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Networking Fundamentals Week 6. COMPUTER PLATFORMS. Week 5. What is a network? What does the network do? Why network? Common network types Network architecture Client/Server Peer-to-peer Network Components. What’s a network?. Technology used in communication systems:

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  1. Networking Fundamentals Week 6 COMPUTER PLATFORMS Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  2. Week 5 • What is a network? • What does the network do? • Why network? • Common network types • Network architecture • Client/Server • Peer-to-peer • Network Components Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  3. What’s a network? • Technology used in communication systems: • Telecommunications • Digital Broadcasting • Data Communications • It is: • Mobile phones, telephones • Computer networks, the Internet • Facsimile (FAX) • TV and Radio Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  4. What’s a network? • A collection of systems / resources which are all connected together via a medium • Cables • Lots of different types • E.g.- Public telephone network • Wireless • Different frequency ranges • E.g.- Mobile phone networks • The medium is used to send signals between two communication point • Computer data is translated into signals to be sent / received over a medium Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  5. What does the network do? • Allows people in remote locations to ‘talk’ with each other • Or at least, allows their computers or communication equipment to ‘talk’ • Promotes the sharing of: • data • resources • ideas • media (e.g.- images, audio, video) Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  6. Why network? • In the office • The Internet • Email, web, FTP, e-business, etc. • Sharing of local information • Communications • Sharing resources • Printers, scanners, plotters, etc. • At home • The Internet • Email, web, FTP, P2P sharing, news, etc. • Sharing resources • Printers, scanners, etc. • Ease of communication for more than one PC Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  7. Common Network Types • LAN (Local Area Network) • Connect together computers in the same room or building • E.g.- NEWI Network • WAN (Wide Area Network) • Connects together computers of large geographical or geological areas • E.g.- The Internet, JANET • MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) • Connects together buildings or sites over city / town sized areas • 2 – 6 Km apart Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  8. Computer Network Architecture • Client / Server • Centralised Control / Administration • The SERVER(s) • They provide a ‘service’ or ‘services’ to users • Will almost always control the network • Could provide email, file sharing, web services, etc, to users • CLIENTS • These could be computers or dumb terminals • Connect to the server which provides information or services • Are controlled and administered by the server • If server has a fault this affects the clients connected • Common in business Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  9. Computer Network Architecture • Peer-to-peer • “Everybody’s Equal” • Essentially allows users to both send and retrieve files from each other’s computers • Like having a Client and Server on each machine • On the Internet this often refers to file sharing applications • Such as Napster, AudioGalaxy, Gnutella, etc. • Lacks any central control • Can compromise security • Used in small businesses and at home Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  10. Network Components • Node • ‘Terminal’ • ‘Computer’ • A device connected to the network • Network Interface • Connects the node to the physical network • Network Interface Card (NIC) on LANs • MODulator / DEModulator (MODEM) • Hub • Sometimes called a ‘concentrator’ • A central point where network connections from nodes meet • Depends on topology Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  11. Network Components • Media • The object over which a signal is transmitted or received • The thing which interconnects two or more points • Cables and wires • Coaxial cable • Twisted pair cable • Fibre optic cable • Wireless • Microwave • Satellite • Infrared Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

  12. Week 5 – What do you know? • What a network is • What a network does • Communication • Sharing of resources • Common network types • LAN, WAN, MAN • Network architecture • Peer-to-peer • Client/Server • Network Components • Nodes • Network Interfaces • Hubs • Media Stuart Cunningham - Computer Platforms - 2003

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