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The share price projections shown are not necessarily indicative of future price performance. The information herein, together with all estimates and forecasts, can change without notice. Analyst or any person related to Trade India Research might be holding positions in the stocks recommended. It is understood that anyone who is browsing through the site has done so at his free will and does not read any views expressed as a recommendation for which either the site or its owners or anyone can be held responsible for . Any surfing and reading of the information is the acceptance of this disclaimer.
301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
MARKET WRAP Nifty 1 2 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
RESISTANCE 10725.55 10758.80 SUPPORT 10653.30 10614.30 Bank nifty 1 2 RESISTANCE 25547.52 25700.43 SUPPORT 25135.67 24876.73 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
Market highlights North Eastern Carrying Corp zooms nearly 17% on order win from Tata Steel Yes Bank gains 8% on healthy Q4 numbers; net profit jumps 29% Rallis India slipped 5 percent intraday Friday on the back of poor fourth quarter numbers. Thermax gained 3.4 percent intraday Friday on the back of order win worth Rs 279 crore. Essel Propack gained nearly 9 percent intraday Friday as company recommended bonus issue. 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
Nse stats ADVANCES 36 DECLINES 14 UNCHANGES 00 FII TRADING ACTIVITY (IN CR.) CATEGORY DATE BUY VALUE SELL VALUE NET VALUE 4721.89 5481.10 -759.21 FII/FPI 27-APR-2018 DII TRADING ACTIVITY (IN Cr.) CATEGORY DATE BUY VALUE SELL VALUE NET VALUE 3757.34 3123.63 633.71 DII 27-APR-2018 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
MARKET PERFORMANCE NIFTY GAINERS COMPANY NAME LTP PRE. CLOSE CHANGE (RS) CHANGE (%) AXISBANK 540 493.75 46.25 9.37 SBIN 243.2 233.2 10 4.29 ICICIBANK 287.8 278.85 8.95 3.21 HINDPETRO 305.7 296.35 9.35 3.16 SUNPHARMA 525 512.6 12.4 2.42 NIFTY LOSERS COMPANY NAME LTP PRE. CLOSE CHANGE (RS) CHANGE (%) HCLTECH 1,041.10 1,077.30 -36.2 -3.36 TECHM 670.1 691.1 -21 -3.04 TCS 3,458.00 3,539.25 -81.25 -2.3 MARUTI 8,769.00 8,946.45 -177.45 -1.98 WIPRO 276.1 281.35 -5.25 -1.87 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
SECTORIAL INDICES CHANGE (%) COMPANY NAME LTP OPEN HIGH LOW PRE. CLOSE NIFTY 50 10,692.30 0.7 10,651.65 10,719.80 10,647.55 10,617.80 NIFTY NEXT 50 30,513.40 0.62 30,460.95 30,592.65 30,436.50 30,326.80 NIFTY 100 11,095.00 0.69 11,056.05 11,122.25 11,052.40 11,018.75 NIFTY 200 5,832.70 0.69 5,812.40 5,847.20 5,810.70 5,792.75 NIFTY 500 9,443.65 0.66 9,412.95 9,467.05 9,410.45 9,381.35 NIFTY MIDCAP 50 5,424.50 0.98 5,392.60 5,449.00 5,388.85 5,371.90 NIFTY MIDCAP 100 20,120.80 0.67 20,055.70 20,179.40 20,050.20 19,987.00 NIFTY SMLCAP 100 8,279.10 0.5 8,279.80 8,326.05 8,271.70 8,238.25 INDIA VIX 11.8475 -1.57 12.0375 12.6325 11.4375 12.0375 NIFTY BANK 25,394.60 1.53 25,030.15 25,441.50 25,029.65 25,010.90 NIFTY AUTO 11,581.80 0.41 11,588.30 11,699.00 11,557.35 11,534.80 NIFTY FIN SERVICE 10,614.90 1.28 10,475.70 10,626.40 10,475.70 10,480.90 NIFTY FMCG 28,433.50 0.32 28,445.50 28,557.95 28,371.50 28,342.35 NIFTY IT 13,794.90 -1.65 14,015.70 14,070.35 13,766.75 14,026.65 NIFTY MEDIA 3,356.00 1 3,341.15 3,365.90 3,330.35 3,322.65 NIFTY METAL 3,763.85 0.71 3,759.10 3,781.40 3,740.15 3,737.50 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
NIFTY PHARMA 8,987.40 1.02 8,955.75 9,022.05 8,914.65 8,896.60 MOST ACTIVE STOCKS (IN VALUE) COMPANY NAME LTP PRE. CLOSE CHANGE (Rs) VALUE (Rs) CHANGE (%) AXISBANK 540 493.75 46.25 3,07,481.82 9.37 YESBANK 348.65 352.4 -3.75 1,85,523.63 -1.06 MARUTI 8,769.00 8,946.45 -177.45 1,67,087.61 -1.98 RELIANCE 996.5 975.35 21.15 1,16,658.00 2.17 PCJEWELLER 171 236.9 -65.9 1,03,257.72 -27.82 ASIAN MARKETS CUR. VALUE CHANGE (%) NAME OPEN HIGH LOW CHANGE 22,466.66 22,495.56 22,357.53 22,467.87 148.26 0.66 NIKKEI 30,300.83 30,336.00 30,019.12 30,280.67 272.99 0.9 HANGSENG 10,546.29 10,573.61 10,495.67 10,553.43 64.85 0.61 TAIWAN 2,497.75 2,508.13 2,484.19 2,492.40 16.76 0.67 KOSPI 301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
301, 3rd Floor, Mangal City, Vijay Nagar, Indore Toll Free: 9009010900
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