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Semalt Expert: How To Make Website Traffic Unavailable To The Google Analytics Reports

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Semalt Expert: How To Make Website Traffic Unavailable To The Google Analytics Reports

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  1. 23.05.2018 Semalt Expert: How To Make Website Tra?c Unavailable To The Google Analytics Reports Nik Chaykovskiy, the Semalt Senior Customer Success Manager, states that it is possible to set up an exclusion ?lter while using a browser cookie. The intention here is to make all website visits unavailable to the reports in Google Analytics. Method 1 Google Analytics help forum includes an advice on to how to exclude internal traf?c. This process is intended to ?lter out the traf?c directed to the website, away from the people in a corporate network. Analytics usually tracks all actions to create a perception of how external customers and users interact with the site. Internal traf?c patterns are different from those coming from the external source. If the two data combine, it may become dif?cult to determine how many of the customers genuinely interact with the website. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1335.html 1/3

  2. 23.05.2018 For example, in an e-commerce website, some of the traf?c emanates from internal activities like stress testing. These tend to send a large number of hits to a particular page. A large number of hits on this page may make it dif?cult to discern which were from the customers and those from the stress testing. Come up with a ?lter to prevent internal traf?c from affecting the data. Search the current public IP address from "what is my IP address." The administrator will inform on the company's IP address and its subnets. Leave the ?lter type box. Select Exclude from the select ?lter type. Select traf?c from the IP address the box that asks for the source or destination. The appropriate expression goes into the select expression drop down menu. One can either insert an IP address or a regular expression. After one completes this, make sure that the ?lter works. There is an option of verifying most of the types of ?lters before one can save them. It is not possible to use the same way to con?rm an IP ?lter. The Google Tag Assistant serves this purpose. Install the extension to your browser to begin recording the ?ow to the website. Open analytics report and navigate to change locations in the left-hand panel. Include the IP address that one wishes to exclude from the report. Update and save the new settings. Tag assistant recordings conducts a re-evaluation with the new ?lters entered. The code for excluding traf?c for cookie content thus follows the following format: &It;body > Method 2 If the code does not work, forums on the same suggest using a slightly different codes. Google recommends using the pageTracker._setVar('test_value'), which some users claim not to have worked for them. The alternative is to use _gaq.push(['_setVar','test_value'] If it does not work, then move to the third method. Method 3 On researching stack over?ow, the suggested examples from online users is to add the following codes: https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1335.html 2/3

  3. 23.05.2018 var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setVar', 'exclude_me']); _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-xxxxxxxx-x']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); The second method indeed works according to one user who had previously used the three methods in vain previously. Conclusion These methods are the ways through which one can use to exclude their activities off the Google Analytics report by using a cookie for the browser. If they do not work, try adjusting and appropriately applying the ?lter settings to the pro?le one uses. https://rankexperience.com/articles/article1335.html 3/3

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