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666. Ŧ HE MARK OF Ŧ HE NUMBER OF Ŧ HE BEAS Ŧ. P A R Ŧ Ŧ W Ø . A PROTESTANT REFORMATION PUBLICATION By RAND WINBURN. TO GO FORWARD LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE. The Greek letter stigma is also a word which has a significant link to the Roman Catholic Church.

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  2. The Greek letter stigma is also a wordwhich has a significant link to the Roman Catholic Church. The Greek word stigma, meaning ‘a mark branded upon the body,’ is used in the Bible, Galatians 6:17: …for I bear in my body the marks – stigmata[pl. of stigma] - of the Lord Jesus. (KJV) The Rheims Bible also translates stigmata as ‘marks.’ We now have a direct link with the letter stigma – the Beast’s number 6 - and the marks on Christ’s body caused by His crucifixion. • The Catholic Church teaches the wounds or marks of Christ’s crucifixion were 6: • Hands – 2 • Feet – 2 • Side – 1 • Head (crown of thorns) - 1 LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  3. Paul was not claiming to have the ‘miracle’ of Christ’s 6 wounds in his body. Rather, he was attesting to the tribulations he underwent for the cause of Christ. The Catholic Church has perverted the interpretation of this Scripture. Several of Roman Catholicism’s greatest saints are said to have manifested the ‘miracle’ of stigmata, including St. Francis of Assisi and St. Catherine of Sienna, to name but a few. Paul and John warn Christians that the Man of Sin and his false prophets will work signs and lying wonders by the power of Satan, II Thess. 2:9; Rev. 13:13-14. Roman Catholic Stigmatists bear the marks of the Beast, not Christ. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  4. The number 6 has further significance for Roman Catholics. There are 6 CHIEF COMMANDMENTS OR LAWS OF THE CHURCH: 1. To assist at Mass on all Sundays and holydays of obligation. 2. To fast and to abstain on the days appointed. 3. To confess sins at least once a year. 4. To receive Holy Communion during the Easter time. 5. To contribute to the support of the Church. 6. To observe the laws of the Church concerning marriage. The reader need note that Laws# 2 & # 6 fulfill the Doctrine of Devils Paul warns of in 1 Timothy 4:3 – Forbidding to marry and commanding to abstain from meats. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  5. In addition, Roman Catholics in the U. S. have 6 holydays of obligation. 1. Christmas Day 2. The Octave of the Nativity 3. Ascension Thursday 4. The Assumption 5. All Saints’ Day 6. The Immaculate Conception LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  6. Moreover, there are 6 official proofs the Catholic religion is the only true religion. 1. There is a God. 2. The soul of man is immortal. 3. All men are obliged to practice religion. 4. The religion God has revealed through Christ is worthy of belief. 5. Christ established a Church which all are obliged to join. 6. The only true Church of Christ is the Catholic Church. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  7. And lastly, though there are seven sacraments observed in the Catholic Church, no one person may partake of more than 6. 1. Baptism 2. Confirmation 3. Holy Eucharist 4. Reconciliation (Penance) 5. Anointing of the Sick (Extreme Unction) 6. Holy Orders 7. Matrimony Marriage is forbidden to clergy, and Holy Orders forbidden to those married. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  8. The Greek letter ‘Χ’ (whose number is 600) is also of significant historical importance to the Roman Catholic Church, for it is contained in the Christogram, Chi-Rho: Χ Ρ Examples of Christograms The Chi-Rho sign comprises the first two letters of the Greek word for ‘Christ’ --- Χριστός. Thus, it is used by the Catholic Church as a symbol and sign of Christ and Christianity. But it contains the number of the Beast, 600. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  9. The historical importance of the Chi-Rho Christogram lies in the fact that Constantine the Great was purported to have seen the cross in a vision, with the words, ‘In this sign conquer.’ He placed the Chi-Rho sign on the shields and banners of his soldiers, defeating Maxentius’ army who occupied Rome in A. D. 312. This caused his ‘conversion’ to Christianity, declaring Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. He is allegedly the first ‘Christian’ Roman Emperor. Chi-Rho sign and cross, symbolizing Christ crucified, seen in Constantine’s Victory Arch, Rome, Italy. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  10. This 4th century Constantinian Christogram is found in the Vatican museum. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  11. The Roman Catholic Church teaches the Christogram is a sign of Christ. Baltimore Catechism Scriptures warn us the Antichrist will bring signs which are satanic in origin, II Thess. 2:13. The Chi-Rho sign contains the number 600, which is a number of the Beast, Rev. 13:18. The Lord warns Christians that the signs used by the Antichrist, claiming to be Christian, will deceive many, but not the Elect, Matthew 24:4-5, 24. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  12. Incredible as it sounds, the Roman Catholic Church, to this day, claims that St. Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine, actually found the true Cross of Christ, along with the two crosses upon which hung the two thieves. As the legend goes, Constantine dispatched his mother, at age 80, to search out, locate and bring back these sacred objects last seen 300 years earlierin Jerusalem. Innumerable Catholic churches, worldwide, presently claim to possess pieces of Christ’s Cross found by St. Helena. A sizeable piece of the ‘relic’ is enclosed in one of the four huge piers which face the high altar in St. Peter’s Basilica. Deceived Catholics worship and weep over these ‘relics,’ which are no relics, only idolatrous stage props designed to lead them away from the true Christ, faith in whom alone is found salvation. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  13. A piece of the True Cross of Christ is allegedly contained in this crucifix displayed at the Cathedral of Oviedo, Spain. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  14. The Roman Catholic Church teaches the Cross and Crucifixes are liturgical signs of Christ, showing devotion to Christ. ¶ 1159 Catechism of the Catholic Church: “The sacred image, the liturgical icon, principally represents Christ.” ¶ 1161 “All the signs in the liturgical celebrations are related to Christ……They truly signify Christ, who is glorified in them.” However, we have proven the Cross is that sign and mark which is contained in the number of the Beast,666. Crosses and Crucifixes are signs of Antichrist. Furthermore, Christians are warned that one important characteristic of the Antichrist and his false church will be the making and worshipping of images, Rev. 13:14. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  15. Roman Catholicism demands worship of Crosses and Crucifixes. Catholic false Christ Catholic false Christ Catholic false Christ LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE The Beast and his marks.

