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Yves Klein. The 1 st postmodern alchemist. http://www.images.google.com.
Yves Klein The 1st postmodern alchemist http://www.images.google.com
Yves Kleinwas born in Nice, France on April 28, 1928. He was schooled in France and studied judo, among other things. In the early to mid 1940s, he met Arman Fernandez and Claude Pascal, who encouraged him to paint. He began working in monotones. In the 1950’s he traveled and did more studying. He entered his blue period in 1957 and one year later he began using live models as paintbrushes. He did lots of performance art, including symphonies. In 1962 he appeared in a film called Mondo Cane. He died suddenly on June 6, 1962. http://members.aol.com/mindwebart3/MrKleinfire2.htm
Plaster cast of Arman, 1962This piece was featured in the exhibition Antagonismes 2: L’Objet and displayed at the Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris. http://members.aol.com/mindwebart3/page29.htm
The Monotone SymphonyMarch 9, 1960 http://home.sprynet.com/~mindweb/page30.htm
“The myth is in art” -Klein http://images.google.com
Resulting Paintings from The Monotone Symphony http://images.google.com
“Would not the future artist be he who expressed through an eternal silence an immense painting possessing no dimension?” –Klein, from the Chelsea Hotel Manifesto http://images.google.com
“Long live the immaterial!” –Klein http://www.yvesklein.de/