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Vintage Wooden Carved Door Panel

https://www.etsy.com/shop/MOGULGALLERY<br>The mystery behind old world sculptures of Buddha and different mudras call to your inner spirit. Be it the abhaya, protection mudra or the earth witness, each is special and beautiful.<br>Elaborately carved panels in natural reclaimed woods customized into barn doors at Mogul, we take great lengths to keep the old world artisan values intact. Scrolled and handcarved floral sofa chaises carry old world elegance and grace.<br>

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Vintage Wooden Carved Door Panel

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Vintage Wooden Carved Door Panel Shop: -etsy MOGULGALLERY • The mystery behind old world sculptures of Buddhaand different mudras call to your inner spirit. Be it the abhaya, protection mudra or the earth witness, each is special and beautiful. • Elaborately carved panelsin natural reclaimed woods customized into barn doorsat Mogul, we take great lengths to keep the old world artisanvalues intact. Scrolled and handcarved floral sofa chaises carry old world elegance and grace.

  2. Vintage Panel Barn Door

  3. Sliding Doors Panel

  4. Thanks For Watching Visit Our Online Store:-Etsy MOGULGALLERY

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