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Joan T. McNamara Commander Assistant Commanding Officer Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau

United States Department of Justice. Joan T. McNamara Commander Assistant Commanding Officer Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau. LAPD SAR OVERVIEW. Mandated Suspicious Activity Reporting Special Order No. 11- March 5, 2008 Revised Incident Report Development of MO Codes

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Joan T. McNamara Commander Assistant Commanding Officer Counter-Terrorism and Criminal Intelligence Bureau

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Presentation Transcript

  1. United States Department of Justice Joan T. McNamara CommanderAssistant Commanding OfficerCounter-Terrorism andCriminal Intelligence Bureau

  2. LAPD SAR OVERVIEW • Mandated Suspicious Activity Reporting • Special Order No. 11- March 5, 2008 • Revised Incident Report • Development of MO Codes • Training – Command Staff, Officers, Civilians • Community Engagement – • i Watch, i Report, i Keep Us Safe

  3. ESTABLISHMENT OF TERRORISM RELATED “MO” CODES Draws diagrams or takes notes (building plans, locations of cameras or security personnel, etc.) Acquires or attempts to acquire illegal explosives / precursor agent Multiple Passports / ID’s / Travel Documents

  4. 469 Square Miles 570 Critical Infrastructure Locations Population ~ 4 million 2008 Part I Crimes – 123, 787 1826 SARs YTD LAX 994 SARs Central 172 SARs West LA Area 78 SARs Harbor Area 54 SARs West Valley 53 SARs 53 172 78 SAR Analysis / Crime Overlay Detect Basic Patterns Strategic Analysis Tactical Analysis Top SAR Activity 994 54 Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  5. 36 Arrests JTTF LAPD Anti-Terrorism Investigation Section LAPD Criminal Investigation Section LAPD Criminal Conspiracy Section LAPD Organized Crime Section 1826 Total LAPD SARS Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  6. LAPD Bomb Squad Future of Bomb Related Calls… Attach Device X-rays and Photos to each Record Management Accountability 213 SARS 23 Arrests 7 Post Blast Investigations Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  7. SAR 08-05-14786 SAR 08-05-14977 1000 pounds of illegal fireworks Parolee #8 Parolee #10 SAR 08-05-16679 SARs - Bomb Calls vs. Bomb Parolees Parolee #12 Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  8. At fence line. Takes Photos Takes Photos Fence line alarm activated. IP observed in driveway Takes Photos Displays Police-like badge, Id’s self as PO. Asks questions about security. Hole in fence line Suspicious Photography. Front parking lot. TC Report. Breach of fence Takes Photos Cut hole in fence line. GTA. Takes Photos Vehicles loitering at fence line Suspicious Video taping Takes Photos. In possession of gun and propane IP observed in driveway Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  9. Daily Processing of New SARS JTTF Case Referrals Analysis Better Case Prioritization Reallocation of Resources Due Diligence on Each and Every SAR SAR Management Report - Tracking Critical Infrastructure Location – SAR Reports

  10. Success Story • Hollywood Detective reports that a local “98 cent” store owner is selling illegal high caliber assault rifles. • SAR created. • Resulted in Arrest of foreign national for 12280 A(1) PC (Transportation of an assault weapon) and 550 PC (Insurance Fraud). • Recovery of a cache of weapons.

  11. Success Story • Employee at local Cleaner’s discovers detailed photos of the Burbank airport on a thumb drive found in laundry • Photos of non-esthetic value • Initiates call to local police • SAR created • Investigation Opened and Closed.

  12. SAR Crime and Arrest • LAPD Vice Detectives conduct investigation. • Find gaming devices at a local laundromat. • Suspect - extremely nervous and agitated. • Major Crimes SAR Unit contacted. • SAR created. • SAR Investigation. • SAR Arrest.

  13. SUCCESS STORY • LAPD MOTOR OFFICER • Motor officer conducts a traffic stop • Driver appeared extremely nervous driver unable to answer routine questions • Discovered an expired international drivers license • Officer contacted LAPD counter-terrorism Major Crimes Division • Officer completed a SAR • Further investigation revealed that the vehicle was of interest

  14. The Success of SAR in Los Angeles Management Accountability • Reallocation of Resources • Case Prioritization • Dissemination • Prevention Strategies


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