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Hiring a mobile app developer is an important decision to grow in heights. If only you focus on the right aspects of your business you'll be getting a better shot at choosing the right app developer. Do you believe your vision is often in your developer's hands? Great then, so do us at Openwave Computing LLC, NYC. Having handled thousands of projects in 15 years time, we assure not just development but help you maximize revenues for your app business.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Openwave’s Mobile Application Portfolio
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE FrameworksandComponents DevelopmentLanguages Cocoa/CocoaTouch ObjectiveC Apps Tools UtilityAppswhichrunsoniOS Xcode iPhoneApp Simulator iPad App Universal App (A Single App which runs on both iPhone & iPad). Instruments ApplicationLoader ExperiencedIn... UserAuthentication-Manual,Facebook,Twitter&Google Login. LocationbasedApps. SocialNetworkinglike Apps. Video Calling&InstantChatMessaging. MedicalAppsforDifferentlyAbledPeople. WebServices(JSON). StandAloneApps. ShareKit-iOSdefaultSharingforFacebook&Twitter. PaymentSystems(PayPal). iPhoneSocialNetworkingAPIsforFacebook,Twitter&LinkedIn.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Popsy Interactive The first of its kind Interactive TV and Radio Smartphone application. AppDetails: Version : 1.2 Category : Sports TechnologiesUsed : App-Xcode (iPhoneApp) WebServices : PHP&MySQL AppFeatures: Don’tSpectate–INTERACTIVATE! Play alongwithLIVESportsEventsonTVorattheStadiumorArena. InteractwithBroadcastRadioSports,Talk ShowsandMusicChannels. CompeteagainstformerProandCollegeSportsplayerstoseeifyoucanbeatthemattheirowngame!
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Call Recording by NoNotes.com Record your calls with the option to transcribe using Call Recording By NoNotes.com. AppDetails: Version : 1.2 Category : Utilities TechnologiesUsed : App-Xcode (iPhoneApp) WebServices : .net AppFeatures: FreeCallRecording OptionToTranscribe SaveCalls intheCloud ShareonFB, Email UseAppForDictation Cancelatanytime 100%SatisfactionGuarantee AttachedQRCodeToFileForPlayback Alwaysimprovingourservice!
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Scene & Heard Lite Scene & Heard Lite takes a Visual Scene Display approach to augmentative communication. AppDetails: Version : 2.4 Category : Education TechnologiesUsed : App-Xcode (Universal App) AppFeatures: Build ONE scene with vocabulary on the go. Take photos with your iPad or import photos from your photo library. Record your own voice messages for your scene to make basic requests or share stories. Takeorimportshortvideofiles toallocatetothescene. Chooseanduseover 10000Widgitsymbolstousetosupportcommunication. Createhotspots(taggingascene)onthesceneandallocateactions,sothatthepictureisinteractive. Tryout someofthepre-builtscenesinthescenelibrary, andtheneasilycreateyourown scene. Use the whole screen as a switch in "touch anywhere" mode. Uses scanning to highlight the active areas and the person using the app can tap anywhere to make their choice.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Venue. Venue provides an easy and simple way to see and post new events right from your iPhone/iPod. AppDetails: Version : 2.3 Category : Entertainment TechnologiesUsed : App-Xcode (iPhoneApp) WebServices : PHP&MySQL AppFeatures: Quickin-appeventpostingcapability Geolocationoftoday'snearbyevents Manuallybrowse&searchevents Filtereventsbydate,category, andlocation Emailandtextsharingofevent'sinformation
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE WayFinder for Hospitals WayFinder is an iPhone/iPad App, which uses indoor 3D maps for navigation inside buildings. AppDetails: Version : 1.0 Category : Navigation TechnologiesUsed : App-Xcode (iPhoneApp) : App-Xcode (iPadApp) : App-Xcode (iPadKioskApp) WebServices : PHP&MySQL AppFeatures: WayFinder is an iPhone/iPad App, which uses indoor 3D maps for navigation inside buildings. This App is designed aiming at hospitals to provide way-finding solutions for patients, visitors, hospital staff and doctors. The app behaves more like google maps inside hospitals locating hotspots and drawing routes between hotspots with step-by-step navigation instructions.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE DevelopmentLanguages Java Apps Tools UtilityAppswhichrunsonAndroid Eclipse AndroidApp AndroidStudio Tablet App Universal App (Various screen sizes). Emulator FindBug PMD ExperiencedIn... 3D mapsusingthirdparty StandAloneApps WebServices(JSON,XMLandSoap) InAppBillingFeature OfflinefunctionalityApps BarcodeScanning Feature MultiLanguageSupport EducationpurposeApps AdvertisementenableApps SocialNetworkingapps 2DgraphicsApps LocationBasedApps
