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Make sure you get genuine Christmas Tree Candles. Again, the best ones are from Germany. Check with the web store where you will be ordering your candle holders. In all likelihood they will also be able to supply you with the candles -- and they'll be the right ones.
OK. You're ready to "go green." You've Modern Christmas Tree found your candles and holders, and they've arrived. You have done a dry run. Everything fits. You've carefully positioned the candles on the tree and spaced them so they won't come into contact with a branch or other Christmas decoration. You've re-adjusted them and checked everything again. You know not to leave the room when the candles are going.Tah-dah! The lights are off, everybody is gathered around, the drum roll starts and you are about to light the candles. One last thing: Say a word of thanks to Martin Luther who is credited for being the first to put candles on an evergreen at Christmastime. You will enjoy the magic and wonder of your Christmas tree more than ever this year - and it will last the entire season. https://teachbesttech.org/the-modern-christmas-tree/