

Earning Money With Flippa - How To Earn Money Starting Today There are lots of reasons to sell a website. Sometimes people sell sites because they no longer have the money or time to keep it up. Maybe you have gotten into website "flipping"? Perhaps you were unwilling to shut the entire website down, but you simply were bored with it. Whatever your reasons for wanting to sell a website, the best portal through which to sell it is Flippa. People use Flippa to sell and buy websites everyday. You should know, however, there is a lot more to throwing up a website and selling it on Flippa. To help you understand how to do this, we wrote this article to help you earn more money. Don't charge the buyer a fee to transfer the site from your hosting to hers. This is not something that many website sellers do for buyers. They want to earn as much as possible so they charge for everything. Anyone that does not charge a fee will be much more popular with buyers. What will happen when you do not charge a fee is that happy bidders may bid higher than the normally would. You won't lose any money because of how they will try to get your auction. You can really make your offer look very desirable by simply offering a few perks that other people do not. Use this to your advantage. It is important that you are perceived as being a trustworthy person or business. If you sell something on Flippa, you will be trusted simply because you're using their platform. You can increase the level of trust that you emulate by doing a couple simple things. Verify your phone number. Social media accounts should also be added. Work hard to get feedback. Also, the longer that you have been on Flippa, the more people will take you seriously. Being there a year can help your reputation. The quicker you join Flippa, the quicker you will have your one-year with this website selling platform. This way you'll earn with the other buyers and sellers long before you want them to work with you. Give your buyer feedback. Don't leave feedback, however, until the transfer has gone through and the sale has been finalized successfully. This lets other buyers know you don't leave pointless feedback and when you do, someone earned it. It shows others that you care and increases the chance of people buying from you in the future. It's also a good way to prevent accidentally providing a scammer with good feedback. You can do a lot of things to ensure you earn more cash via Flippa. A few strategies have been presented in this article. As you work and learn and make mistakes you'll come up with plenty of other ways to help yourself out. Sticking with it is the secret. You can achieve whatever you want!


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