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SEN Governors Meeting Paul Heery, School Development Adviser (Underachieving Groups and Vulnerable Children) Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion) Charlie Palmer, Assistant Head of Pupil Support October 2007. Contents.
SEN Governors Meeting Paul Heery, School Development Adviser (Underachieving Groups and Vulnerable Children) Jackie Hibbert, School Development Adviser (SEN/Inclusion) Charlie Palmer, Assistant Head of Pupil Support October 2007
Contents • Improving pupil behaviour and attendance (Paul Heery) • Update on SEN data, monitoring, and the national Inclusion Development Programme (Jackie Hibbert) • SEN finance and formula funding (Charlie Palmer) • The role of the SEN governor (Charlie Palmer) There will also be time for SEN Governors to talk together
Improving pupil behaviour and attendance Paul Heery
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning Ofsted descriptors for evaluating the standard of learners’ behaviour: • Outstanding – ‘Learners’ mature, thoughtful behaviour is an outstanding factor in their successful learning…’; • Good – ‘Learners’ behaviour makes a strong contribution to good learning in lessons.’ • Satisfactory – ‘Learners’ behaviour is acceptable in the classroom so that it does not interfere with learning and time is not wasted. They can work on their own or in small groups.’ • Inadequate – ‘Learners’ behaviour inhibits their progress or well-being in lessons more often than a few isolated occasions.’
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Social and emotional aspects of learning impact on: • Academic achievement; • Self-esteem; • Personal responsibility; • Tolerance of difference; • Workplace effectiveness; • Classroom and school behaviour; • Inclusion; • Mental health.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • The SEAL materials offer an explicit, structured, whole-curriculum framework and resource for learning and teaching social, emotional and behavioural skills for all pupils (not just those whose behaviour causes a problem); • The programme is designed around 7 whole-school themes, which run over the course of a school year;
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Key Domains; • Self-awareness; • Empathy; • Managing feelings; • Motivating ourselves; • Social skills.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning 7 themes: • New Beginnnings; • Getting on and falling out; • Say no to bullying; • Going for Goals!; • Good to be Me; • Relationships; • Changes.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Within each theme, the materials give ideas for • whole-school assemblies at the beginning and the end of each theme, • a range of class activities for each year group, • professional development materials for use at staff meetings, • small group materials, • materials for working with parents / carers, • support resources, such as photocards and posters
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning What is the LA doing? - Primary • Consultant support and training; • Support staff training; • BfL Networks.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Secondary SEAL • Whole-school approach to create the climate and conditions that implicitly promote social and emotional skills that underpin effective learning, positive behaviour, regular attendance, staff effectiveness and the emotional health and well-being of all who learn and work in schools.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Direct and focused learning opportunities (Y7); • Learning and teaching approaches; • Whole staff Cpd materials; • Whole-school ethos.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • What is the LA doing? – Secondary • Launch to all schools; • Generic consultant support; • Pilot clusters.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • Role of Governors: • Area of governor responsibility; • B and A audit; • Level descriptors for B&A; • Implementation of SEAL.
SEAL - Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning • http://bandapilot.org.uk/secondary/index.html • http://bandapilot.org.uk/primary/seal/index.html
The Inclusion Development Programme A training programme for all teachers and support staff in all schools. Launched Autumn Term 2007
Aims of the Inclusion Development Programme • To narrow the gap between those who have Special Educational Needs and the overall school population. • To focus on attainment and progress across all five outcomes of ECM Change for Children agenda.
To achieve the aims, the Inclusion Development Programme will …. • Increase the level of confidence and competence of serving teachers, other staff and trainee teachers in meeting the needs of high incidence SEN through universal and targeted activity. • Strengthen whole-school leadership support for SEN and disabilities. • Raise the awareness of school staff regarding signs of high-incident needs. • Support teachers, other school staff and trainee teachers across all phases in developing principal teaching strategies. • Help teachers to understand how to be inclusive in their teaching and how to respond to common classroom challenges.
