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Visit Medicheck Hospital for frozen embryo transfer in Faridabad. Our experienced specialists provide affordable and safe procedures with successful implantation.
(+91)8010800100 Book Appointment HomeAboutUsSpecialities OurCentres OurDoctors Media Academic Careers BlogContact FrozenEmbryoTransfer HomeFrozenEmbryoTransfer InfertilityTreatment ICSITreatment IVFTreatment IUITreatment EggDonation OvarianInduction MaleInfertility BestFrozenEmbryoTransferIn FaridabadHaryana Looking for the best-frozen embryotransfer in Haryana?Looknofurther than Dr. RanjeetaGupta!Withalotofexperienceandadedicationtopatientcare,Dr.Ranjeeta Guptahashelped countless couples achievetheir dreams of starting afamily.Her clinic offers state-of-the-artfacilities and ateam of expertprofessionals who work tirelesslyto ensurethesuccessof everyprocedure.Frominitialconsultations topost-procedure care,Dr.RanjeetaGuptaand her team are there for you everystepof the way.Contact her today tolearn more abouthowshecan help you achieveyour dreamsof parenthood. BlastocystCulture FrozenEmbryoTransfer ContactUs (+91)80108 00100 ConsultOur TrustedFertility Centre,Makeanappointment.The bestofmodernhealthcareto ensureyoustayhealthy,always. ContactUs
WhatIsFrozenEmbryoTransfer? Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) is a technique used in assisted reproductive technology (ART) to help couples conceive. In this procedure, embryos that have been previously frozen are thawed and transferred into the woman’s uterus. FET is a popular option for couples who have undergone in vitro fertilization(IVF)buthaveremaining viableembryos.Theprocessinvolveshormonetherapyto prepare the uterus for implantation and monitoring to determine the optimal time for the transfer. FET hasahigh successrate andis asafeandeffective methodforachievingpregnancy. In Haryana, Dr. Ranjeeta Gupta is a renowned infertility specialist who specializes in FETand other ART procedures. With her extensive experience and expertise, Dr. Ranjeeta Gupta has helped countless couples achievetheir dream ofparenthood. HowFrozenEmbryoTransferBeneficialForInfertilityTreatment? Frozen EmbryoTransfer(FET)isa highlybeneficialinfertilitytreatmentoptionthat has revolutionized theworldofassistedreproductive technology.At ourreputedclinicinHaryana,weofferstate-of-the- art FET services to help couples struggling with infertility. Here are five reasons why FET is a great optionforinfertilitytreatment: Increased Success Rates: FET has a higher success rate compared to fresh embryo transfer becausethefrozenembryosare transferredat themostsuitable timeforimplantation. Improved Control over Timing: FET allows for better control over the timing of the transfer, as the embryoscanbefrozenuntilthepatientis readyforthe transfer. Cost-Effective: FETcan be a cost-effective option as frozen embryos can be stored for years, allowingpatientstoavoidtheexpenseofmultipleIVFcycles. LowerRiskofOvarianHyperstimulationSyndrome(OHSS):FETreducestheriskof OHSSas thereis noneedforovarianstimulation. HigherPregnancyRates:FEThas beenfoundtoresultinhigherpregnancyratescomparedto freshembryotransfers. HowdoYouprepareForFrozenEmbryoTransferTreatment? Preparing for Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) treatment is an essential step in ensuring a successful outcome. At our reputed clinic in Haryana, we prioritize the well-being of our patients and offer comprehensive guidance on FETpreparation. To prepare for FET,patients are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. It is also important to abstain from alcohol and tobacco use during this period. Before the treatment, our fertility experts conduct a thorough assessment of the patient’s medical history and current health status. This assessment may include blood tests, ultrasounds, and other diagnostic procedures. Patients may also be prescribed medications toregulate theirmenstrualcycleandpreparetheiruterusfor embryoimplantation. During this period, it is crucial to communicate openly with our fertility experts and follow their instructions carefully. By adhering to the recommended guidelines, patients can increase their chances ofasuccessfulFETandultimatelyrealizetheir dreamofstartingor expandingtheirfamily.