  16. Crucifixes, comprising a Cross and Jesus idol, are considered blessed objects of devotion to Catholics. 473. Which are the blessed objects of devotion most used by Catholics? The blessed objects of devotion most used by Catholics are: holy water, candles, ashes, palms, crucifixes, medals, rosaries, and images of Our Lord, the Blessed Virgin, and the saints. Baltimore Catechism Entering and exiting church, Catholics must always dip their right hand into the holy water, kneel and cross themselves with the sign of the cross, touching their foreheads first. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE Holy Water Font St. Bernard’s Catholic Church

  17. The Roman Catholic Church calls the sign of the cross a ‘sacramental.’ Scripture calls it the ‘Mark of the Beast.’ Catholicism is not Catholic without the sign of the cross. • Examples of rituals using the sign of the cross are: • Baptism, where an indelible ‘character’ or ‘mark’ is given. • 2. Confirmation, where an indelible ‘character’ or ‘mark’ is given. • 3. Holy Orders, where an indelible ‘character’ or ‘mark’ is given. • 4. Consecration of the Eucharist to become God. • 5. Anointing of the Sick • 6. Confession • 7. Marriage ceremony • 8. Blessings given by the clergy • 9. Blessings of objects of devotion, altars, churches, etc. • 10. Exorcisms • 11. Whenever it is said, “In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.” LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  18. The sign of the cross may be seen visibly on Ash Wednesday. It is always given by the priest’s right hand placed on the subject’s forehead. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  19. The sign of the cross was emblazoned on the ensigns and clothing of the Roman Catholic Crusaders as they went about the business of stealing, killing and destroying, in the name of Christ. The very word ‘crusade’ means ‘bearing the cross’ or ‘taking up the cross.’ LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  20. The sign of the cross is frequently embedded in the Eucharist. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE This particular Eucharist contains both the sign of the cross and the number 600 of the Beast, ‘Χ’.

  21. Papal Tiaras contain crosses. The Antichrist carries a Crucifix Bishop’s Staff. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  22. A cross sits atop St. Peter’s Basilica. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  23. St. Peter’s and all Roman Catholic Cathedrals are designed in the shape of a Latin Cross. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE LATIN CROSS St. Peter’s Floor Plan

  24. Lastly, the Greek letter Ξ(whose number is 60) is also a cross. Notice that it is comprised of 3 cross bars. Ξ The Papal Cross has 3 cross bars. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  25. ONE FINAL NOTE In Rev. 15:2, the King James Version has the word and in parenthesis because it was added by the translators. And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, (and) over the number of his name….. The literal rendering of the original Greek Textus Receptus reads: “and its mark of the number of its name.” The Jesuit Rheims New Testament omits the word ‘mark’ from its text, as doesthe NASB and NIV, to name but a few. Satan does not wish Christians to know that the Mark of the Beast is found in his number, 666. LEFT CLICK ON SLIDE

  26. END PART TWO • For Further Study: • Mark of the Beast • Jesuit Origins of Futurism Proven • Why is the Antichrist Necessary? LEFT CLICK TO END SLIDE SHOW

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