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DSA - India's Best Digital Marketing Institute

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  1. Welcome to DSADigital Sandip academy

  2. Optimization Of Google Ads Campaigns

  3. Team members:- Divya Sewani Kunal MeghaniHeman PatelKausha Rana

  4. PPC Ad Optimization

  5. OVERALL OVERVIEW: 1. Max CPC was Rs.30 but Avg. CPC is Rs.27.862.CTR should be 7-8% but here it is approx. 7%.

  6. ADGROUPS ANALYSIS: 1. Ad group Digital Marketing Training and google ads academy has good % of CTR as compared to DM course and DM class Ad group.2. Conversion is 0% because conversion tracking code had not been placed into website, if it would have been placed than we could be able to analyze how many conversions had been done through each ad group.3. Avg. CPC is low in DM training Ad group as compared to all other adgroups which implies that DM training was working best.

  7. KEYWORDS AND QUALITY SCORE ANALYSIS: 1. DM full course- CTR (good), high CPC, Quality score (assume) 7/10.2. DM training courses- CTR (good), Low CPC, quality score (assume) 8/103. DM classes- CTR (bad), high CPC, quality score (assume) 4/104. DM training- CTR (bad), high CPC, quality score (given) 5/10

  8. ADS ANALYSIS: AD1- Low CTR, High CPC, No conversion(assume)AD2- High CTR, Low CPC, 2-3 conversion(assume)

  9. THE BIGGEST MISTKAKE WE DID IN PPC AD:(our target location was Ahmedabad)-In advance location setting we had selected presence or interest which means people living in Ahmedabad along with people showing interest will be able to see ad. So we should select only presence.

  10. LOCATION (PINCODE) ANALYSIS: 1. We got clicks from Telangana because of the mistake shown in previous slide.2. While other pincodes, it will easy for us to target particular area from where we can get more leads.

  11. DEMOGRAPHIC(age group) ANALYSIS: -We can see that age group 18-24 has highest number of searches for this course and particularly for DM course, institute, classes and training.

  12. DEVICE ANALYSIS: - Mobile phone has highest % of CTR as compared to computers and tablet. - Also implies that website is mobile friendly.

  13. As shown in the above picture, this is a Display Campaign based on two display targeting methods Demographic and Keyword. • In the above picture the full overview of campaign is shown. It includes total clicks, total impressions, average CPC & total cost. Display Demo & Keyword [ Responsive ] Ad

  14. Demographic Targeting • As seen in the above picture, we are taking about Demographic Targeting. • The age group where there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining irrelevant should be removed from the campaign.

  15. Keyword Targeting • There are some keywords where the impressions are good but clicks are less due to which average CPC increases and CTR decreases. Conversion rate is also 0%. So in such cases which need to recheck particular targeting, recheck our ads and work on it as a result impression increases, clicks increases and due to this average CPC decreases, & CTR will increases. And because of this ad will be forming well which results in high conversion rate. • On the other hand there are some irrelevant keywords where there are Zero clicks & impressions, 0% CTR, 0% conversions so such keywords should be removed from the campaign.

  16. Location – Ahmedabad [ Postal Code] • As seen in the above picture we are taking about Location Targeting -Ahmedabad and this are different postal codes of Ahmedabad. • The Postal Code where there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining irrelevant should be removed from the campaign.

  17. Device Report • As seen in the above picture, we are taking about device targeting. • The Devices on which there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining should be removed from the campaign.

  18. Display Demo & Placement [ Responsive ] Ad • As shown in the above picture, this is a Display Campaign based on two display targeting methods Demographic and Placement. • In the above picture the full overview of campaign is shown. It includes total clicks, total impressions, average CPC & total cost.

  19. Demographic Targeting • As seen in the above picture we are taking about Demographic Targeting. • The age group where there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining irrelevant should be removed from the campaign.

  20. Placement Targeting • In placement there we have targeted websites, applications, Youtube channels. • There are some websites, applications and yt channel where the impressions are good but clicks are less due to which average CPC increases and CTR decreases. Conversion rate is also 0%. So in such cases which need to recheck particular targeting, recheck our ads and work on it as a result impression increases, clicks increases and due to this average CPC decreases & CTR will increases. And because of this ad will be forming well which results in high conversion rate. • On the other hand there are some irrelevant websites, yt channel and applications where there are Zero clicks & impressions, 0% CTR, 0% conversions so such targeting should be removed from the campaign.

  21. Location – Ahmedabad [ Postal Code] • As seen in the above picture we are taking about Location Targeting -Ahmedabad and this are different postal codes of Ahmedabad. • The Postal Code where there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining irrelevant should be removed from the campaign.

  22. Device Report • As seen in the above picture, we are taking about device targeting. • The Devices on which there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is good that should be kept and remaining should be removed from the campaign.

