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All we may know about depression related problems and its therapy

Red light therapy for depression has become another clinical tool that helps people overcome mental health challenges. This information is not meant to suggest replacing other, more established therapeutic interventions, and if you or a loved one struggles with depression, we suggest seeking guidance from a trusted medical provider. Visit: https://www.phipower.org/red-light-therapy-lamp-deep-red-nir-phipower/

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All we may know about depression related problems and its therapy

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  1. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is classified as a type of major depression with a seasonal pattern. SAD typically impacts people the most in the fall and winter months when it’s colder and there’s less natural light. Current treatments for SAD are like treatments for other forms of clinical depression, including psychotherapy and antidepressant medications. Emerging clinical research is also showing potential for treating SAD and depression with natural light treatments, like red and near infrared (NIR) light therapy. Red light therapy for depression has become another clinical tool that helps people overcome mental health challenges. This information is not meant to suggest replacing other, more established therapeutic interventions, and if you or a loved one struggles with depression, we suggest seeking guidance from a trusted medical provider. Red light wound healing, otherwise known as photo biomodulation, is used to describe natural light treatments that most often include red and near infrared wavelengths. For mental health treatment, NIR wavelengths may be most effective in treating depression, because they can reach deeper into body tissues than red light.

  2. When NIR light from a clinical light therapy device is shined on a person’s head, those wavelengths can go beyond the surface of the skin and reach the brain and affect brain cells directly. Natural light is absorbed by the mitochondria, which boosts cerebral metabolism, improves neuroplasticity, and decreases inflammation, according to cutting-edge depression research. More natural light for our brain cells has also been found to improve the metabolic capacity of our neurons, increase oxygen consumption, and boost cells’ ATP energy production. For more details on this, please browse www.phipower.org.

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