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Reginald Hernaus Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment VROM

Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005. Objective: sharing of experience. Framework: Implementation of the LAC CDM MoUsThe Netherlands/"VROM":As Purchaser of CERs;As an Annex-I Designated National Authority (DNA) for the CDM;As EU Lead Negotiator for the CDM . Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005.

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Reginald Hernaus Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment VROM

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Presentation Transcript

    1. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 Reginald Hernaus Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment (VROM)

    2. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 Objective: sharing of experience Framework: Implementation of the LAC CDM MoUs The Netherlands/VROM: As Purchaser of CERs; As an Annex-I Designated National Authority (DNA) for the CDM; As EU Lead Negotiator for the CDM

    3. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 1) As Purchaser (1) Objective: 67 Mton CO2e (one third of the Netherlands Kyoto commitment) CDM Purchase Programme (#2000) Advantages as an early starter? 16 February 2005 2005 crucial for all purchasers/the CDM

    4. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As Purchaser (2) Market Developments Impact of: 16 February 2005 EU Emission Trading Scheme CDM modalities and procedures EB deliveries (Management Plan) Reconsideration of CDM (AAUs)?

    5. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As Designated National Authority(1) Facilitator CDM Purchase Programme Third Party Purchasers (EU ETS) EB guidance not always clear (approval/authorisation) EU ETS (including CDM/JI) requires the publication of a procedure with objective criteria: interim regime

    6. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As Designated National Authority (2) Netherlands line to take on approval/authorisation: Light regime thus enabling a carbon market Bottom line: The authorising Party remains responsible (need to ensure: para 33 MA)

    7. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As Designated National Authority (3) CDM Procedures and Modalities OECD Guidelines and Conventions (e.g. bribery, child labour) EU Directive for Public Procurement for Services (sections 29 and 30) Signed Declaration for Compliance with Supportive Evidence

    8. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As Designated National Authority (4) Party involved(para 40) implies: Host Country Party (Preference! e.g. Bolivia vis-a-vis Grontmij Nederland); thus enabling unilateral registration EU Companies

    9. Taller CAF Punta del Este, 21-22 Abril 2005 As EU negotiator for the CDM Despite COP-10 lack of progress EB restructuring Management Plan a priority, but avoid EB bashing Maximum historical production level instead of existing production capacity for HFC23? Unilateral Registration/CDM? Future CDM at stake (impact post-Kyoto)!

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