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Recycling and Affirmative Procurement. NASA will excel within the Federal Government in waste prevention, recycling, and affirmative procurement by achieving a waste diversion goal of 35% by 2010 and maintaining 100% compliance in Affirmative Procurement.
Recycling and Affirmative Procurement NASA will excel within the Federal Government in waste prevention, recycling, and affirmative procurement by achieving a waste diversion goal of 35% by 2010 and maintaining 100% compliance in Affirmative Procurement. Buying Recycled Content, Environmentally Preferable, and Bio based Products
Affirmative Procurement The process of purchasing all items containing 100 % recycled content. Also keep in mind the purchase of Environmentally Preferable products.
Environmentally Preferable Minimize the consumption of resources, energy and water Prevent the creation of solid waste, air pollution or water pollution Minimize or eliminate the use of materials or processes which compromise the environment (global warming, ozone depletion and acid rain) Promote the use of non-toxic substances and avoid toxic materials or processes
Mandates Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Section 6002 (42 USC 6962), EO 13101, Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition - 14 Sep 98 Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR), Part 23 -- Use of Recovered Materials NPG 8830.1 – Affirmative Procurement Plan Procurement Information Circular (PIC) 01-27 USDA Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-17)
RCRA Section 6002 Is The Law The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) establishes a framework for national programs stated in the FAR 23.7. This will implement cost-effective programs favoring the acquisition of environmentally preferable and energy efficient products and services
Executive Order 13101 Executive Order (EO) 13101 “Greening the Government through Waste Prevention, Recycling, and Federal Acquisition” Takes legal authority from the Resource Conservation & Recovery Act (RCRA) Is now part of EPA or State hazardous waste inspections Installations can get a Notice of Violation for failure to comply
E.O. 13101 The EO mandates RCRA’s Affirmative Procurement Program by requiring consideration of these factors below in acquisition planning. • Elimination of virgin material requirements • Use of bio based products • Use of recovered materials • Product reuse and life cycle cost • Recyclable • Use of environmentally preferable products • Waste prevention including toxicity reduction/elimination • Ultimate disposal
FAR Requirements FAR was amended to implement EO 13101 in August 2000 • 7.103 - Agency-head responsibilities • 11.002 Describing Agency Needs - Policy • 11.3 Acceptable Material • 11.304 Contract Clause • 52.211-5 Material Requirements
FAR Requirements • 13.201 General - RCRA and EO 13101 now applies to purchases at or below the micro-purchase threshold, • Subparts 23.4 and 23.7 and associated clauses revised, • 52.223-4 Recovered Material, • 52.223-9 Estimate of Percentage of Recovered Material Content for EPA-Designated Products, August 2000, and • 52.223-10 Waste Reduction Program, August 2000.
NASA’s Procedures and Guideline NPG 8830.1 Distributes Responsibility Waiver process Restated in the PIC 01-27
Exceptions Recycled-content is not required unless it is specified in the contract • Do not meet technical performance requirements • Cost more than comparable non-recycled-content products • Are sole-source items • Are not available in a timely manner
NASA’s Procurement Information Circular01-27 APPLICABILITY OF AFFIRMATIVE PROCUREMENT http://www.hq.nasa.gov/office/procurement/ regs/pic01-27.html
PIC 01-27 • Purpose- • Clarify FAR 23.405(b) • Assist acquisition personnel understanding of E.O. 13101 • Guidance • E.O. 13101 • Far 23.4 • NPG 8830.1 • Applicability • Support Service Contracts • Construction Contracts • Supply (direct procurement) Contracts • Other contracts
Recovered MaterialDefinition • Materials taken out of, or diverted from landfill which are then separated and recycled • Does not include those materials and byproducts generated from, and commonly reused within, an original manufacturing process
Post-consumer material A material or finished product that has served its intended use and has been discarded for disposal or recovery, having completed its life as a consumer item
Pre-consumer material Materials recovered for recycling prior to use by the consumer (Also known as “post-industrial” waste) Example: Carpet, includes waste from extrusion and yarn mills, clean lint and edge trim from finishing lines
Biobased Product Definition “ A product determined by the Secretary of Agriculture to be a commercial or industrial product (other than food or feed) that is composed, in whole or in significant part, of biological products or renewable domestic agricultural materials (including plant, animal, and marine materials) or forestry materials.”
