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The Environment

The Environment. How to take care of our earth. Welcome to the Environment. This project was made by Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner You are going to learn about how to take care of the environment

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The Environment

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Environment How to take care of our earth Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  2. Welcome to the Environment • This project was made by Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner • You are going to learn about how to take care of the environment • We chose this topic because we think it’s important for us to take care of the environment and share this information with you Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  3. Recycling • Paper • Plastic • bottles, cups, and cans • Batteries • Tin foil • Electronic equipment • Paint Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  4. Planting • Plant trees, flowers, and vegetables in your town • Start a compost pile • Use natural fertilizer • Start a garden in your yard Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  5. Recycling facts • recycle 1 pound of paper and save: 17 trees 6953 gallons of water 463 gallons of oil 587 pounds of air pollution 3.06 cubic yards of landfill space 4077 kilowatt hours of energy. • to produce the Sunday paper 500,000 trees must be cut down • recycling the Sunday New York Times can save 75,000 trees • 1 billion trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the US Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  6. Why we recycle • We recycle because if you throw things away it can harm the environment and animals in it. If businesses don’t recycle they get higher taxes. Also, recycling saves materials by reusing them. Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  7. Ways to help the Environment • Turn of the lights when not used • Use less water by taking less time in the shower • Don’t leave the water on when brushing your teeth • Ride your bicycle or walk Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  8. Quiz Time! I hope you were paying attention Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  9. What is an environmentally friendly way to get around? • Bike • Drive a truck • Drive a Hummer Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  10. Sorry, you got it wrong Sorry, you got it wrong Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  11. Good job, you got it right! Go on to the next question. Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  12. About how many trees worth of paper are thrown away every year in the US? • 600 • 500,000 • One billion • One million Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  13. Good job, you got it right! Go on to the next question. Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  14. Sorry, you got it wrong Sorry, you got it wrong Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  15. List two things that are recyclable • Paper and ceramics • Photographs and batteries • Paper and batteries Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  16. Sorry, you got it wrong Sorry, you got it wrong Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  17. Good job, you got it right! Go on to the next question. Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  18. Why do we recycle? • We feel like it • It helps save the earth by reusing things • It makes more garbage Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  19. Sorry, you got it wrong Sorry, you got it wrong Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  20. Good job, you got it right! Go on to the next question. Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  21. True or False: should you use natural fertilizer? True False Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  22. Sorry, you got it wrong Sorry, you got it wrong Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  23. Good job, you got it right! Click arrow to end quiz + Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

  24. Good Job! You did well on the quiz! click to find out more about the environment Olivia Mao and Eliza Posner

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