  23. Display Demo & Keyword [Upload] Ad • This is a Display Campaign based on two display targeting methods, demographic and keyword, as seen in the image above. • The above photo shows a detailed framework of the campaign. It includes the total number of impressions, total clicks, average CPC, and total cost.

  24. Demographic Targeting • We're talking about Demographic Targeting, as seen in the image above. The age demographic with the highest number of impressions, views, and CTR, as well as the lowest cost and highest conversion rate, should be retained, Remaining irrelevant that are no longer applicable should be excluded from the campaign.

  25. Keyword Targeting • There are several keywords with high impressions but low clicks, resulting in an increase in minimum CPC and a decrease in CTR. The conversion rate is also 0%. So, in campaign where we need to recheck specific targeting, we recheck our ads and focus on it, and as a result, impressions increase, clicks increase, and as a result, average CPC decreases and CTR increases. As a result, the ad will shape well, resulting in a high conversion rate. • In the other hand, there are some irrelevant keywords with zero clicks and lower impressions, 0% CTR, and 0% conversions that should be excluded from the campaign.

  26. Location – Ahmedabad [ Postal Code] • As seen in the image above, we're talking about Location Targeting -Ahmedabad, and these are different postal codes in Ahmedabad. • The Postal Code with the highest number of views, clicks, and CTR, as well as the lowest cost and highest conversion rate, should be kept, while the others should be excluded from the campaign.

  27. Device Report • We're talking about device targeting, as seen in the image above. • Devices with the most impressions, clicks, a good CTR, a low cost, and a high conversion rate should be kept, while the others should be excluded from the campaign.

  28. Display Demo & Placement [ Upload ] Ad • This is a Display Campaign focused on two display targeting approaches, Demographic and Placement, as seen in the image above. • The above image shows the overview of campaign. It includes total clicks, total impressions, average CPC and total cost.

  29. Demographic Targeting • As seen in the above image, we are discussing Demographic Targeting. The age group with the highest number of impressions, clicks, and CTR, as well as the lowest cost and highest conversion rate, should be kept while the others should be excluded from the campaign.

  30. Placement Targeting • We also targeted websites, apps, and YouTube channels for placement. There are some websites, apps, and YouTube channels where the impressions are positive However, since there are less clicks, the average CPC increases and the CTR decreases. The conversion rate is also 0%. So, in cases where we need to recheck specific targeting, we recheck our ads and work on it, and as a result, impressions increase, clicks increase, and as a result, average CPC decreases and CTR increases. As a result, the ad would be well developed, resulting in a high conversion rate. • In the other hand, there are certain irrelevant websites, YouTube channels, and apps with zero clicks and impressions, 0% CTR, and 0% conversions, and such targeting should be excluded from the campaign.

  31. Location – Ahmedabad [ Postal Code] • As seen in the above picture, we are discussing Location Targeting -Ahmedabad, and these are different postal codes in Ahmedabad.. • The Postal Code with more impressions, clicks, CTR, and conversion rate should be kept, while the remaining irrelevant should be excluded from the campaign.

  32. Device Report • We're talking about device targeting, as seen in the image above. • The devices with more impressions, clicks, a good CTR, a low cost, and a high conversion rate should be kept, while the others should be excluded from the campaign..

  33. VIDEO CAMPAIGNS OPTIMIZATION Impressions is 594 And Total Views is 50 . Max CPV is 5 but Avg . CPV is approx. 2 View rate is good 9%. :

  34. VIDEO CAMPAIGN ADGROUPS ANALYSIS This is Ads Of video Campaign based on two videos methods, Skippable ads and Non Skippable Ads (OR Bumper ads) as seen in the image above. The above photo shows a detailed framework of the campaign. It includes the total number of impressions, total clicks, average CPV, and total cost.

  35. YouTube instream ad (Skipable) The above photo shows a detailed framework of the campaign. It includes the total number of impressions, Views , cost average CPV, and total cost, conversion(assume

  36. Device Report We're talking about Gmail device targeting in above image. Devices with the most impressions, clicks, a good CTR, a low cost, and a high conversion rate should be improving while the others should be excluded from the campaign.

  37. GMAIL CAMPAIGN OPTIMIZATION As shown in the above picture, this is a Gmail Campaign based targeting methods. In the above picture the full overview of campaign is shown. It includes total clicks, total impressions, average CPC & total cost.

  38. KEYWORD ANALYSIS CTR of keyword learn digital marketing and digital marketing course beginners is good as compared to others and their CPC is also less

  39. Device Report As seen in the above picture, we are taking about device targeting. The Devices on which there are more impressions, clicks, CTR is good , Cost is minimum, conversion rate is 0 that should be in improving and or should be removed from the campaign.


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