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TIBO is a part of Professia Ltd.. Professia Ltd. is a development and consultancy company focusing on knowledge intensive business services Established in 2000Owned by city of Tampere, University of Tampere, Finnvera plc. and Tampere Region Growth Foundation Personnel 7, managing director Mr. Kari Kankaala, PhD.
1. Tampere International Business Office TIBO KV-HANKETOIMINTA 8.6.2005TIBO on kansainvälistämishanke, ei “kansainvälinen hanke” Vesa Kaasalainen, Johanna Valkama
2. TIBO is a part of Professia Ltd. Professia Ltd. is a development and consultancy company focusing on knowledge intensive business services
Established in 2000
Owned by city of Tampere, University of Tampere, Finnvera plc. and Tampere Region Growth Foundation
Personnel 7, managing director Mr. Kari Kankaala, PhD
3. Professia - part of the regional development network
Centre of Expertise in Knowledge Intensive Business Services KIBS
Marketing of Expertise in Tampere Region
Tampere International Business Office TIBO
Innovation activities:
Pre-Incubator services and Incubator services
IT related services:
eSME, IT Caretaker Professia Ltd.
4. The vision of Tampere Region is the goal of TIBO
”Tampere Region to become one of the world’s most attractive operating environments for knowledge intensive businesses and residential environments for experts”.
5. The background of TIBO TIBO is the third project on promoting foreign direct investments (FDI) in Tampere Region
Invest in Tampere Region was the first in the mid 1990’s
? “traditional” regional marketing
2. Invest Promotion 2001 – 2003
? targeted marketing on health technology and ICT
3. Tampere International Business Office TIBO
? strengthens the business environment, expertise and the already existing clusters
The funding comes from the city of Tampere,
5 surrounding municipalities, Centre of Expertise
program and the Council of Tampere Region
(separate project of regional marketing)
The total budget of TIBO for 2005
is appr. 430 000 €
TIBO team has four members
Finn-Medi responsible for health technology
6. The focus area of TIBO Attract and assist foreign direct investments (FDI) to locate new business operations, production, research and development units in Tampere Region
Rouse existing companies to invest more in operations in Tampere Region
7. What do we do to achieve results 1/2
9. TIBO’s services TIBO helps foreign companies locating their businesses with
Information and advisory service, regional invest promotion related databank
Assistance with company registration, dealing with authorities, premises etc.
Contacts and access to local business development services, local R&D community and key clusters
Assistance in launching of the company locally
10. Painopisteet, keihäänkärjet Koneenrakennus
Liikkuvat työkoneet, tuotantoautomaatio
Edellisiin liittyvät asiakkuudet, erityisesti ICT
Alkava ITER-laboratorio
Langaton teknologia
Nokia ja TTY, muut
Optoelektoniikan miniklusteri
Yritysrypäs ja TTY, erityisesti ORC
Terveys- ja bioteknologia
Immunologia, biomateriaalit, kudosteknologia
TaY, TTY, PSHP & yritykset, Regea
11. Maantieteelliset alueet, I
12. Maantieteelliset alueet, II
13. Target for 2004 - 2005 Our concrete target for the years 2004-2005 are the following (the figures in red are the results so far):
contacted potential companies 100-150 133
companies which visited Tampere or took part
in further negotiations 30-50 14
Positive location decisions 8-10 7
14. Knowledge based services A regional databank (for invest promotion purposes) has been created in cooperation with the TE-centre’s location and networking services
regional data that helps new business operations to locate in the region is collected in one place
Databank consists of a joint repository and of TIBO’s web site www.investintampere.com