HowLongDoesFrozenEmbryoTransfer Take?Step By Step FrozenEmbryo TransferProcedureInFaridabad,Haryana If you’re considering frozen embryo transfer (FET) to help you achieve your dream of having a baby, it’s important to understand the process and what to expect. At our clinic in Haryana, we offer a comprehensive FETprogram to give our patients the best possible chance of success. Typically, the process takes anywherefrom6-8weeks. Step1:PreparingforFET–Beforethe transfer, wewill performathoroughevaluationofyour uterus to ensure it’s ready to receive the embryo. This may involve a hysteroscopy or ultrasound. You will also begivenmedications tohelpthickenyouruterineliningandpromoteimplantation. Step2:ThawingtheEmbryo–Onceyouruterusisready,wewillthawtheembryoinour laboratory. Thisisadelicateprocessthatrequiresexpertiseandprecisiontoensure theembryo remainsviable. Step 3: Preparing for Transfer – Before the transfer, we will verify the quality of the embryo and confirm that it’s the best one to transfer. We will also give you medication to relax your uterus and makethetransfereasier. Step4:Transfer– The transferitselfisaquickandpainlessprocedurethattakesonlyafewminutes. Wewilluseathincatheterto placethe embryointoyour uterus. Step5:AfterTransfer–Afterthetransfer, youwillbeaskedtorest forashortperiod.Wemayalso recommendthatyouavoidstrenuousactivityforafewdays. RiskOfFrozenEmbryoTransfer Frozenembryotransferisacommonlyused assistedreproductivetechnology.Itisimportantto discuss the potential risks and benefits of frozen embryo transfer with your doctor before making a decision. However, it is not without risks. Here are a few potential risks associated with frozen embryo transfer: Lower success rates: Frozen embryo transfer may have lower success rates compared to fresh embryotransfer. Thisisbecausethe freezingandthawingprocessescandamage theembryos. Ectopic pregnancy: There is a small risk of ectopic pregnancy, where the embryo implants outside the uterus,withafrozenembryotransfer. Multiple pregnancies: There is a higher risk of multiple pregnancies with frozen embryo transfer, whichcanleadtocomplications forboththemotherandthebabies. Birth defects: Studies have suggested a slightly higher risk of birth defects with frozen embryo transfer comparedtofreshembryotransfer. Increased cost: Frozen embryo transfer is often more expensive than fresh embryo transfer due tothe additional costoffreezingandstoringtheembryos. WhyChooseOurFrozenEmbryoTransferCentreForFrozenEmbryoTransfer Treatment If you are looking for a reliable and experienced frozen embryo transfer center, you have come to the right place. Our clinic in Haryana is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing you with the best possible care. Here are some reasonswhyyoushouldchoose ourcenter for your frozenembryotransfertreatment: Experienced and Skilled Doctor: Our clinic is led by Dr. Ranjeeta Gupta, an experienced fertility specialist who has helped countless couples achieve their dream of parenthood. With her extensive knowledge and expertise, she can guide you through every step of the treatment process andansweranyquestions youmayhave. Advanced Technology: Our center is equipped with the latest technology and equipment to ensurethatyoureceivethemostadvancedandeffectivetreatmentpossible. Personalized Treatment Plans: At our center, we understand that every patient is unique, and we takethetimetocreatepersonalizedtreatmentplanstailoredtoyourspecificneeds. High Success Rates: We are proud to have some of the highest success rates in the region, thanks toourskilledteam, advancedtechnology, andpersonalizedtreatmentplans. Supportive Environment: We understand that undergoing fertility treatment can be a stressful andemotionalexperience, whichiswhywe strivetoprovideasupportiveandcaringenvironment
forourpatients. Thebestassistanceforyourinfertility journey If you'relookingforareputableandreliableclinicforblastocystculturetreatment,looknofurtherthanour BlastocystCultureCentre.Withourexperienceddoctor,personalizedtreatmentplans,advanced technology,compassionatecare,andhighsuccessrates,youcantrustustohelpyouachieveyourdream ofparenthood. BookanAppointment MedicheckHospital MedicheckIVF& FertilityCentre MedicheckOrtho Superspeciality Hospital 1C/76&53,Market,1 Near,BataFlyover,New IndustrialTwp1,Faridabad, Haryana121001 NHsite,StreetNo2,Sector 46,Faridabad,Haryana 121003 HBH Colony, Sector 46, Faridabad,Haryana121010 MedicheckHospitalUsefulLink OurSpecialities WorkingDays Medicheck Hospitalis a50 bededfullyNABH,state-of-the- artsuper speciality surgical centre,fully devoted to deliveringhigh-quality healthcare. AboutUs Pediatrics Mon-Sat08:00AM-05:00PM Sunday EmergencyOnly Callus+91-8010800100 Appointment Gynecology OurTreatment Maternity ContactUs IVF MaleInfertility Orthopaedics Copyright©2023MedicheckHospital.Allrightsreserved.