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….That, Nobody Thought to Tell Them!!!!!. What Every Employee Should Know. Presented by the Office of Internal Audit. DO THE RIGHT THING!. When you were hired at MSU you may have (or not) received training in the area of expertise where you were going to work.
….That, Nobody Thought to Tell Them!!!!! What Every Employee Should Know Presented bytheOffice of Internal Audit DO THE RIGHT THING!
When you were hired at MSU you may have (or not) received training in the area of expertise where you were going to work. However, there are many things that go along with working at MSU of which you may not be aware but that effect you either directly or indirectly, such as: • State Law • Federal Regulations • University Policies and Procedures Let’s Look at Some of These Areas DO THE RIGHT THING!
Time Keeping, Leave, Etc. Exempt or Not Exempt? Non-exempt positions would normally include: • Executive Secretaries • Student Workers (Based upon federal wage and hour regulations, even if salaried) Why is this Important? • Non-exempt employees must be compensated at one and one-half their normal rate for hours worked in excess of 40 hours a week with overtime pay or compensatory time off. (OP 60-311) DO THE RIGHT THING!
In order to determine the number of hours worked, there must be documentation. • For all …. employees who occupy non-exempt positions...a record must be maintained of total hours worked. (OP 60-311) This would be a time sheet, time card or some other means of documenting hours worked (form should be approved by HR). The time sheet or card should: • Signed by the employee and their immediate supervisor subsequent to the last day being reported on the record. • Time sheets should be retained for a minimum of 4 years. DO THE RIGHT THING!
What is a workday? “A workday for a state employee in a full-time employment position shall be eight (8) hours in duration at a minimum exclusive of time off for meals. The appointing authority shall develop work schedules which ensure that each full-time employeeworks a full workday..” - State Code § 25-1-98 Wait a minute, I’m salaried, I get paid based upon results not hours worked, I’m exempt from time keeping requirements! Federal Wage and hour guidelines may exclude you from having to complete a timesheet (exempt employees), however, these guidelines do not override state law requiring 8 hours a day. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Therefore (regardless of exempt/nonexempt): • You must work eight hours a day (exceptions for nonexempt employees that are discussed later). • Inappropriate employee conduct includes excessive tardiness. - OP 60-401 • Tardiness would include coming back from lunch late. • Leave forms must be submitted when employees are absent due to personal reasons be that vacation, illness, or running personal errands. • Even a supervisor cannot approve for you to leave without completing a leave form. • Policy 01.19 “Misuse of Assets” states that misuse of assets include “Authorizing or receiving payment for hours not worked and/or authorizing or taking leave without the completion and submission of appropriate leave forms. DO THE RIGHT THING!
NONEXEMPT & the 8 Hour Day Nonexempt employees are being compensated on an hourly basis. Therefore, a fulltime basis is 8 hours a day for 5 days, or , 40 hours a week. So, if they work 7 hours one day and nine hours the next no leave form is necessary as long as the total is 40 hours within a week. (Work week is Sunday-Saturday) However: • If work less than 40 hours in a week, must turn in a leave form or use accumulated compensatory time. (Can’t make it up in the next week) • If work more than 40 hours must be compensated in overtime pay or compensatory time at a rate of 1.5 times normal pay. • Supervisors still cannot give the day or afternoon off without using leave or comp time. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Timesheets, Leave, and Comp time! • Leave balances should be reconciled to submitted forms by someone other than the employee being reported. • Compensatory time balances are maintained within the departments. (Not in Banner or by HRM) • Comp balances should be reviewed by someone other than the employee being reported. • Comp time must be paid once it reaches 240 hours. • Comp time can only be accrued for hours worked over 40. • Personal, major medical, and comp time recorded on time sheets should be compared to leave and comp records. • Comp time only allowable for non-exempt…. DO THE RIGHT THING!
OUTSIDE EMPLOYEMENT Employees who desire to engage in outside employment or practice of profession (including consulting) shall complete...an Application for Permission to Engage in Outside Employment or Practice of Profession. This application shall receive all required University approvals prior to employees engaging in outside employment or practice of profession, or being connected with any public office either by election, appointment, or employment other than employment at the University. Approval to engage in outside employment or practice of profession shall expire automatically at the end of each fiscal year. - OP 60-415 Such Individuals will not engage in a business that would in any manner compete with a similar business or profession over which he or she would have direct supervision, inspections, or purchasing authority within the university or agency, such being a conflict of interest - IHL OP 801.07 • Must get approval first and refile form annually. • Must be aware of any potential conflict of interest.
