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India: Sub National HDRs by R. Sridharan Oxford, 18 September 2008. India: A Few Facts. 7 th largest country by area and 2 nd by population. 12 th largest economy at market exchange rate and 4 th largest by PPP Annual average real GDP growth of 8.75% during 2003-07
India: Sub National HDRs by R. Sridharan Oxford, 18 September 2008
India: A Few Facts • 7th largest country by area and 2nd by population. • 12th largest economy at market exchange rate and 4th largest by PPP • Annual average real GDP growth of 8.75% during 2003-07 • 28 States and 7 Union Territories
Main objective - Inclusive Growth Recognition that several areas, and several sections left out Strategy Focus on basic services – education, skill development, health, water supply and sanitation, urban development Greatly increased Federal funding for these sectors Renewed emphasis on agriculture Policy support for PPP in infrastructure 11th Five Year Plan(2007-2012)
Participatory planning and democratic decentralisation Article 243ZD of Indian Constitution – District Planning Committees – Consolidation of plans prepared by local bodies Guidelines on district plans issued from Planning Commission The Backward Regions Grant Fund (BRGF) – for 250 most backward districts – capacity building for district planning Reduction of Regional Disparities in 11th Plan
Monitorable Targets Key feature in the strategy of inclusive growth Reflect multi-dimensional socio-economic objectives of inclusive growth 27 National Targets in 6 major categories Income & Poverty, Education, Health, Women & Children, Infrastructure, Environment 13 State specific targets GDP and Agriculture growth, Work Opportunities and Poverty Ratio Drop Out Rate, Literacy and Gender Gap in Literacy IMR, MMR and TFR Child Malnutrition, Anemia in Women and Girls Child Sex Ratio Monitorable Targets in 11th Plan
Empowering local service providers – enforce accountability Rule of law – Safety and access to justice for the poor Business friendly environment Transparency – Civil Society as a watchdog Tackling corruption Empowerment of PRIs Involvement of communities in design and implementation of programmes Monitoring and Evaluation of Outcomes Implementation of 11th Plan
1st NHDR: Published in 2001 Main features: Extensive database for 3 points of time since 1980 70 distinct social indicators on various aspects of quality of life and well-being Results shown in development radars HDI, HPI and Gender equality index constructed Main findings Significant overall improvement in HD in previous 2 decades (1970-1990) but wide disparities across States persists Slow improvement in gender equality Considerable decline in human poverty but inter-State differences persists Effective and efficient governance is critical for improving HD. 2nd NHDR : A Committee constituted in Planning Commission for preparation of the Report Work in Progress National Human Development Reports
Global launch of HDR 1993 in New Delhi acted as trigger First step towards State level HDR: Madhya Pradesh Govt. released HDR 1995 (Two more published) Govt of Karnataka released in 1999 (One more Published) State HDRs
India has the largest programme for preparation of HDRs at sub national level 21 States have published State HDRs getting financial and technical support under GoI-UNDP Project or using their own resources Others in the process of preparation Contribution of SHDRs: Documenting and highlighting HD achievements and disparities among sub-State administrative units (districts) HDI computed for districts State HDRs
Project Initiated : 1 June 2004 Project Duration : Till 31.12.07 but extended up to 31.12.09 Initial Project Size : US$ 5.0 million Revised Project Size – US$ 11.96 million Executing Agency : Planning Commission Implementing Agency : State Governments & National Resource Institutions Focus on Analysis, Advocacy and Action The SSPHD Project
Mainstreaming HD in the State Planning Process Improving Statistical System to fill data gaps Formulating sustainable financing strategy for HD Special focus on gender in HD Planning Project Components
DHDRs: assess and quantify development imbalance at the sub-district level analyze intra-district development imbalance and suggest possible solutions DHDR has 3 distinct and important features The process of preparation The content of the report The dissemination strategy of HD issues at district level Important to focus also on Institutionalisation sustainability District Human Development Reports
State Govts. initiate the process by identifying the districts Selection is based on its HDI values as reflected in the SHDR or backwardness, or within district diversity, or demographic profile. Participatory process is followed Agency identified to anchor the technical work Core committee (chaired by collector/CEO) to guide and monitor the process of preparation State level Planning Dept/Board, NGOs, Universities, research institutions, participate in this venture Full ownership by District Administration DHDR Preparation Process
Data Collection and Report Preparation Methodology finalized through consultation with stake holders Need felt for core set of common indicators, data sources Draft reports are presented and reviewed by District core committees through an intensive, interactive process DHDR Preparation Process
Regional Profile of the District Analyses status on: Health Education Livelihoods Women’s situation and gender issues Natural resource base (land, water and air) Other district specific HD issues The way ahead DHDR Contents
DHDRs & Participatory Planning: Strong inherent participatory processes Baseline surveys for preparation of District Plans. Excellent tools for situation analysis Facilitate the visioning exercise for effective district planning. DHDR & Participatory District Planning
Ensuring the DHDR process is really participatory Identification of right support agency and efficient co-ordination with all line departments Adoption of uniform methodology for easy comparability within and out-side the district Data availability, validation, and reliability mapping Recommending policy options based on stakeholder consensus on key HD issues Credibility – based on neutrality and objectivity DHDRs – Issues and Challenges