketogenic Eating

Mainstream Myths about Low-Carb Ketogenic Eating<br><br>Link - https://mamaketo.co.in/blog/ditch-the-mainstream-myths-about-low-carb-ketogenic-eating

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Mainstream Myths about Low-Carb Ketogenic Eating

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Mainstream Myths about Low-Carb Ketogenic Eating Five stages of keto eating Here they are: 1. Disbelief: Can it be true that this way of eating removes cravings, comes with no feelings of deprivation, and still has you lose weight? Can it be true that it corrects metabolic issues and has you feeling great? How can we have been told for years to

  2. stay away from fat and fill up on grains and carbs?! I’m not sure about this, but I suppose I will try. 2. Elation: It is true! It is incredible! I feel so good! The weight is coming off almost without effort. My health issues are reversing! I am getting off my various medications. This is fantastic! 3. Personal promotion:I can’t stop talking about it. I must tell my friends and family. I must post pictures and comment on Facebook and Reddit. At parties, I must tell anyone who will listen how great eating fat is! 4. Irritation/anger: How can major health organizations, governments, medical associations, and other groups not be embracing low-carb keto eating? How can they still be peddling outdated information that is keeping people sick? How can they continue cutting off the feet of diabetics, or cutting away stomachs of the obese, but not investigating the use and rational of low-carb keto eating? How can the low-fat, calories in/out lies and misinformation still be proliferating? This is outrageous! 5. Advocacy: I must do my part to help spread the word wider than my personal circle. I must give my doctor credible and well-researched books and articles. I must help correct the misinformation. I will ignore the old guard and do my utmost to distribute good, accurate information far and wide. Source Link

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