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Catch a Wave

Catch a Wave. By: Catherine Livesay and Diann Musgrove. For the Teacher. Discovering Waves. Lesson Overview. Identify parts of the waves Calculate frequency, amplitude, and wavelength

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Catch a Wave

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Catch a Wave By: Catherine Livesay and Diann Musgrove

  2. For the Teacher Discovering Waves

  3. Lesson Overview • Identify parts of the waves • Calculate frequency, amplitude, and wavelength In this lesson, students learn about the parts of a wave, and discuss wave height, wavelength, and frequency. They will demonstrate waves using various materials and measure parts of the waves.

  4. Instructional Goals • Student will identify parts of the wave including crest, trough, height, wavelength, frequency, and amplitude of a wave. • Students will demonstrate an understanding of the movement energy through a wave.

  5. Formative Assessment • Assessing prior knowledge through classroom discussion • Teacher observations during simulation activities • Accuracy of student calculations of amplitude • Think-Pair-Share

  6. Opening The Lesson • Play music “Catch a Wave” or other beach related music • Oral reading of Waves from Surfing to Tsunami by Drew Kampion • Classroom discussion of the book • Lead the students in a discussion of the parts of a wave. Insert Image

  7. Developing The Lesson • Classroom discussion of the book • Lead the students into a discussion on the parts of a wave. • Use ropes and a slinky to demonstrate different wave heights, lengths, and periods. Have a student volunteer to hold one end. By lifting and lowering the other end at different speeds and heights, create different sets of waves for the students to see. • Ask students to imagine how a boat might react as the waves change sizes and periods.

  8. Draw a simple picture of a wave on the board so all of the students can see it. • Explain that each part of a wave has a name. Identify the crest, trough, wave height, and wavelength of each wave. • Then, show the students that a wave period or frequency is measured as the time it takes for two consecutive crests to pass a given point, and that all of these variables affect how a wave may look from a boat.

  9. Ask the students to imagine that they are on a sailboat. Explain to them that a wave with a long wavelength or long wave period might just feel like a gentle roll, or riding a bicycle on a road with really shallow hills, regardless of the height of the wave. • Next, ask them to think of a really massive roller coaster. As waves decrease in wavelength or increase in wave period, they become steeper. A single 100-foot (30-meter) wave might cause nothing more than a gentle rocking motion out in the open ocean where it has a long wavelength; however, several 18-foot (six-meter) waves could seem enormous if the boat has to rise steeply over each one. • Have them discuss which has a greater amplitude. • Teach them how to calculate the amplitude of the wave.

  10. Tell students that they have been transported to a sailboat traveling around the world. • Place the students in pairs, or small groups and have them try to create waves for a point on each ocean.

  11. Closing The Lesson • Review the parts of the wave and the concepts of wave height, wavelength and wave period. Ask the students to describe the waves that they created.

  12. Teacher Resources • Waves from Surfing to Tsunami by Drew Kampion • Ropes • Slinkys • Rulers • Paper and writing utensils • Container with water • Corks • Music (beach related) References: National Geographic Xpeditions

  13. Enrichment Activities • Students can research famous surfers and the events they in which they participate. • Students can design an experiment that shows how amplitude and frequency effect the movement of energy.

  14. Lesson Accommodations • Pair students • Give prelabeled drawings of a wave

  15. Standardized Test Item

  16. Catch a Wave

  17. Learning Goals • You will be able to identify the parts of the waves • You will calculate the frequency, amplitude and wavelength of a wave.

  18. Assessment • Classroom participation • Accuracy of labeling the parts of the wave • Accuracy of calculating the frequency and amplitude of the wave

  19. Learning Activity • Listen to the story and discuss with the class • Using the materials create a wave and demonstrate different frequencies and amplitudes • Draw a wave • Label the parts of the wave • Calculate the frequency and amplitude of a wave

  20. Enrichment Activities • Complete a report on a professional surfer • Design an experiment showing the movement of energy through a wave • Create an activity that reviews the parts of the wave

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