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מצגת מתוך האתר " המרכז לבריאות הלב ". Naturopathy. By vogel ofir, Naturopath. Presentation from the site “Heart Center". Objectives:. 1. to understand what is naturopathy – main principles and philosophy,diagnose, techniques.
מצגת מתוך האתר "המרכז לבריאות הלב" Naturopathy By vogel ofir, Naturopath Presentation from the site “Heart Center"
Objectives: 1. to understand what is naturopathy – main principles and philosophy,diagnose, techniques. 2. to get acquainted with some naturopathic principles and tools – that might help you in your work. 3. to understand when naturopathy can help – when a naturopath can help you give a better treatment to your patient by working together, and when he can work alone. Smart cooperation is the future, and in many places – the future is already here
Structure: 1. history & development (in brief). 2. the main principles and philosophy 3. Technique: a. nutrition and supplements b. herbal medicine c. mind – body d. physical therapy e. exercise 4. naturopathic anamnesis 5. common disease and health condition treats by naturopathy. 6.case study(if time allows )
history & development • tribe healer (shaman) • the great teachers, healers and doctors of our recent human history • The term “naturopathy”( “nature cure” or “nature path”) was first used in the US (early 19’s century). • European influence • “scientific medicine” vs “miracle medicine” • From the 70’s changes to today: “scientific nature”
I - The healing power of nature “nature acts powerfully through healing mechanisms in the body and mind to maintain and restore health. Naturopathic physician work to restore and support these inherent healing systems when they have broken down, by using methods, medicines, and techniques that are in harmony with natural processes”.(Textbook of Natural Medicine)
II - Treat the whole person “Health or disease comes from a complex interaction of physical, emotional, dietary, genetic, environmental, lifestyle and other factors. Naturopathic physicians treat the whole person, taking these factors into account” (TNM)
“an individual is a whole made up of interdependent parts, which are the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. When one part is not working at its best, it will impact all other parts of the person.” (TNM) The whole is greater than the sum of its parts
III - Treat the cause “every illness has an underlying cause, often in aspects of the lifestyle, diet or habits of the individual. A naturopathic physician is trained to find and remove the underlying cause of a disease” (TNM)
Treat the cause ? Hypertension 1 Male, 58. Works as a clerk in the Post Office From 08:00 – 16:00. Children have move out of the house. Great sex life (with his wife…) No exercise. coffee 6-8/d, one “goodnight – drink”/d. Loves to eat internal parts of animals… Enjoys the great cakes his wife makes with a lot of love… Also suffers from constipation and some kind of arthritis. Hypertension 2 Female, 28, Works in “hi-tech”company. All the time under pressure. Can’t sit for a minute, aerobic exercise 3XW. No boy-friend, still leaving with her parents, they fight all the time… Her younger sister got married a few months ago with a successful Lawyer… Vegetarian . Also suffers from irritable bowel, Amenorrhea, Migraines.
IV - First do not harm “ naturopathic physicians prefer non-invasive treatments that minimize the risk of harmful side-effects. They are trained to know which patients they can treat safely, and which they need to refer to other health care practitioners”.(TNM)
“ it is a natural remedy – if it doesn’t help, it surely won’t do any harm…!?” Dangerous bullshit !!!
