

Though it's been legal since 1992, that hasn't prevented the NYPD from arresting a number of topless women over the years, myself included! For those that may not know, I was arrested on Wall Street for being topless during an artwork performance in August of 2011. Though the unjustifiable charges (disorderly conduct) were dropped, I wanted an apology in the NYPD / NYC. I also wanted to make an impact that would help stop this type of thing from happening to other girls. So, after much deliberation, I determined to sue the city and I won. My suit was one of a few that led NYC to issue a memo to all of NYPD in February 2013, reminding them about the legality of women going topfree in public. I've also spent sunny days with The Outdoor Coed Topless Pulp Fiction Gratitude Society and in late August of 2011, I organized a top-free day in Central Park. So this is how topfree equality became one of the causes that I care about and recommend for. I am also a naturist, and while one might believe I'm only supporting more nudity in public, I am not. Being a naturist does not mean needing to be naked in public everywhere. Nor does it mean that I want to be nude constantly. My support of the cause comes from a deep-rooted feminist mentality. It is about the gender equality. I do not like being discriminated against because I 've , which is what topless laws do. I don't enjoy society trying to control women's sexuality using modesty rules and laws. I don't like society attributing female victims of sexual assault because they were asking for it through their state of dress. I don't like that breastfeeding women are asked to cover up or go sit in a corner. I don't enjoy society slut-shaming women, especially those who go topfree or wear skimpy clothing on a hot summer day (while accepting the sexual objectification of women on billboards). Female sexuality is utilized to sell products, but as soon as girls strive to possess their bodies or sexuality, they're vilified, shamed, assaulted. This should transform. That is why it was so encouraging to me when I found Free the Nipple not too much time after their campaign began in 2012. Lastly, I thought, here is an organization of female activists who are putting together a movie which will attract mass focus to topfreedom, women's equality and how it all ties into the problems named above. The Free The Nipple campaign took off on social media. A massive factor was the vocal support it received from stars like Miley Cyrus and Scout Willis. (Scout staged her own topfree stunt in NYC and composed an excellent article about it on xojane.) In the media, Esco emphasized lots of the sexism and discrimination in how society treats girls and their bodies. At the start, much of the focus was put on American media's twisted censorship policies. The media's portrayal of graphic violence is considered satisfactory whereas a female nipple will send folks into a frenzy. Esco's point is a valid one but, for me, it is not why girls should be given the right to go topfree. Though I disagreed with part of her strategy, I figured her statements were as a simple way to get interest and garner more support from your mainstream people. Free The Nipple - Lina Esco Quote Flashback to the Free The Nipple film which is now out in theatres. While the film is purportedly based (loosely) on true events, the movie itself is not a documentary. The narrative follows a journalist named With (Lina Esco) as she detects a group of activist women crusading for the right to go topless in public. The narrative occurs in NYC where cops willfully ignore the law and make arrests (as is the case in real life a point I know all too well!). With tracks down the ringleader, Liv (Lola Kirke), in the hopes of interviewing her for a news story. While With manages to get her interview, she's crushed when her company WOn't print it and during the meeting actually determines to fire her. Inspired, With determines to team up with Liv and a number of other recruited girls to launch a movement they call Free the Nipple. Soon afterward, more topless demonstrations, arrests, attorneys and PR stunts happen. Jpg: Free the Nipple picture screenshot, the topfree activists running in capes The picture itself got lots of bad reviews. It was deemed amateurish, vexing and shallow. Reviewers mentioned the plot points that did not make sense as well as some inaccuracies that were likely quite embarrassing for the filmmaker. A particular facet appeared to be of particular interest to critics. In the opening scene, you see a group of women running down Wall Street topless but in stark comparison to the remaining part of the picture, the women's breasts are censored / pixelated. The question they wanted answered was WHY?


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