It is a four year programme …. • During the initial stage (2007-8) the focus is on Dyslexia (Dys) and Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN). • Throughout the remaining three years, the focus will be on Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD), Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties (BESD) and Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD).
What will it look like • It will be a training package for all schools to use with all staff. It is not just material for staff working specifically with pupils with SEN. • It will draw on existing materials and good practice based on “what works well”. • A range of “blended learning approaches” will be used. • Key messages will also be available on the web.
The cascade model • Training will be given to Local Authority representatives in December. • These representatives will train school representatives in the Spring Term (1 day conference repeated in 3 venues around the county). • School representatives will be responsible for training school staff (teachers and learning support staff). • Training materials will also be cascaded to all Initial Teacher Training providers to use with trainee teachers.
The SEN governor’s role • Ask who is attending the Inclusion Development Programme training in the Spring Term (this needs to be someone who can lead training in the school). • Ask about what professional development time (either in the summer or autumn term) has been set aside for all staff to receive this training. • As part of your monitoring, discuss the impact of the training with the SENCo.
Other National Priorities Autumn Term 2007
Pupil Progress at KS2 and 3 • Expectations for pupils with SEN need to be raised. • Pupils with SEN can often make as much progress as other pupils and with good intervention can catch up with their peers. • This year, schools are asked to set targets for the percentage of pupils making 2 or more levels of progress at KS2 and KS3 in English and Maths. • SEN governors could ask about the percentage of pupils with SEN who are expected to make 2 or more levels of progress.
Pupil Progress at KS4 • There is also a drive to reduce the percentage of pupils who leave school with no GCSE equivalent qualification. • Schools have been asked to set targets for the percentage of pupils making 2 or more levels of progress from the end of KS3 in English and Maths. To make 2 levels of progress a pupil attaining L2 at the end of KS3 would need to achieve an F grade at GCSE, A pupil achieving L3 would need to achieve an E grade, etc. • SEN governors could ask about what alternative courses with GCSE equivalent qualifications are offered to pupils who might have difficulty accessing GCSE examination routes. • Schools should be encouraged to consider a broad range of qualifications rather than concentrate on English and Maths.
Disability Equality Schemes • Disability Equality Schemes – Secondary schools should have their scheme in place, Primary & Special by beginning of December 2007. Guidance and model in the guidance section of our website: www.leicestershire.gov.uk/index/education/support_for_schools/sips/aandi-supportteams/sips_sen.htm
The status of the SENCO • Status of SENCOs – must be a qualified teacher and should be on Senior Management Team (whenever possible). In future, probably from Sept 2008, all new SENCos will need to follow post-graduate level accredited training.
New regulations on exclusions • From the Autumn Term 2007, new regulations come into force on the exclusion of pupils. This includes responsibilities for the school (or Local Authority in respect of permanently excluded pupils) to make arrangements for the education of pupils excluded for more than 5 days and for schools not to exclude for a matter related to a learner’s disability. • Further details of these regulations can be found on http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/wholeschool/behaviour/exclusion/guidance2007
Finance for Special Educational Needs Charlie Palmer
Hypothecation and Virement An hypothecated budget is one in which the elements making up the budget are precisely specified, and amounts cannot be vired among different budget headings. A shopping list given to a child is a good example. It has always been the practice in the UK Treasury to argue that both Taxes and Spending are not hypothecated and similarly, it has always been argued that education budgets are not hypothecated. For governors, the non-hypothecation of budgets means that it is up to each governing body to determine local spending priorities within the overall budget. Fair Funding continues this tradition. But... “[Although budgets are not hypothecated] the Government considers it important that each school should be clear what levels and kinds of special needs it is expected to meet from its own delegated budget and how much of its delegated budget is notionally attributable to SEN." (DfEE Fair Funding Consultation Paper, 1998, page 33).
