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All for one and one for all? A Spanish experience of research about media convergence

All for one and one for all? A Spanish experience of research about media convergence. Ram ón Salaverría rsalaver@unav.es. 9th International Symposyum on Online Journalism. Austin (Texas), 5th April 2008. 1 st research project.

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All for one and one for all? A Spanish experience of research about media convergence

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  1. All for one and one for all?A Spanish experience of research about media convergence Ramón Salaverríarsalaver@unav.es 9th International Symposyum on Online Journalism. Austin (Texas), 5th April 2008

  2. 1st research project “The impact of the Internet on the mass media in Spain”(Funded by MCyT/MEC 2002-05) • 4 universities (UPV, USC, UMA, UN); 15 researchers • Main results: • National census of online media (01/2005) • A multidisciplinary analysis of the first decade of online media in Spain (1995-2005)

  3. Online 1.274 TV > 900 Radio > 4.000 Magazines > 7.000 media landscape in Spain (January 2005) Papers 135

  4. variables of analysis • Procedence • Type of content • Geographical distribution • Language • Timeliness

  5. procedence

  6. type of content

  7. type of content, by region Europe Spain General information Specialized information

  8. type of content, by region Catalonia General information Specialized information

  9. type of content, by region Catalonia General information Specialized information

  10. type of content, by region Catalonia Madrid General information Specialized information

  11. type of content, by cathegory

  12. language

  13. CIBERMEDIOSSevilla: Comunicación Social (11/2005) PRINT AND ONLINE NEWSPAPERS IN EUROPEAmsterdam: Het Spinhuis Publishers (12/2005)

  14. 2nd research project “Digital convergence on the media” (MEC 2006-09) • 12 universities; 24 researchers • Divided into 4 thematic groups: - technology - management - professionals - content

  15. Bilbao Santiago de Compostela Pamplona Barcelona Tarragona Madrid Valencia Alicante Elche Murcia Sevilla Málaga Europe Spain Technology Management Professionals Content

  16. 2nd research project “Digital convergence on the media” (MEC 2006-09) • Expected results: • A comprehensive understanding of convergence processes and a proposal of theoretical definition • Analysis of main media convergence cases in Spain (2009)

  17. Why researching about convergence?

  18. But, what is the real meaning of CONVERGENCE?

  19. All for one and one for all?...

  20. ...or a just medicine for a declining medium?

  21. PROCESS EFFECT convergence = integration

  22. there is a convergence process running in almost every media group ...but... there is NOT a result of integration almost in any of these groups

  23. CONVERGENCE does not deal only with newsrooms:is a multidimensional process

  24. content professional management technology areas of convergence

  25. journalistic production TECHNOLOGICAL convergence

  26. TECHNOLOGICAL convergence media usage & consumption increasingportability

  27. , ... , , ... , ... , , TECHNOLOGICAL convergence Old media blurring

  28. selfcompetition cross -promotion coordination integration still many some most MANAGEMENT convergence anyone?

  29. Ntasks for1 medium 1 task for1 medium N tasks forNmedia 1 task forN media PROFESSIONAL convergence

  30. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  31. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  32. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  33. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  34. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  35. PROFESSIONAL convergence

  36. Many media Multimedia Monomedia CONTENT convergence text + image + sound text | image | sound textimagesound

  37. print PDA web mobile TV CONTENT convergence Section Headline 2nd headline Lead (paper) Teaser (web) Body Links Photo Sound Video Semantic tags

  38. Now, we finally have a comprehensiveDEFINITION of CONVERGENCE

  39. Mediaconvergence is a multidimensional process which, facilitated by the implementation of digital technologies of telecommunication, involves the technological, management, professional and editorial spheres of the mass media, favouring an integration of tools, spaces, work methods and languages, so journalists produce contents that are distributed through multiple platforms, using the specific language of each one.

  40. Now, our research question is: is this happening in Spain? To what extent? That’s our goal for the forthcoming months

  41. 66 38 111 19 234

  42. Final thoughts

  43. Final thoughts • Media convergence is inevitable • However, convergence is a process that consists of different spheres • And each sphere has different levels of development, from a minimum to a maximum • Media groups have to decide what is the level of convergence that they need in each sphere • Confusing convergence and integration may be the cause of big management mistakes

  44. Many media Uncoordinated newsrooms (not necessarily separated) Redundancy Medium-ruled journalism Final thoughts Convergence will produce shifts like... True multimedia Coordinated newsrooms (not necessarily integrated) Complementarity Content-ruled journalism BEFORE AFTER

  45. If people want information beamed directly into their minds, we will create a cerebral cortex edition. ” Arthur Sulzberger Jr. Chairman ofThe New York Times Co., 2002

  46. CONTACT Ramón Salaverría, PhDrsalaver@unav.es Facultad de ComunicaciónUniversidad de NavarraE-31080 Pamplona, NavarraSPAINPhone: (+34) 948 425 617 Personal info: http://www.unav.es/fcom/profesores/salaverria.htm 9th International Symposyum on Online Journalism. Austin (Texas), 5th April 2008

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