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Securities Commission Malaysia The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) developed its first mobile application. AppDetails: Version : 2.2(Froyo)andabove ScreenSupport : Phone DevelopmentTools : EclipseJuno Features : Multilanguagesupport Description: ‘SCAssists’toreachallsegmentofthepublic. Thisappisintendedtoprovidetheuserwithanonhandassistance. Allowappropriateagenciestocontact. AsearchfunctionforSC’s licensedentities Aseriesofquestionstodeterminewhetheraninvestmentschemeisgenuine SC’s InvestorAlertList
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Check In - Guest List & Event Check-in Manager Check In Easy is for simple and fast guest registration, check-in, and management at events from 2 people to 20,000. AppDetails: Version : 2.2(Froyo)andabove ScreenSupport : PhoneandTablets. DevelopmentTools : EclipseHelios Features : Barcodescanner Back end : SqliteandXML Description: Eliminatetheneedforpaperguestlists,clipboardsandbinders UploadanExcelfileguestlist &youare readytogo Addguestsonthefly Checkinthroughweb appandlivesyncwithAndroid,iPadsandiPhones Email&textalertstell youwhenimportantguestsarrive Boardingpassfeatureletsyousendyourguestsprintableticketswithuniquebar codes Quickcheck-inusingtheintegratedticketscanner.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE MClass The objective of this academic course app is to make students to learn through Mobile. AppDetails: Version : 2.2(Froyo)andabove ScreenSupport : Phone DevelopmentTools : EclipseJuno Features : Barcodescanner Back end : SqliteandJSON byPHP Description: Studentscanview courses,attendquizzes. Checksemestergradeswhiletheyare onmove. AllthecoursematerialswhichisavailableinPDFformat. Forumtointeractandlearnfromeachotherwiththethreadeddiscussionboard.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Nurhi Nurhi used for awareness program in Nigerian countries. AppDetails: Version : 2.3.3(Gingerbread)andabove ScreenSupport : Phone DevelopmentTools : EclipseJuno Features : Video Streaming,PDFhandling Back end : Sqlite,DjangoandMoodle Description: NurhiusedforawarenessprograminNigeriancountries. The main objective is to convey proper sex relationship and family planning system.
www.openwavecomp.com NEWYORK - INDIA - MALAYSIA - SINGAPORE Resto App Resto app is developed for Restaurant owner and customer. AppDetails: Description: Version : 3.0(Froyo)andabove InCookloginthecooksupervisorcanmonitortheactive,delivered,paidorders. ScreenSupport : Tablet Itallowssupervisortofilterbytableororderandalsopossibletotrackindividualwaiterorcustomers. DevelopmentTools : EclipseJuno Inwaiterloginthecustomercanview, add, edit, anddeleteeachfooditemfromthefoodmenu. Back end : JSON
USA Openwave Computing LLC, 1220, Broadway, Suite #703 New York, NY 10001 India Openwave Computing Services Pvt Ltd. No-3, 3rd Cross Street, Sterling Road, Nungambakkam, Chennai - 600 034 Email: info@openwavecomp.com Web: www.openwavecomp.com Email: info@openwavecomp.in Careers: career@openwavecomp.in Web: www.openwavecomp.in Sales: (212) 209 - 1537 General: (212) 967 - 4708 Fax: (212) 967 - 4710 Tel: (91) 44 - 42921200 Fax: (91) 44 - 42921209 Openwave Computing Services Pvt Ltd., www.openwavecomp.com Malaysia Openwave Computing (M) Sdn Bhd, Unit D-3A-4, Level 4, Block D, Setiawalk, Persiaran Wawasan, Pusat Bandar Puchong, 47160 Puchong, Selangor Darul Ehsan Singapore Openwave Computing Singapore Pte Ltd 10 Jalan Besar #10-08 Singapore 208787 Email:info@openwavecomp.my Email:salesSG@openwavecomp.com H/P: +6 01 9293 7500 Tel: +6 06 2316500 Tel: (65)94594989