What is in the School Budget for SEN? • Notional Budget for SEN • 4% of Age weighted Pupil Unit (AWPU) funding* • £7.30 per pupils SENCO release time • Amount delegated for statements • Additional Elements • Funding for Unit Provision • Learning Support Unit and Social Inclusion Funding (secondary schools) * An additional 1% is built into the delegation formula
Section 52 Budget Statement • Financial year runs April to March • LEA issues school budget statements in March each year • LA publishes “Notional Budget for SEN” information on EIS in May • Three year school budgets will be issued each year, but future years subject to pupil data changing each year
How the Formula Works Total SEN Funding is split between Key Stages - pro rata using global pupil numbers on roll figures at each stage. Prior-Attainment (PA) drives 70% of the funding available at Key Stage 2,3 & 4 and Social Deprivation (SD) drives 30%. With Key Stage 1 this is adjusted to 50% for both as it is recognised that baseline assessments/foundation stage profiles are not as objective as SAT results. The funding per PA point figure is calculated, using the PA funding at each key stage and dividing by the total number of PA points in each of those stages. The funding per SD point figure is calculated, using the SD funding at each key stage and dividing by the total number of SD points in each of those key stages. PA points are scored by those pupils whose SAT results at Key Stage 2, 3 and 4 fall in the bottom 18% of all Leicestershire schools. For Key Stage 1 the bottom 18% of baseline assessments/Foundation Stage Profiles are used. Those in the bottom 2% score points weighted by 4, next 5% weighted by 2% and next 8% by 1. SD points are weighted numbers on roll. The multiple index of deprivation is used to rank schools in order of most deprivation. The most deprived third receive a weighting of 4 for each pupil, the next third a weighting of 2 and the bottom third a weighting of 1. The January PLASC NOR figures are used Each schools Section 52 SEN Delegation formula funding share = (PA funding per point x schools PA points) + (SD funding per point x weighted NOR) Prepared by Phil D’Mello
An Example: Section 52 Budget Statement 4% AWPU SENCO Release £7.30 per pupil
Notional Budgets for SEN Delegated funding SENCO release time: £7.30 per pupil 4% of AWPU funding Total Notional SEN Budget School details
Arrangements for 2007-08 • Transitional support budget • Budget of £85,000 agreed by schools forum for 06-07. This year schools protected by minimum funding guarantee and contingency fund* • Enhanced Packages budget • Propose to run shadow budgets and engage APSPs with decision making in 06-07 and work on formal agreement to support delegation for 07-08 approved by forum. Consultation indicates panels not ready to take on this, shadow budgets not yet prepared. • 16+ statements in mainstream • Delegation to schools agreed by schools forum in 06-07 • Balance between historic and formula funding • Gradual move to 100% formula funding over last four years • Mid year transfer support • Small budget proposed to be held centrally to help small schools with high cost pupils arriving at non-standard times. *Contingency funding can only be accessed if the school is in deficit
Rules for Additional Funding (07-08) Enhanced Packages Aim: Support schools with high cost statemented pupils Resource: £710,000 Rules: • Statement panel identify that a special school placement is appropriate, but family prefer a mainstream placement • An out county placement has been agreed but a school has not yet been identified
Rules for Additional Funding (07-08) Mid Year Transfer Support (Move In) Aim: Reduce risk to schools from high cost new arrivals Resource: £ 50K Rules: 1. Applies to pupils who have statements specifying 25 hours support or more, and transfer at non-standard times (and years) 2. All costs met when statement costs exceed delegated budget 3. Schools need to contact SENA case work officer
Budget Information – Financial Year April 2003-April 2004 Income £ a) Notional school budget for SEN (This includes: delegated amount for statements, SENCO release, and 4% AWPU (original figures distributed in April 2003)) b) Amount from centrally held budget for high cost statements £ c) Other sources of funding, e.g. Standards Fund, spent on SEN i) £ ii) £ TOTAL £ Expenditure a) Amount spent on staffing (internal) i) SENCo’s or part of SENCo’s salary £ ii) SEN support teachers £ iii) Teachers who teach small lower sets (roughly half fewer usual set numbers). £ iv) SEN teaching assistants £ v) NNEBs supporting SEN pupils £ vi) Administration for SEN £ vii) Other – please specify: £ £ £ b) Amount spent on external services , e.g. STS, consultancy i) £ ii) £ c) Amount spent on materials/resources £ d) Amount spent on INSET (include cost of supply cover, travel etc. as well as course feels) £ e) Other expenditure (please list) £ £ TOTAL £ Monitoring
