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Tata Leased Line @ 9206776070

Tata Leased Line: 9206776070 -Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Mumbai, Noida

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Tata Leased Line @ 9206776070

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A leased line is a dedicated, fixed-bandwidth data connection. It allows data-hungry businesses to have a reliable, high-quality internet connection with guarantees of upload and download speed, uptime and resilience. “Leased” refers to the connection which is rented by the Internet Service Provider (ISP) directly to a business, resulting in a service above and beyond what standard broadband provides. Leased lines usually have these distinctive characteristics: Name :RajaGopalPMobileNo. 9206776070EmailID :info@tatanet.in TATA Leased Line: 9206776070

  2. A leased line can directly connect to the public internet through a dedicated fiber optic cable. Here you do not need to share the infrastructure. Fiber leased line is there solely for the purpose of serving you and it is not shared with any other individual or user. The speed of this leased line ranges from 2 Mbps to 10 Gbps.

  3. contact us Name :RajaGopalPMobileNo. 9206776070EmailID :info@tatanet.in

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