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ChemClust as a response to the HLG recommendations to Innovation Usti nad Labem, 16.04.2009. Thomas Wobben Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the European Union Boulevard Saint Michel 80 B-1040 Brussels Tel.: 09 31 Fax: 09 39
ChemClust as a response to the HLG recommendations to InnovationUsti nad Labem, 16.04.2009 Thomas Wobben Representation of Saxony-Anhalt to the European Union Boulevard Saint Michel 80 B-1040 Brussels Tel.: 09 31 Fax: 09 39 E-mail: thomas.wobben@lv-bruessel.stk.sachsen-anhalt.de
Final Report of the HLG: • Innovation played a key role in the HLG • Important role of the region in supporting innovation • Active input of the ECRN in the innovation discussion in the HLG
Content to the Final Report of the High Level Group Conclusions I. Introduction II. Setting the scene • Chemistry and chemical products: key element in development of modern societies • Wide range of customers for wealth of applications • Industry with variety of product segments linked by value chains • Chemical clusters show regional integration in Europe • Chemical industry: important employer in the EU with high share of SMEs. • European chemicals industry: still successful global player • Global competition: challenge offering opportunities not to be missed III. Innovation and research • 1. More innovation is key to securing the future of the European chemicals industry • 2. Research: main foundation of chemical innovation • 3. Innovations need trust: improving communication with stakeholders • 4. Knowledge is key asset: protection of Intellectual Property Rights IV. Regulation V. Human resources
Content to the Final Report of the High Level Group VI. Energy and feedstock • 1. Energy and feedstock as decisive elements of competitiveness • 2. Raw material change: towards higher contribution of renewable raw materials Vii. Climate change policy • 1. Action on climate change as a business opportunity for the European chemicals industry • 2. In a globalised chemicals industry, global action including an adequate engagement of emerging economies is essential to combat climate change • 3. European chemicals industry has made much progress in reducing energy intensity and emissions, but further efforts are necessary VIII. Logistics • 1. Logistics: often neglected factor for competitiveness • 2. Strong clusters: European asset that merits further support • 3. Addressing numerous bottlenecks in transport has to become a priority IX. Globalisation, international competitiveness and trade • 1. European chemicals industry: strong global player facing mounting pressure • 2. Priorities of a European trade policy: promoting and safeguarding competitiveness of its chemicals industry • 3. Securing access to raw materials in non discriminatory conditions
ERCN input on Innovation • Industry and public authorities at all levels should strengthen clusters (and open innovation processes) which facilitate cooperation across sectors and across borders, with the aim of further stimulating, accelerating and facilitating cross-cutting innovation throughout the value chain. • Initiatives should build on existing structures and programmes where possible. The results achieved by EU, national and regional innovation networks should be examined, and possible areas of improvement identified, for example, by greater promotion of best practices. • SusChem has so far delivered a vision paper, a broad strategic research agenda, and a detailed implementation plan. It should now develop a wider mandate covering the full scope of innovation, and reaching out to an increasing number of Member States, regions and enterprises, in particular SMEs.. • In addition, more should be done to improve technology transfer and systemic links between public research and business, including Public Private Partnerships. Here, chemical regions – based on their proximity to business and research institutions – can play a key role.
Focusing on key areas at regional level should be accompanied by road mapping exercises and active coordination of European and national efforts in chemistry and chemical engineering research with close links to regional industry partners. Financial instruments, including tax advantages, providing support and risk cover over a sufficient period are essential for start-ups and other SMEs. • The way the industry communicates with the outside world should, therefore, be as authentic, visible and open as possible. This requires not only a change towards a more proactive approach to communicating with the public, but also increased transparency about the industry itself. In addition, European, national and regional authorities need to support smooth communication of agreed assessments, both on the opportunities and risks involved. • Closer cooperation calls for appropriate and flexible structures for dialogue that go beyond traditional boundaries applied so far by faculties, government departments and trade associations. The European Technology Platform SusChem is a good example of such a modern form of cooperation and communication as is the European Chemical Regions Network. • The need to communicate full and accurate information is especially important following adoption of new legislation. Ways to achieve this include information meetings and other initiatives for enterprises along the value chain to provide guidance on the implementation of new rules. Regional authorities can play a crucial role in this process. The special needs of SMEs should also be borne in mind. While the Commission’s Better Regulation strategy is bringing about significant improvements in this field, including consultation, implementing measures with a substantial impact should also be subject to appropriate consultations with stakeholders.