University Property “No public servant shall use his official position to obtain pecuniary benefit for himself other than that compensation provided for by law, or to obtain pecuniary benefit for any relative or any business with which he is associated.” - State Code § 25-4-105, (1) Policy 01.19 states that misuse of assets includes: Personal use (or authorization thereof) of any asset. Personal use means use, other than incidental and occasional use of office equipment and telephones (see policies 01.12 and 01.15), that is not job related. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Let’s look at this practically….. • University Policy & State Law prohibit personal use of assets. This is the case in most states. • Violation of state law could result in up to a $5,000 fine. However, • Most state agencies adopt a "Rule of Reason" analysis, opining that an employee’s incidental use of state resources may not run afoul of state law, if the personal use : (a) does not result in direct costs paid by the state and (b) does not impede agency functions (c) MSU has chosen to allow incidental use of telecommunications assets such as phones and computers. • The decision to allow incidental usage rests with the department head, however, must be applied consistently. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Generally, we are not concerned about incidental personal usage of university telephones as long as: • Usage is kept a minimum of time such as during a lunch break and does not interfere with university business; • Results in no additional cost to the University; • Personal long distance calls should not be charged to the university at any time. If personal call is charged to university in error (or in the case of an emergency), reimbursement should be made. • This also applies to university long distance calling cards. For Example Telephone Usage: DO THE RIGHT THING!
Office Equipment Usage The university also revised policy 01.12 “Use of Computing & Network Resources”. Regarding personal use, this policy now states: • Incidental personal use of computing and network resources is permitted, subject to review and reasonable restrictions by the employee’s supervisor; • Adherence to applicable University policies and state and federal law; • Does not interfere with the employee’s accomplishment of his or her job duties; • Does not result in any additional costs to the University. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Other Equipment Personal use of state/university equipment is prohibited. This includes use of: • Fax machine, copier, Postage/Postage machine; • VCR, video cameras, digital players/cameras…etc. • Facilities; • This would include using facilities/state equipment for own business such as tax consulting, Amway, Avon, or Mary Kay. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Vehicle Usage Personal usage of university vehicles would be considered a misuse of assets under policy 01.19. Mississippi Code of 1972, § 25-1-79, states: “It shall be unlawful for any officer, employee, or other person whatsoever touse or permit or authorize the use of anyautomobile or any other motor vehicle owned by the State of Mississippi or any department, agency, or institution thereof for anypurpose other than upon the officialbusiness of the State of Mississippi or any agency, department, or institution thereof.” DO THE RIGHT THING!
Prohibited uses of vehicles would generally include….. • Commuting to/from home to/from work; (consistent with IRS view); • Picking up/going to lunch; • Picking up children from school; • Transporting non-university employees when not associated with official university business; • Transporting personal supplies/materials to home; • Note generally, the above actions would be prohibited, however, there may be some exceptions, which should be approved by the department head in advance. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Other misuses of state assets that should be avoided…: • Use of other equipment on personal property; • Use of university personnel on personal property/business. • Any other personal uses of university land, buildings, equipment or employees. • When in doubt, ask! DO THE RIGHT THING!
Did you know? Gifts should not be purchased with state funds…… • This includes flowers or gifts for weddings, retirements, funerals, or other. • Such gifts should be purchased from personal or Foundation funds. Procurement cardsshould be kept secure at all times, when not in use, cards should be kept in a locked drawer, file, or safe. Cards should not be carried by employees during weekend, on vacation or during the holidays. Personal purchases on the procurement card are prohibited (even if you intend to pay it back!). Procurement card statements should be reviewed by at least two persons to ensure all expenditures appear appropriate and accurate. DO THE RIGHT THING!
Responsibility and Accountability WE ALL GOT IT!!! If you are an employee who knows of a misuse of university assets you have a responsibility to inform: • Your supervisor, or; • The department head, or; • Internal Audit Administrators are responsible for preventing and detecting misuse of assets or dishonest activities in their areas of responsibility. Administrators that fail to detect misuse of assets or dishonest activities within their areas of responsibility may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with operating policy and procedures #60-401 and #60-403. - policy 01.19 DO THE RIGHT THING!