The Role of the SEN Governor Charlie Palmer
The role of the SEN governor is strategic. It does not for example involve the nominated governor in attending meetings with individual parents or discussion of individual pupils. It may however involve the following: Developing and maintaining an awareness of special needs provision in the school on behalf of the governing body. Understand how the responsibilities for SEN provision are shared within the school Meet the SENCO on a termly basis to gain information about the provision made for pupils with special educational needs and to monitor the implementation of the SEN policy Discuss with school staff the outcomes of the school’s monitoring and evaluation of the provision made for pupils with special educational needs Observe at first hand what happens in school both inside and outside the classroom to ensure that SEN pupils are actively involved in all aspects of school life Take opportunities to meet and talk with parents of SEN children Keep informed about developments in the area of special educational needs, nationally, locally and within the school. Encourage the school to attend the SEN Strategic Planning Meetings, next April: Head, SENCO and SEN Governor are invited SEN Governor’s Role (1)* * Guidance for Governors from Maggi Litchfield, SEN Inspector, 2003
Supporting the implementation of the school’s Special Educational Needs Policy. Be familiar with the SEN policy and involved in its review and development Agree with the governing body, the headteacher and the SENCO the indicators which should be reported on by the school to the governing body to say whether the policy is working, and the timescale for that reporting Ensure that the SEN policy is linked to the School Improvement Plan and the budget setting process Check that the school knows how much it has to spend on SEN from the Local Authority Ensure that funds are allocated each year within the school budget specifically to cater for SEN pupils and to support the implementation of the SEN policy; be aware of the various headings under which the schools spends the SEN budget each year (i.e. resources, training, support assistants, SENCO management time, medical time etc) Monitor and evaluate the use of these funds and other resources, considering cost effectiveness and best value for money in terms of increased progress for pupils with SEN Encourage the governing body to ensure that all school policies are consistent with the aims of the SEN policy. The governing body must remember that specific information regarding SEN pupils is confidential SEN Governor’s Role (2)
Sharing information. Provide support and encouragement for staff with SEN responsibilities and champion their role within the school; provide a channel of communication between the SENCO and the governing body Discuss the outcome of school visits with the SEN Co-ordinator and the headteacher; Report on a termly basis to the full governing body on the implementation of the school’s SEN policy Prepare information for inclusion in the electronic school profile about the effectiveness and implementation of the school’s SEN policy, including information about how resources are used Encourage effective communication with parents on the school’s support for pupils with SEN – make use of newsletters, parents notice board, leaflets, school prospectus, the Annual Meeting, school social functions etc. Meeting with and reporting to the SEN governor The SEN governor and SENCO should aim to meet on a termly basis to keep up to date with SEN developments within the school and to review the implementation of the SEN policy on an ongoing basis. 2 SEN Governors in action in Devon: www.teachers.tv/video/2573(15 minutes) SEN Governor’s Role (3)
Profile of pupils with SEN number of children at school action, school action plus and with statements; number of children with different types of need (PLASC) gender and ethnic profile of children with SEN. Staff Skills when were SEN-related staff skills last reviewed? what were the outcomes of that review? what training has been undertaken? Resources resources available for SEN and how they are deployed – including: core budget (pupil-led or AWPU funding); funding for pupils with statements; funding for pupils with SEN without statements; support in kind, for example, from the educational psychology service. Disability Have we produced a Disability Equality Scheme (by December 07 for primary and special schools- LA and secondary schools by Dec 06), as required by the Disability Discrimination Act (2005).* Outcomes academic attainment for pupils with SEN and progress made (or ‘value added’) over time; pupil and parental attendance at annual reviews; exclusions – permanent and fixed term – of pupils with SEN; attendance of pupils with SEN – authorised and unauthorised. Source: Special Educational Needs: A Mainstream Issue. Audit Commission, 2002 (* updated by Leics LA) Questions for SEN Governors