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Four Tips To Maintain Your Sash Windows

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Four Tips To Maintain Your Sash Windows

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  1. Four Tips To Maintain Your Sash Windows Over the years wooden sash windows remain to be popular amongst property owners due to their timeless and elegant design. Regardless of if it is a stylish modern apartment or a period property, maintaining your, sash windows can enhance the look of your property. When given the correct attention and care, your sash windows can last a lifetime. But, then again, from time to time, your wooden sash windows might need repairs and restoration to spruce up their look. However, with the help of a reputable property maintenance service company, this can be done effectively and is cost-efficient. With wooden sash windows, property owners must maintain their windows to keep them looking good. Here are four tips on how to maintain your sash windows to prevent repair and restoration. Paint Your Windows: Sash and wooden windows should be painted regularly to avoid the timber deteriorating and enhance their appearance. If possible, your windows should be re-painted every three to four year to help safeguard your windows from the daily elements. If you have limited time available to execute this restoration task, there are numerous property maintenance service companies in the United Kingdom that can assist you. Maintain your Windows Insulation: Most of the heat in the winter months is lost due to poorly insulated windows. Openings around your wooden windows let cold air come in and the home will feel colder. With colder rooms, your energy cost will increase, which is definitely not beneficial for you. By draught- proofing your home will be an alternative solution to keep warm air in and cold air out. Check Your Windows for Rot: Wooden and sash windows are prone to rot due to being subjected to outside elements such as rain, dampness, and snow. When your windows start to rot, it is not just unsightly to look at, but will produce blackish blemishes, peeling paint and the structural integrity of the wood will be weekend. Luckily, this is not a huge problem to fix, since any property maintenance company can assist you to restore your windows looking like new. Reduce Decay: One of the most general causes of timber decay is the presence of moisture. To keep decay at bay, it is essential to keep your wooden sash windows dry and clean. But, then again, from time to time decay can occur if not adequately painted. If decay has already taken place, it is essential to restore the rotten timbers or have them replaced.

  2. Eliminate rattles and draughts: Window rattles can be very annoying when the wind blows, and you are trying to get a good night’s rest. Unfortunately, wooden sash windows are more susceptible to rattles and draughts than normal windows. Sometimes the airtight seal around the window frames declines, allowing a cold breeze to come in and making your window rattle. To prevent this from happening it is necessary to seal openings around the frame. One of the most effective and affordable methods of improving the efficiency of your windows is draught-proofing. A maintenance service company can assist you with this restoration project and advise you on the best materials to use on the market. In conclusion, wooden sash windows are timeless designs that remains popular by homeowners. If maintained correctly, your windows can last for many decades to come. However, if you have experienced some of the problems mentioned above, then it is always best to consult with a property maintenance service company. They are skilled in their field of work and will give you informed advice and restoration services to keep your wooden sash windows looking like new. About Us: Nexus Of Bath is one of the fastest-growing property maintenance service companies in the United Kingdom. With more than 15 years of experience in delivering high levels of customer services this family-owned and operated company has dedicated itself to assisting commercial and home environments alike. We pride ourselves in retaining clients as well as moving forward into new areas and meeting the challenges of a fast-moving market. We continue to strengthen our relationships with customers by offering a flexible service and developing our capabilities to meet your changing needs. For more about us visit: https://www.nexusofbath.co.uk.

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