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Even under the most sanitary conditions, you may have bedbugs. Instead of living uncomfortably with them, why not take steps to minimize that burden?
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs A Guide for Homeowners A Guide for Homeowners Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs What Are Bedbugs? Bedbugs insects. They’re about 3/16 inch long (size of an apple seed) and easily visible to the naked eye. They are wingless, but are fast crawlers. Their bodies are very flat with slender legs and antennae. are small reddish-brown Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs Facts About Bedbugs Bedbugs do not occur only in poor and insanitary conditions. Both male and female bedbugs bite and consume blood. Blood meals are necessary for the growth of juveniles and the reproduction of females. Bedbug bites are usually painless, during which the host is normally fast asleep. Immature bedbugs look like the adults but are smaller and often lighter in colour. Bedbugs feed on the blood of humans. Bedbugs were drastically reduced after World War II by the use of pesticides that are no longer available for use. A bedbug feeds for only 3-10 minutes after biting and usually feeds every few days. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs Reactions to Bedbug Bites Though painless during biting sessions, bedbug hosts tend to have different reactions. Within a day of the bite(s), most people then experience itching, pain, and/or swelling of the skin where the bedbug bite occurred. This is most common on the arms, face, hands, back or other exposed areas Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How to Treat Bedbug Bites To treat bedbug bites, it’s important to control itching and inflammation. Antihistamines and/or corticosteroids can be prescribed to reduce allergic reactions. If secondary antimicrobial ointments can be used. Note: Medically treating bedbug bites do not erase their presence. infections occur, Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs Are Bedbugs Harmful to Your Health? Bedbugs do not transfer disease organisms after feeding on multiple hosts. Bedbugs do, however, reduce the quality of life as they incite discomfort, embarrassment, sleeplessness, and anxiety. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How to Identify Bedbugs Bedbugs shed during metamorphosis. You should be able to see spots of excrement and blood spots or stains on upholstered furniture, walls, and beddings. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How to Identify Bedbugs Under the gauze covering of box springs Behind bed headboards Behind objects mounted on a wall Inside cracks, crevices, or screw holes of synthetic, wooden, or upholstered furniture Under loose wallpaper Along mattress seams Under carpeting In electronic devices Under chairs and anything to be seated on Behind base and window trim On a frequent basis, a crevice tool flashlight should be used to examine: Onlinepestcontrol.com and
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How to Identify Bedbugs A “stalesweet” odour may be detected in severe or long-lasting infestations of bedbugs. Bedbugs are often spread through the acquisition of infested second- hand furniture, or by their hitchhiking on items used during travel such as suitcases, outerwear, and other belongings. Once established in a building, the bugs can then move throughout the structure by crawling along pipe and wiring runs, conduits, HVAC system ductwork, sharing of belongings, laundry, etc. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How To Prevent a Bedbug Infestation Vigilance and care is needed when preventing an infestation. When travelling, homeowners should ensure their personal belongings aren’t kept opened and on the floor, bed or other areas accessible to bedbugs. They should also inspect premises in which they will be staying a night or two. Once an area is suspected to have bedbugs, it should be reported promptly. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How To Prevent a Bedbug Infestation (Cont’d) If you’re in receipt of couches, furniture, beddings, furnishings etc, ensure to perform a thorough inspection of the equipment before bringing it into your home. As bedbugs can be inconspicuous, you may invite them into your home without knowing. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Deal Effectively With Bedbugs How to Get Rid of Bedbugs Bedbugs are difficult to get rid of because they can live for months without feeding, are resistant to many pesticides, they multiply quickly, and some pesticides that do kill bedbugs cannot be used on bedding or furniture. In most cases, several rounds of treatment by a pest control personnel is needed to get rid of bedbugs. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Separate and apply heat Bag and wash drapes, clothing, linens, beddings, etc., in hot water – dry on medium or hot heat for about 10-30 minutes. Note: Dry cleaning might destroy bedbugs, but ensure to bag the items. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Use a vacuum Use a dedicated vacuum, along with a bristle brush and crevice tool to remove the insects. While the aforementioned items aren’t in use, keep them in a close container/bag. Note: Get rid of vacuum contents in a closed container. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Get rid of infested furniture & clutter As a part of the treatment, you may be required to discard infested furniture, remove items attached to walls, seal openings and cracks, and reduce clutter within your home. Once an infested item cannot be treated, it should be covered and noted on a label. This is to ensure that bedbugs aren’t able to spread to other locations of the home. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Encase your mattress To encase mattresses, use a zippered cloth or mattress cover (plastic). This is to ensure that bedbugs feeding and movements are restricted. Note: In some cases, the mattress must be encased for a year. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Application of pesticides Especially if a licensed pest control contractor is called in, they might apply a particular registered pesticide in an aid to control Bedbug residue. Note: Some residents have found success applying Diatomaceous Earth to treat bedbug infestations. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Application of pesticides Pesticides available commercially aren’t necessarily effective when applied to control an infestation in living areas. Note: Repellents and foggers provide no value when combating bedbugs. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Application of pesticides If a pest control expert is treating your home for bedbugs, here are a list of pesticides he may apply. 6 Pesticides Used In Effective Bedbug Control Note: It’s sage to find out if the above stated chemicals are welcomed in your state or country. Onlinepestcontrol.com
How to Get Rid of Bedbugs (Cont’d) Disclaimer This presentation was created and designed to provide awareness and inform homeowners. If you opt to use DIY methods to treat a light infestation at home, do not use pesticides. If however, you opt to use commercially available pesticides, follow the label. Note: A licensed pest control contractor should apply chemicals. Onlinepestcontrol.com
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