All the information providers are collected and listed into the repository
Maintained by TIBO
Available to all partners in locationing services
16. Why Tampere?
17. Significant ICT concentration in Northern Europe Home to Nokia and other industry leaders in ICT
Application and R&D hub for ICT in Scandinavia
Several centres for fundamental and applied research
Some 300 ICT companies with 16 000 employees
Two universities with strong ICT emphasis
Test lab of Finland, focus on design and R&D Nokia, TietoEnator, Telia-Sonera Nokia, TietoEnator, Telia-Sonera
18. Mechanical Engineering and Automation
19. Health technology excellence
Information technology for healthcare
Immunology, oncology, autoimmune diseases
Implant technologies
100 M€ BioneXt Tampere Programme
International co-operation model
offers investment, collaboration
opportunities and information
for companies
20. Some global milestones achieved locallyThe 1st in the world 1974 NMT mobile call
1978 ATM machine
1984 Biodegradable implant
1991 GSM mobile call
1993 Analogue Cellular Data Card – Nokia
1994 GSM Data Card – Nokia
1995 Internet call – TeliaSonera
1995 Walking forest harvester
1996 Personal Digital Assistant - Nokia Communicator
1997 Data Suite – Nokia
1997 GSM card phone
1998 Digital x-ray image – Imix
1999 WAP Server – Nokia
2001 Gaming and camera phones
2003 FogScreen walk-through display
2003 Automated container terminal
21. Global Market Leaders in Tampere Region -> key customers Company World market share Products
Nokia 30% telecom solutions
Kalmar, Kone Cargotech > 50% container handling machinery
Sandvik-Tamrock* 35% mining and construction machinery
Timberjack, John Deere* 47% forest machinery
Metso Automation > 15% automation for process industry
Metso Minerals 15% mobile rock crushers
Kvaerner Power* 30% ‘green’ boilers
Tamglass > 50% safety glass machinery (architectural and automotive)
Bronto Skylift, FSC* > 60% fire and rescue platforms
Fastems 70% FMS multilevel flexible manufacturing systems
Ata Gears 50% spiral bevel gears for marine applications
Tamrotor, Gardner Denver* 30% ship compressors
Avant Tecno 40% mini loaders (max. one ton)
Nokian Tyres 30% eco / intelligent tyres
Sisu Diesel, Agco Group* 10% diesel engines
Raflatac 35% self adhesive laminates (+ RFID)
* Foreign investments
22. Finnair, SAS / Blue 1 and Ryanair offer several international flights every day via Helsinki, Stockholm, Copenhagen, London/Stansted, Riga and Frankfurt/Hahn
23. Operating cost examples Salary, ICT engineer, from 2000€
Salary, office workers, from 1600€
Office space 9-17€/sq metre/month
Office services from 80€/month
Data connection, LAN with 2-5 computers, 10 Mbit/s, 100€/month
Appartment rent typically 8€/sq metre/month
24. Short distances
Social services
Affordable housing
Wide range of cultural and sports events
Beautiful city and surrounding countryside
Lively and active region
Excellent infrastructure
Tampere has been voted again as the most attractive living and studying environment in Finland Tampere Region - Quality of life
25. TIBO team Tampere International Business Office
Professia Ltd.
Yliopistonkatu 60 A
33100 Tampere
+ 358 3 313 703 82
Fax + 358 3 313 703 89
Mr. Vesa Kaasalainen, M.Sc. (Eng.), Director
Tel. + 358 50 570 2329, e-mail: vesa.kaasalainen@professia.fi
Ms. Anne-Mari Järvelin, PhD, Director, Business Development
Tel. + 358 40 7056944, e-mail: anne-mari.jarvelin@professia.fi
Ms. Johanna Valkama, M.Sc. (Soc.), Project Coordinator
Tel. + 358 40 7673778, e-mail: johanna.valkama@professia.fi
Mr. Kari Kankaala, PhD, CEO, Professia Ltd.,
Tel. + 358 50 3513020, e-mail: kari.kankaala@professia.fi
Mr. Pekka Aalto, M. Sc. (Econ.), Project Coordinator
Tel. + 358 50 5945432, e-mail: pekka.aalto@finnmedi.fi
26. Thank you!Kiitos!