“poisons and medicines are oftentimes the same substances given with different intends”. “contraindication between drugs and herbs” The Lancet, 2000,
V - Doctor as teacher “a principle objective of naturopathic medicine is to educate the patient and emphasize self responsibility for health. Naturopathic physician also recognize and employ the therapeutic potential of the doctor-patient relationship” (TNM)
VI – Preventive medicine “the naturopathic approach to health care can prevent minor illnesses from developing into more serious or chronic degenerative disease. Patients are taught the principles with which to live a healthy life; by following these principles they can prevent major illnesses”. (TNM)
A naturopath is a physician who uses natural medicines and therapies according to the naturopathic main principles and philosophy
nutrition and supplements deficiency disorders / abundance disorders“Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine will become your food.”. Hypocrates
Deficiency disorders • Ironmost common deficiencies in the world (including the US) => anemia. • A =>leading cause of blindness in many parts of the world. • D =>Rickets: bones disorder observed in children living in countries where smog and overcast skies are common. • C => scurvy – fatal disease (bleedings, musculoskeletal aches, fatigue, emotional lability) mainly to sailors. • Iodine (for those living far from the sea)=> goiter (hyperthyroid). First recognized in Egypt 5000 years ago. • B1 (thiamine) => beriberi – a disease affecting the heart and nervous system – was common among wealthy Indonesians who ate polished white rice. • Niacin=> pellagra (skin rash -> mental illness -> death)
Diet differences based foodsAnimal / plant
The “China study” • a comprehensive study of human diet, lifestyle, and disease mortality, from 65 counties (130 villages, 6500 adults) of rural China (Chen et al., 1990) • Blood, urine, food samples, and detailed dietary data were collected from 50 adults in each village and analyzed for a variety of nutritional, viral, hormonal, and toxic chemical factors References: • 1: Toxicol Sci 1999 Dec;52(2 Suppl):87-94 Energy balance: interpretation of data from rural China.Campbell TC, Chen J.2: Am J Clin Nutr 1994 May;59(5 Suppl):1153S-1161S Diet and chronic degenerative diseases: perspectives from China.Campbell TC, Junshi C.Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853.3: Int J Epidemiol 1992 Aug;21(4):625-35 Antioxidant status and cancer mortality in China.Chen J, Geissler C, Parpia B, Li J, Campbell TC.Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine,Beijing. And many more…
Coronary heart disease (no’ 1 killer) • Coronary artery disease mortality was 16.7-fold greater for US men and 5.6-fold greater for US women than for their Chinese counterparts. • “The combined coronary artery disease mortality rates for both genders in rural China were inversely associated with the frequency of intake of green vegetables and plasma () monounsaturated fatty acids, but positively with a combined index of salt intake plus urinary sodium and plasma apolipoprotein B …which are positively associated with animal protein intake…and inversely associated with plant protein, legume, and light-colored vegetable intake” • Am J Cardiol 1998 Nov 26;82(10B):18T-21T Diet, lifestyle, and the etiology of coronary artery disease: the Cornell China study.Campbell TC, Parpia B, Chen J.
Cancer (no’ 2 killer) • Breast cancer: (China 1/6 compared to England) “breast cancer is positively associated with total fat intake (more important than total calories.)” • Stomach, liver, lung, colorectum, breast and cervix cancers: “plasma levels of dietary antioxidants were constantly negatively correlated with cancer mortality rate. Ascorbic acid was most strongly negatively associated with most cancers and selenium with oesophageal and stomach cancers. Beta-carotene was fount to have a protective effect independent of retinol, particularly for stomach cancer.”
And if it is not enough: • “We find that current data support previous finding that inappropriate diets cause one third of all cancer deaths. … We estimate that recommended diets, together with maintenance of physical activity and appropriate body mass, can in time reduce cancer incidence by 30-40% (3-4 million cases per year). “ • “Food, Nutrition and the prevention of Cancer: a global perspective”. World cancer research fund, American Institute for cancer Research. 1997
The westernization Sequences • Denis Burkitt MD & Hogh Trowell MD: “western disease: their emergence and prevention”. Harvard university press 1981.(Many articles where followed in the medical press journals.) • Norman J. temple, PhD & Denis P. Burkitt, MD: “western diseases – Their Dietary Prevention and Reversibility”, Humana Press, 1994. • Weston A. Price: “nutrition and physical degeneration”. La Mesa, CA: Price-Pottinger Foundation. 1970.
The westernization Sequencesphase I and phase II • 1. Primal diet of plant eaters contains large amounts of unprocessed starch staples. Few examples of chronic degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, heart disease, diabetes and cancer. • 2. Commencing westernization of diet, obesity and diabetes commonly appears in privileged groups.
The westernization Sequencesphase III and phase IV • 3. With moderate westernization of the diet, constipation, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and appendicitis become common complaints. • 4. Finally, with full westernization of the diet, chronic degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, heart disease, cancer, etc., are extremely common. .
