

The non-fkk boy says to his friend, "Look what I've found!" as he shows the fkk child a copy of Playboy or some similar magazine, which he found somewhere. As they look at the pictures of scantily clothed, erotically posed women, the boy who has seen hundreds of people of all ages and body types, will probably believe, "I've seen lots of naked people before. Why does he desire to steal looks at this?" He might also think, "This isn't even what most people look like." Growing up without shame All these things occur to Fkk children, also. The one huge difference for children who were fortunate enough to grow up in a fkk environment is that those children have literally seen those changes take place, as their older friends and/or siblings went through that difficult time. Due to that expertise, they're better prepared for it themselves. Safety We read in the newspapers almost daily of some teacher, youth leader, church official or some other trusted person who took advantage of a child in a sexual way. With hundreds of naturist clubs in North America, that difficulty almost never occurs at our facilities. A family which is open enough to have experienced nudism, just like a healthy non-fkk family, is also open enough to have discussed sex abuse with their children. These children understand they can tell their parents immediately if they ever guess that something isn't right. We've been told by authorities the rationale fkk clubs have a very low prevalence of sex offenders is that we've got the standing of prosecuting those people, while until recent years, many other organizations have "swept those problems under a rug", more concerned with their public image than with the security of the individuals they should have been shielding. Historically, sex abusers have felt much safer committing their misdeeds within organizations which have tried to cover up their issues with molesters. You may find it encouraging to know that Naked Buns, and many other naturist clubs, have a really good relationship with law enforcement agencies. Some of their officers are members of our club. You can be sure that if we were doing anything illegal or immoral, they wouldn't join. Instead, they would very quickly close us down! Another fact to ponder: Nearly all sex offenders are males. At a naturist club, it'd be super easy to tell if a man were to become sexually excited. Some other intriguing facts We don't present this Info in an attempt to try and make ourselves seem to be "better" than our non-fkk friends; instead, this advice could clarify some other Intriguing observations about nudists' lives: The divorce rate is lower among fkk families, and their kids have a tendency to make better grades than similar children in non-naturist families. We do not think that this is BECAUSE the families are nudists; it is more likely that the marriages are more stable AND their children make good grades AND the families are nudists because the family members tend to communicate a little more openly with each other in their day-to-day lives. Learning to accept and Esteem all bodies In those cultures, where Children see all types and ages unclothed, learn approval of the maturing and aging processes; they don't think they have to have face lifts, boob jobs and collagen shots to become socially appropriate; they do not grow up believing "You're what you wear". They have probably never had a case of a child being killed for his tennis shoes or his Eddie Bauer coat! We think that when Americans learn to accept the body as natural and wholesome, many of our social difficulties which stem from body approval will fall. If you're reading this, the it is likely that you are in one of two classes. Either you're someone who has already discovered the advantages and happiness of a more clothes-free way of living, but you have noticed that not many young adults seem to have made the same discovery. Or else you are a young adult who has little or no experience with clothes-freedom, and you wonder why many people make such a big deal out of something that may not seem all that appealing. There are probably many different rationales that young adults do not seem interested in trying societal nudity - just as there are many different motives that anyone might have for a Unwillingness to try it. Almost as many different reasons as there are individuals. But they do often fall into particular typical groups. And some of these Classes seem to use especially to young adults. So we're going to attempt to Record as many of the typical motives as possible. And for each motive, we will try to indicate why the motive need not by an insurmountable deterrent - and simple steps that anyone can take to beat the obstacle if he/she wishes to. But first let us address something which is probably is not a real issue. Namely, there'sn't anything inherent about being in the 18-30 age range which makes a man averse to nudity. With younger teenagers (13 to 17) there may well be. are


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