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Grocery App Development Company

FlightsLogic provides online grocery ordering and delivery software to manage your grocery business effortlessly and emerge across the world.

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Grocery App Development Company

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Presentation Transcript

  1. FlightsLogic provides online grocery ordering and delivery software to manage your grocery business effortlessly and emerge across the world. We have readymade online grocery delivery software with web and mobile apps. Using our grocery delivery software solution to launch your online grocery delivery business. FlightsLogic is a leading Grocery Ecommerce Platform, we provide a feature-packed online grocery store software built-in with modern technologies. It's a unified platform to launch your online grocery business model. We have a team of experts to develop and cater to the end-to-end needs of entrepreneurs.

  2. Our customized online grocery shopping software is a safe, fast, and more secure solution for the on-demand grocery delivery business to increase your revenue. We ensure that our software is an easily customizable online grocery system. We can customize grocery ordering online and delivery software as per your requirement alongside the complete source code and it is enough to invest only once. So our online grocery delivery software helps to compete with different supermarket giants such as Instacart, Bigbasket, Grofers, etc.

  3. Online Grocery Store Software FlightsLogic offers a complete white-label grocery delivery management software for supermarkets, grocery chains, and startups to build and grow their online grocery delivery business. +91 9731278600 contact@flighstlogic.com

  4. Our grocery e-commerce solution software comes with readymade Android and iOS mobile applications for the delivery staff and for mobile app shoppers. These mobile applications are designed and equipped with all the essential features to ensure a seamless grocery delivery and shopping experience for mobile customers. Our comprehensive suite of web applications will help you to launch, manage, & scale your business. We don't just support attracting shoppers but help to fuel up your sales. It comes with all the pre-integrated features to set up and run your online grocery business.

  5. The team at FlightsLogic, a grocery app development company, is efficient enough to provide customized solutions that can fit every grocery business model from startups to well-established businesses.

  6. How Does Grocery E-commerce Software Work? • Customer Login: Entering essential information, customers can log into the grocery eCommerce website. • Search and Orders: Customers can browse different products, and categories, and add them to the shopping cart. • Make Payment: Customers can complete purchases by making payments available in our grocery eCommerce platform. • Delivery: The order is ready to be shipped to the customer & doorstep. If an order is done in COD mode, then the cash is collected. • Payment Transfer: The admin will receive payment, deduct his own shares, and transfer the balance to respective sellers.

  7. Why Choose FlightsLogic? If you use grocery eCommerce open-source software to build your business website and app, it comes with the cost of being something that is accessible by anyone, which can be a security threat. Our grocery eCommerce software is an in-house solution built from scratch using the latest tech stack. FlightsLogic is developed and maintained by our team and will keep getting new features and enhancements in the future. The readymade grocery app includes a web and mobile application suite that allows you as a grocery business owner in launching, managing, and scaling a grocery business. We help you launch your online grocery business in almost no time. An end-to-end solution for your business. Our grocery eCommerce platform includes all the features needed to run a successful grocery eCommerce store.

  8. Contact Us To know more information, please visit our website: https://www.flightslogic.com/online-grocery-store-software.php Call us: +91 9731278600 Email At: contact@flightslogic.com

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