ECRN follow up on innovation • Focus on joint projects at European level on innovation promotion and strategies • Active involvement of the chemical regions in the national debate on innovation promotion • Conintuing efforts to improve regional innovation systems in the field of chemicals
ChemClust as a tool to follow up the HLG recommendation on Innovation
The INTERREG III C support for the ECRN • Partner: - Saxony-Anhalt, D (Lead Partner) - Lower Saxony, D - North Rhine Westphalia, D - Catalonia, E - Asturias, E - Huleva, E - Ida-Viru, EST - Masowia, PL - Limburg, NL - Piedmont, I - Lombardy, I - Tees Valley UK - Cheshire, UK • Budget: - 1,7 Mio. EURO (997.000 support by INTERREG III C) - Duration: 3 years (January 2004 – December 2007)
Implementation Structure of the ECRN Regional Partnerships Regional Partnerships Saxony-Anhalt LP ECRN Network Secretariat Regional Partnerships Regional Partnerships
Objectives of the ChemClust application The ChemClust application could have the following objectives: • to accelerate innovation in clusters in chemical regions by • improving the organisation of chemical clusters towards knowledge sites • focussing specifically on the implementation of the open innovation concept in chemical clusters • involving R&D providers, local and regional administrations in cluster partnerships for innovation and • developing a innovation friendly regulatory framework in chemical clusters throughout Europe - to profile interregional co-operation as a key instrument to achieve this
Elements of the project implementation • Setting up an interregional working group with all partners within ECRN • Developing a benchmarking system to assess current cluster strategies on innovation in chemical regions (study project and reports) • Identifying best practices on innovation in strategies in chemical regions (inventory of best practices, peer group review) • Exchanging experiences on strategies for open innovation and knowledge site development (seminars) • Transferring these concepts between the partner regions in two pilot projects (staff exchange and assisted transfer scheme) • Networking with other cluster strategies (joint seminars with ECSPP; EPCA and CEFIC) • Measuring the impact of the transferred strategies by the benchmark monitoring (Benchmark Report) • Articulating joint findings (ECRN Positioning) • Disseminating the results and the process (Dissemination Conferences)
Key elements of the interregional concept of the ChemClust application • Exchanging experiences (joint seminars) • Identifying best practices (benchmark system and reports) • Transferring the best practices (pilot projects) • Engaging a wider audience and articulating joint interests (dissemination conferences) • Mainstreaming the Results (joint actions with Managing Authorities)
Best Practice: Organisation of Chemical Parks towards Knowledge Sites
Knowledge Site Development • Example: CeChemNet • Network of chemical sites in Eastern Germany • Started as a public-private-partnership • Part of the overall chemical industry strategy of Saxony-Anhalt • Organisational Model for transforming chemical parks into knowledge sites
Transferring these concepts Transfer the selected practices in three Pilot Projects by • Setting up a core group of regions to transfer best practices in the field of open innovation, knowledge sites and skills development in the field of chemistry • assisted transfer scheme whereas coaches will adapt the best practices towards the specific needs of the transferring region
Networking with other cluster strategies • Permanently liaising with other cluster strategies such as: • ECSPP • CEFIC • EPCA • Other (Which ones?) • Involvement in the regular seminars
Disseminating the results • Disseminating the results of the project by • Carrying out 3 dissemination conferences at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the project • Establish an interactive web-site and a regular newsletter on ChemClust • Involving ChemClust in similar activities at regional, national and European level
Partner Saxony-Anhalt NRW /D Asturias/E Mass./ PL Tartu/ Est Cheshire/ UK Novara/ I Limb. /NL TeesVal. /UK SH/D Gesamt EFRE Contrib 317550 128250 118500 86700 86700 111750 117750 141750 123000 110250 1342200 Cofinancing 105850 42750 39500 15300 15300 39250 39250 47250 41000 36750 420200 Total: 423400 171000 158000 102000 102000 157000 157000 189000 164000 147000 1762400 Partnership and Financial Means
Next steps • ChemClust has passed the eligibility check of the 2nd call of INTERREG IV C • Project approval is expected to take place in September this year • October 2009: foreseen start of the project • Close Co-operation with DG Industry (Initiative on Open Innovation) and DG Regio (Innovation Unit) as well as industry stakeholder and knowledge providers is vital for the success of the project • Feeding in the work of ChemClust into the HLG follow up process in the future