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Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V (South-West Pacific) point-to-point circuits implementati

NMC. Beijing. IMTN-MDCN FR 1.5 M (CIR:32/768) . Tokyo. Washington. New Delhi. FR 192/64 (CIR:16) . Bangkok. Two 56 TCP/IP . FR 64 (CIR:16). IMTN-MDCN FR 256 (CIR:32). FR 64 (CIR:16). Manila. Kuala Lumpur. RSMC Honolulu. Moscow. FR 64 (CIR:16 ). IMTN-MDCN

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Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V (South-West Pacific) point-to-point circuits implementati

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Presentation Transcript

  1. NMC Beijing IMTN-MDCN FR 1.5 M (CIR:32/768) Tokyo Washington New Delhi FR 192/64 (CIR:16) Bangkok Two 56 TCP/IP FR 64 (CIR:16) IMTN-MDCN FR 256 (CIR:32) FR 64 (CIR:16) Manila Kuala Lumpur RSMC Honolulu Moscow FR 64 (CIR:16) IMTN-MDCN FR 256/1.5 M (CIR:16/32) 128 TCP/IP FR 128 (CIR:32/8) Guam Internet Brunei AFTN+GTS 9.6 X.25 Exeter Internet 2.4 X.25 ASMC Singapore Micronesia AFTN+GTS 9.6 X.25 Internet Port Moresby AFTN+GTS 9.6 X.25 FR 256 (CIR:64) Pago-Pago Apia FR 128/256 (CIR:8) FR 64/128 (CIR:8) Honiara Internet AFTN +GTS 4.8 TCP/IP Internet RTH Jakarta AFTN + RSMC Nadi FR 64 (CIR:16) Internet RSMC Darwin FR 64/256 (CIR:8) Papeete Centre in other region Port Vila Internet FR 2M (CIR:384) FR 128 (CIR: 32) via Toulouse MTN circuit Noumea 9.6 TCP/IP Regional circuit E-mail gateway to: Cook Islands Funafuti Kiribati Niue Samoa Tokelau Tonga Melbourne/ Brisbane DRS Interregional circuit Internet Additional circuit Wellington Non – IP link IP Link FR Frame relay Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V (South-West Pacific)point-to-point circuits implementation (transmission speed in kbit/s) 5.2006 CIR Committed Information Rate

  2. GOES DCPs SADIS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS ISCS Satellite systems GMS DCPs ISCS & EMWIN Tokyo Exeter Washington Manila Fax ISCS ISCS Kuala Lumpur Guam Honolulu Brunei Countries with EMWIN receivers American Samoa Cook Islands Fiji French Polynesia FS Micronesia Guam Kiribati Marshall Islands Nauru New Caledonia New Zealand Niue Palau Papua New Guinea Samoa Solomon Islands Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Hawaii Vanuatu Wallis Island ISCS Micronesia ASMC Singapore Pago-Pago Apia Honiara Jakarta Port Moresby Port Vila RTH RSMC Nadi NMC RSMC Darwin Wallis Island Fax Centre in other regions Papeete Noumea MTN circuit Melbourne/ Brisbane DRS Regional circuit Fax Interregional circuit Wellington Radio broadcast 5-2006 Regional Meteorological Telecommunication Network for Region V (South-West Pacific)Implementation of telecommunication systems via satellite and radiobroadcasts

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