Biobased products Categories • Adhesives • Construction material and Composites • Fibers, Paper and Packaging • Fuels Additives • Vegetable Oil Inks • Landscaping Materials and Compost • Lubricants and Functional Fluids • Paints and Coatings • Plastics • Solvents/cleaners • Sorbents
It is the Law • Section 9002 of Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (Public Law 107-171) • Congress provides a mechanism to increase government purchasing of biobased products • Federal Agencies are required to purchase biobased products • Is not required unless it is specified in the contract.
It is the Law • Federal Government Agencies must • Give preference in their purchasing programs • Establish Affirmative Procurement Programs for Department of Agriculture (USDA) designated biobased products within one year of guidelines publications. • Assure specifications require the use of biobased products consistent with the USDA guidelines within one year of guidelines’ publication. • Guidelines have not yet been finalized.
Training • Train and educate Center procurement, environment, and program personnel on biobased purchasing • Integrate biobased purchasing as a component into base Environmental Management System • Transmit guidance and communicate to Center personnel on importance of biobased purchasing • Training and guidance will be prepared when procurement regulations are finished in the (FAR & NFS). • Meanwhile, Center should plan its approach to “Implement cost-effective contracting preference programs promoting energy-efficiency, water conservation, and the acquisition of environmentally preferable products and service.”
Benefits • Purchasing Biobased products Stimulates new markets Enhances partnerships with industry Helps farmers Saves energy Wins awards and recognition Demonstrates environmental Stewardship Helps perform a cost-effective mission
Web Sites • Department of Agriculture http://www.usda-biobasedproducts.net/public • Department of Energy http://www.bioproducts-bioenergy.gov • Office of Federal Environmental Executive/White House Task Force on Waste Prevention and Recycling http://www.ofee.gov
EPA’s Comprehensive Procurement Guideline Item Category List • Construction Products • Landscaping Products • Non-Paper Office Products • Paper and Paper Products • Park and Recreation Products • Transportation Products • Vehicular Products • Miscellaneous Products
Where do we find the list of CPG items? • EPA designated a list of Comprehensive Procurement Guideline Items that NASA follows as a guide to buying recycled. • For more information on recycled products and product descriptions refer to the brochure and these sites. • http://www.epa.gov/cpg/products • http://www.EPA.gov/oppt/epp/ • http://www.dscr.dla.mil • http://pub.fss.gsa.gov • http://www.ofee.gov/
Government Role • Federal Government is the largest purchaser of goods and services, responsible for ~20% of the Gross National Product • Therefore, we have the ability to increase government purchases of recycled and biobased products by using the government's purchasing power to drive the solid waste recovered material markets
Training Credit Card and Purchase Card holders • NASA’s Purchase card use - $88 Million FY 2001 • 460,000 government buyers have purchase cards Over 4000 bankcard holders at NASA • Important to review Agencies credit card training and develop electronic module on the purchasing of biobased and recycled content products
Contacts NASA’s Lead Center for Recycling and Affirmative Procurement Kennedy Space Center, FL Shannah Trout (321) 867-8443 Shannah.Trout-1@ksc.nasa.gov Adrea Dempsey (321) 867-8446 Adrea.Dempsey-1@ksc.nasa.gov NASA Headquarters Environmental Management Division Mike McNeill (202) 358-1886 Recycling and Affirmative Procurement Program Manager http://environmental.ksc.nasa.gov/recycle/intro.html
WFF Contacts Environmental Procurement Joe Mitchell 1127 Jim Mitchell 1067 Marianne Simko 2127 Sandra Savage 2363 Click on Affirmative Procurement on the WFF Environmental website at: http://www.wff.nasa.gov/~code205/Services