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Millions of people throughout this country rely on medical devices to keep them safe and healthy. However, there are times when medical devices are defective and can cause serious injuries. When this happens, who can be held liable for any injuries? Is it important to understand how these devices become defective? Find out your answers from Sherman Oaks product liability attorney as soon as possible at Mancini & Associates. Qualified and experienced Tara J. Licata will thoroughly investigate your case.
Understanding Understanding Liability for Liability for Defective Medical Defective Medical Devices Devices
Millions of people throughout this country rely on medical devices to keep them safe and healthy. However, there are times when medical devices are defective and can cause serious injuries to those who use them. When this happens, who can be held liable for any injuries? It is important to understand devices become defective and whether or not a company or manufacturer responsible for the expenses. Medical Medical how these Devices Devices will be
Medical Medical Devices Are Devices Are Used Each Used Each Day By Day By Millions Of Millions Of People People Medical devices are used to diagnose and treat various illnesses and injuries that a person may incur. Due to the very nature of these devices, they typically need to be monitored and maintained regularly.
Some Of The Most Common Medical Devices That Are Used Throughout The United States Include: 01 02 03 Pacemakers Defibrillators Insulin pumps 04 05 Hip implants Heart stents
Many medical devices require surgery to implant them, but that is not necessarily the case with every medical device. Keep In Mind Keep In Mind However, all medical devices must be approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) before they can be used on patients.
Who Can Be Held Liable For Defective Medical Devices? Who Can Be Held Liable For Defective Medical Devices? If you or somebody you love is injured due to a medical device, there may be several parties who could be held liable for the damages. The specific factors related to each particular case will determine which parties face a defective product (product liability) lawsuit. This could include lawsuits against:
The doctor or surgeon who recommended the device The medical facility where the device was implanted The health care professional who implanted the device The device designer or manufacturer
If you or somebody you care about has been injured due to a defective medical device, contact the best Sherman Oaks product liability attorney as soon as possible. At Mancini & Associates, qualified and Hire An Attorney Hire An Attorney experienced attorney Tara J. Licata will thoroughly investigate your case.
Contact Details Contact Details 818-783-5757 https://www.mamlaw.net/ Contact.shtml 15303 Ventura Blvd, Suite 600 Sherman Oaks, CA 91403
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