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Remote Working

Patronum allows IT administrators to see Google Drive in a whole different way. It gives Google administrators control like never before over users Google Drive files and folders. With Patronum Google Drive Management feels more like managing a local filesystem with all the control and power IT administrators need.

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Remote Working

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  1. REMOTE WORKING www.patronum.io www.patronum.io

  2. 01 | REMOTE WORKING COVID-19 HAS FUNDAMENTALLY CHANGED THE WAY MOST PEOPLE VIEW LIFE, WORK, AND THE OFFICE. Employers have realised that their employees are able to get on with their jobs without someone looking over their shoulder, and employees find that they have more free time to spend with family and friends, and not stuck in traffic or public transport for hours. We predict that staff will choose to spend 80-90% of their time working from home, with the remaining 10-20% in an office environment. IT IS NOW TIME TO CONSIDER THE LONGER-TERM IMPACT OF REMOTE WORKING AND HOW BUSINESS POST-COVID WILL BE CONDUCTED. www.patronum.io

  3. 02 | REMOTE WORKING WHAT IS REMOTE WORKING? “Remote working” simply put is when you’re able to work from anywhere, realistically that’s going to be your home, but it could on occasions be the local coffee shop, a co-working facility, or even the park. Ultimately, it’s not about “work” being a place, but rather something you do regardless of location. PEOPLE WHO ARE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY WORK REMOTELY TELL US THAT IT IMPROVES BOTH THEIR PROFESSIONAL AND PERSONAL LIVES, BUT IT’S NOT FOR EVERYONE, AND THAT’S OK. However, for those who have employees working remotely, it is now critical to understand that “remote working” is not just simply about picking up a laptop and working from anywhere, things need to be in place to make sure that our businesses and employees remain safe and secure. Patronum can help businesses better manage their remote workers by providing automated policies such as employee on and offboarding as well as security audits. www.patronum.io

  4. 03 | REMOTE WORKING LONG TERM STRATEGY FOR REMOTE WORKING When it comes to creating an effective remote working regime you needs to start with policy, process and then training. All of which should be regularly reviewed and updated as required. ON-BOARDING OF NEW EMPLOYEES Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference, such as being given access to the right files or even having an email signature automatically created for new employees. But, more importantly for the business, before an individual is permitted to access company services and data it is essential that remote workers receive role-appropriate training on information security, data protection and general good remote working practices. Using Patronum, Google Workspace administrators can create role-specific workflows which will only trigger once training has been undertaken and the individual has read and accepted company policies. Attributes stored within the Google directory can be used to indicate the level of competency an individual has for any given role or skill. THE PATRONUM ORGANISATIONAL CHART FEATURE GIVES NEW EMPLOYEES THE ABILITY TO LOCATE OTHERS WITHIN THE COMPANY WHO CAN HELP OR ADVISE THEM IF THEY HAVE ANY CONCERNED. www.patronum.io

  5. 04 | REMOTE WORKING DAY-TO-DAY When working remotely it is of utmost importance that the physical security of the home or place of remote work is taken into consideration. Devices used by remote workers should not be used for personal purposes, by the colleague or their family or friends. When environment such as a coffee shop or co-working privacy screen protection so that others cannot see the screen. There are, of course, health and safety considerations to modern offices are designed to be ergonomic, to reduce the likelihood of repetitive strain injury. Many homes do not possess a dedicated workstation or office chair. working within a public facility consider take in. Most We are aware of some instances where ironing boards at the end of beds have been used as a makeshift desk and chair. Prolonged use of such a setup may cause injury, preventing the colleague from working, and also open the company to health and safety claims. PATRONUM CAN HELP AUTOMATICALLY CREATE AND SHARE A HEALTH AND SAFETY RISK ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT TO ALL COLLEAGUES. THIS CAN THEN BE UNDERTAKEN, AND REGULARLY REVIEWED, TO ENSURE AN OPTIMAL AND SAFE WORKING ENVIRONMENT. TRY PATRONUM FREE FOR 30 DAYS Join Our Beta www.patronum.io

  6. 05 | REMOTE WORKING OFF-BOARDING OF LEAVERS Your employee exit process should differ for “good” and “bad” leavers. Usually, the only difference will be the time that their ability to access services, accounts or other sensitive data is rescinded. ie. a bad leaver should have service access rescinded immediately, where a good leaver may work their notice period. WITH PATRONUM YOU CAN CREATE A FULL AND COMPREHENSIVE DEPROVISIONING POLICY FOR ALL TYPES OF EMPLOYEES. IT MAKES SURE THAT ALL DEVICES, ACCOUNTS AND SERVICES ARE DISABLED AND LICENSES AND RETAINED DATA ARE REDISTRIBUTED ACCORDINGLY WITHIN THE BUSINESS. MANAGE WITH CONFIDENCE Using a service such as Patronum for Google Workspace (G Suite) management can be complex. So rather than reinventing the wheel Patronum includes many best practice policy workflows. Adherence to these workflows can provide confidence within the business, and, importantly to customers and prospects. READY TO BECOME THE MASTER OF YOUR DOMAIN? You can register and get started with Patronum in as little as a minute. Book an online demonstration today at www.patronum.io www.patronum.io

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