Examples… • The japanese in Japan have rate of colon cancer less than one fifth that in the US . their descendants in the US now approach American whites in their rate of this disease. • Same with immigrants from Taiwan to the US and breast cancer. • Ethiopian who came to Israel had 0.4% diabetes in their homeland, and now its 17% !!! • Same with people who came from Yaman to Israel and heart disease.
Herbal medicine Echinacea Ginkgo Biloba Panax Spp. Ginsing
Mind – body medicine • Compliance as the greatest challenge • It starts from the doctor-patient relationship. • Un-verbal communication • Motivation resources • Time, support, patience • Stress management: • Breathing • Meditation • Guided imaginary • Yoga • and more
And sometimes we go deeper… • Thoughts, emotions, will, love, intimacy, self - actualization, spiritual development … (“do you live your own life as they were supposed to be for you? “). The scientific proof: • “love and survival – the scientific basis to the healing powers of intimacy”, Dean Ornish MD. • “love, medicine & miracles”, Bernie S. Siegel, M.D. • “cancer as a turning point”, Lawrence LeShan, Ph.d • “head first – the biology of hope”, Norman cousins.
“The right treatment in many diseases is unclear to most doctors….since they do not acknowledge the importance of the “whole” – an issue that should receive attention and education: for the “part” can not heal as long as the “whole” is unhealthy…that is the biggest mistake of our days regarding the healing process of the human body – the fact that doctors separate the body from the mind” Aplaton, 347-427 BC
Physical /manual medicine “manualtherapy is the best way to help the body heal itself”. Hypocrates
Physiological effects The healing powers of touch … • muscle release • enhance blood flow • enhancing toxic drainage(mainly by the lymph system). • elevation in hemoglobin • pain relief • immune system support: • Enhancing T cells production • Elevating NK in breast cancer and AIDS patients • Improved WBC count Neutrophils in luikemia • And more… • The Touch Research Institutes, MIAMI University, Florida • http://www.miami.edu/touch-research/List%20of%20Studies.html
Diseases with documented scientific benefits • CHD • HTN • Diabetes • Parkinson • Depression • Migraine • JRA • CFS , fibro’ • Anorexia, Bolimia N. • Asthma • Breast cancer, Leuikemia • AIDS • LBP • ADHD • Important impact on infants growth
“As technology around us develops , the need for human touch emerses “ Joun Nicebit in his book: “Megatrends”
“move for health”The WHO annual health day (April 2002) • It was declared that lack of exercise is responsible for about 2 million deaths a year though it is now regarded as one of the 10 leading causes of death in the world. • prakashr@who.inthttp://www.who.int/inf/en/pr-2002-23.html
Exercise as a therapy in the clinic scene In an Israeli study 793 patients (45-75 of age) were asked whether their physician talked to them about exercise: • 22% where asked • 16% where advised to do more physical activities. • Only 7% received any help in planning the right activity for them.
Naturopathic anamnesis • Conventional clinical laboratory, physical diagnosis and imaging techniques • Lifestyle’s factors: diet, exercise, stress • digestion quality: problems, side effects, how does it comes out in the toilet… • Individualization • what went wrong in this patient’s life ? why did he got sick and nobody else ? why now ? sensitive host or strong pathogen
When can we help ?prevention, controlling, secondary prevention • Chronic diseases: Coronary heart disease, cancer, diabetes, HTN, obesity, psoriasis, osteoporosis, PMS… • Gastrointestinal disease: IBS, IBD, constipation, ulcers, hemorrhoids… • Immune support/allergic/autoimmune: Atopic dermatitis, asthma, RA, hepatitis, acne, urinary tract infections, otitis media, pharyngitis, MS… Smart cooperation is the future, and in many places – the future is already here
“ nature will always be stronger than the substitute man can offer”LEUNARDO DE – VINCHI
“If man had preserved his ability to choose his nutrition according to his altered health and disease condition – we wouldn’t havethe need to invent the medical science.“ Hypocrates