

Why Society Is Better Off Swimming Nude Without Bathing Suits I'm not one of those nudies that feels compelled to be nude 24 / 7, and I might say that many nudists can not be and do not care to be naked everywhere, all the time. (I've mentioned this before in the common myths about nudism.) I'm fairly comfortable wearing clothes in the wintertime. I get cold quite easily and am thankful for the jumpers I have to keep me warm. Though I'm not much into fashion or clothes shopping, I do like dressing up occasionally and expressing myself with particular colors, fabrics and styles. Howeverthere is one item of clothing that I prefer to keep hidden and forgotten within my dresser: my bathing suit. The bathing suit is among the most worthless articles of clothing ever invented by mankind. It doesn't help you bathe or swim. Its only intention is really to cover up the body parts that American culture (and other cultures) has deemed obscene: behinds, genitals and FEMALE nipples. In the U.S., the general consensus seems to be: remove bathing suits and all hell will break loose. The beach will become overrun with public sex and perverts. This comes from our society's gymnophobia (fear of nudity) and the idea that nudity = sex. The truth is, we may do just as well as without bathing suits, if not better. Swimming nude used to function as the norm in ancient Greek culture. Bare health spas have been with US for centuries. In America, naked swimming was compulsory and considered the standard at YMCA's and in schools up until the 1970's. Many of today's nude beaches have been with US for decades, showing that all kinds of individuals can indeed swim and sunbathe naked jointly with civility and respect. Actions of public sex are illegal at a unclothed beach just like anywhere else. Although bathing suit has gradually shrunk down from full-length costumes to today's teeny bikini, the practices of skinny dipping and nude sunbathing have not disappeared. The liberating feeling of swimming without a suit is a common reason people get into nudism. Felicity Jones Naked Bathing and Swimming at "Enormous Deep," Woodstock, New York Sure, folks can wear swimsuits as a sort of self expression. You will find all kinds of swimsuit designs out there. But I 'd argue the distress, annoyance and cost far outweigh any enjoyment you might feel from wearing a trendy suit that fits. Here's why I believe we had all be better off without bathing suits: 1. They're uneasy, tight and restricting before you even go in the water. You then swim and get it wet now you have chilly, sopping wet material clinging to your skin. If you were swimming in the ocean or at a sandy playa, you have likely got some sand in your crotch, also. You get out of the water, and now the remainder of your naturally-water-repellant skin dries while the suit stays wet for at least the next 15 - 30 minutes. For girls who sit in wet bottoms, this can be the ideal breeding ground for a yeast infection. That should be a fairly big clue that we're not meant to be wearing . They are unhygienic and unsanitary. Swimsuit materials snare detergents, perspiration, dirt, fecal matter and bacteria and after that take all that right into the public pool. This may lead to the spread of Recreational Water Illnesses (RWI's). This really is why it's important to shower before entering a pool. But how many people truly shower first at American public pools? According to 2012 survey by the Water Quality and Health Council, just 32% of American adults said they always shower first, and many Americans - 44% -don't even think a pre-swim shower is needed. And due to America's peculiar hangups about nudity, how many of that 32% are showering within their swimsuits and still entering the pool with germs attached? We probably have the filthiest public pools of any developed nation. Ever swim in a pool with a strong chlorine smell? That's not an index of a clean pool. The truth is it is a result of impurities from people's bodies mixing with chlorine in the water. This creates chloramines, which give off that irritating odor. Needless to say, the preemptive shower is much easier and more effective when done nude. And any bacteria, fecal matter, sweat, germs, etc., that get trapped in suits could be prevented completely if everyone swam bare. When children were required to swim nude at the Y, hygiene was the main reason given, and it's still a good reason. Though we now have better chemical technology, chlorine is just not some wonder pool cleaner. Hot Tub Rules Sign at Lake Como Naturist Resort The cleanest pools in America can likely be found at naturist resorts. No one is bringing in impurities from their clothing, and resort pools frequently have multiple signs instructing individuals to shower before entering. And if you don't, a club member is likely to remind you because they want a clean pool. 3. Bathing suit shopping. As if anyone needed evidence, Australian psychologist Marika Tiggemann's 2012 study on body image and swimsuits found that get stressed and depressed just thinking about swimsuit shopping. Most folks seem to approach it with the maximum amount of anticipation as a trip to the dentist, and with good reason. Every spring, we're surrounded by advertisements about the best way to get the perfect "bikini body," eg thin, tanned and toned with no cellulite, wrinkles or imperfections. It is a message that only one kind of body fits in a bikini or any sort of revealing swimsuit. Some body-positive efforts happen to be trying to challenge this in the past few years with memes saying that bikinis are for everyone. However the bikini-body magazine stories, work outs and products will continue to sell so long as a gain can be made of course. The ever-dreaded bikini season Body-favorable bikini meme - "How to get a bikini body: place a bikini on a body" But even when you can dismiss all the body-shaming media and advertisements, you are still faced with the job of finding a swimsuit that fits well. For "plus-size" girls and girls with large breasts, it's like searching for a needle in a haystack. When you do locate your sacred grail of a suit, you're lucky if it doesn't come with a hefty price tag. Here is a tweet that kind of sums my feelings: "It Is rather annoying that I need certainly to pay like $120 for a swimsuit, like you actually are a piece of cloth that covers my nipples." How much of a relief would it be to bypass this whole process and visit a bare beach or nude pool instead? Plus, the "unsanitary" factor applies to swimsuit shopping as well - those new swimsuits at the store are covered in all sorts of nasty bacteria! 4. SexXy double standards. The swimsuit business is all about sexually objectifying women. Lots of swimsuits are made to accentuate a woman's cleavage and booty. The over-sexualization of breasts is part of the reason we're forced to wear tops at all. Victoria's Secret adds the word "hot" into the names of each and every one of their bathing suits. This is, again, about "bikini body" standards, but it sends the message that girls should wear bikinis to allow them to look "hot" and attract the (heterosexual) male gaze. Why else would we go to the plage, right? Of course people need to look and feel good in what they wear. But women are only people who want to love the playa like everyone else in a bathing suit that hopefully fits right and feel comfortable (if we need to wear one). It seems counterintuitive, but naked beaches and nudist resorts create a more equal and less sexual environment because everyone is naked. As for men, I understand some guys want that America would embrace the speedo already. But be happy you can lawfully wear one, guys. If I showed up at the plage or pool in a speedo, I Had really quickly be detained or shown the door in most areas. It's been 80 years since men gained the right to be topfree in public, and girls are still waiting for the same right (in most states / cities). Tobias "Never Bare" attempting on a speedo on TV Show Arrested Development


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