

Young Naturist Causes and Support Of Artists 4 Israel Golan Endeavor (This post was composed and published by Jordan Blum) For the longest time neither Felicity, Naturist Portal nor myself have responded to any of the innumerable negative opinions or absurd accusations made by some folks (largely from within the Naturist and Naturist communities). But something happened when we released the announcement of the upcoming event by Artists 4 Israel. The second we published the statement we started receiving all kinds of remarks. While most of the comments were encouraging, a growing amount of them were negative. Artists 4 Israel Golan Job Therefore I would like to take this chance to address some of the issues. For people who are unaware, allow me to begin by outlining some of the facts: The Artists 4 Israel occasion was not created by FKK The function is made to raise money to be able to to dress up some of the bomb shelters in the Golan Heights The Golan Heights edges Syria and with all the instability in that country there is a risk that individuals in Israel, especially in the Golan, might get shelled. This would mean that people (and children) might have to spend time (maybe days or weeks in the bomb shelters) The Artists 4 Israel job intention: "Using art and beauty across the Golan to counteract the anxiety and uncertainty of strikes from Syria" Artists 4 Israel is a real organization, and they were approached by the Golan Municipalities. I understand how dreary and depressing they're able to be. Here are a few of the comments we received: The Golan Heights is not on the border with Syria, it is Syrian territory illegally annexed by Israel. This group is attempting to use artwork and partying to distract from Israel's oppressive practices. A awful notion that supports illegal settlement and Apartheid! There were also much more disturbing comments on . Some made remarks that insinuated that Israel as a state (and the Jewish population that resides there) do not need a right to exist. Some took it a bit farther and insinuated that by default - I (as in myself personally) do not have the right to exist. For the record I want to officially say - Screw everyone who believes that one innocent child's suffering is less critical than another! So with that in mind. Allow me to only say to those people who made the comments - "You're Behaving Like Fairly The Asses" (and I mean it in the bottom of my heart). To those who singled me out - "I am here and yes I am Jewish - Deal with it!" I'd like them to notice the following facts: We never said no to helping out a fundraiser for the people of Syria. We failed to turn down any organization which was legitimately attempting to do good in this world. We've always been supportive of organizations which are willing to accept our worth. Especially those that go thus far as to incorporate them into a central part of their occasion. The interactions with the event organizers has been nothing but warm, respectful and positive. And within an industry that's less than forwards believing or open minded and supportive. So with that in mind I think it's time for all you hate mongerers of late to put your money where your mouth is. Go out and create a transparent collaborative event that incorporates and celebrates the love and approval we've for folks - the human beings themselves. Stop bitching and creating play because you appreciate ranting in public! Kick the ego out and get to work! If care then focus on creating something positive rather than attempting to hinder our efforts and creating drama. Once you've it all together then let us know :) Till then - please act with respect and note that we're doing what we can, with what we need certainly to send an optimistic message. It is ABOUT THE LOVE! Genuinely, Jordan Blum Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK Type: Naked News, Naked Art and Artistic Nudity, Naked Party and Naked Parties, Public Nudity and Being Naked In Public, Societal Nudity Sites About the Author (Author Profile) Jordan Blum is a lifelong nudie and co-founder of Naturist Portal.


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