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If you want to create a simple web page with HTML then you should visit at PHPTPOINT HTML Tutorial, Here you will get all function of HTML with step by step examples. As we all know it stands for Hyper Text Markup Language that is used for create web application or web pages. In this tutorial, there are three steeps to create web pages in a easy way. visit now to get more https://www.phptpoint.com/html-tutorial/<br>
How to Create a Simple Web Page Learn with Step by Step Examples?
If you want to create your own HTML webpage then you have to learn about the HTML and the various functions that are used in them. That will give you an idea about the working and the characteristics of that particular function. You can learn any language online and that are called as the tutorials. You should give a try to HTML tutorialthat is available on the PHPTPOINT which is a leading tutorials website. Our HTML Tutorials for beginners is among the most read tutorials as everything is explained in them with illustrations and code examples.
In order to create a HTML page the user only needs two things that are a text editor whether in windows or in Mac computers and obviously a computer. Here in this article, we have described that how you can make your simple web page. This step by step guide will take you on a journey that will make you understand the every function of the HTML code. We have decided this article in four main parts that are:
1 .How to add a head to the HTML document2. How to add a body and text to your HTML3. How to add additional elements4. How to close your HTML document Let’s start with the first part and understand the steps that are involved in it:
How to Add a Head to the HTML Document? Step1: The first step involves the opening of the text editor. If you are using windows then click on the window button and search for Notepad or Notepad++ and then open it. If you are using the Mac then click on the spotlight button and search for ‘text edit’ then double click on it to open. Step 2: After you have opened the text editor then type <!DOCTYPE html> and the hit the Enter button. This will inform the web browser that this notepad document is an HTML document.
Step 3: After this step type in Notepad <html> and then hit the Enter button. This is typed because this is the opening tag of the HTML code. Step 4: Next step involves entering the <head> and then press the Enter button. Now this tag does the work of opening of the HTML head. Head of the HTML is important as it contains the information that is not usually displayed on the web page. The ingredients of this information can consist of the title, Meta data, CSS style sheets, and other scripting languages.
Step 5: After declaring the head, type <title> as this tag adds a title to your webpage that is being created. Step 6: Now you have some name in your mind that you want to give your webpage then type the name or title of the webpage. Step 7: Now that you have entered the title then in order to close the title tag, you have to type </title> and hit the enter button.
Step 8: After closing the title the head section is almost complete, the last thing is to close the head. In order to close the head you have to type </head> and then hit Enter. <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head>
How to Add a Body and Text to Your HTML? Step 1: Now that you have created a head for your HTML document, there is time for the body. Please type <body> just below the closed “Head” tag. After typing this tag you have opened the body of your HTML document. Everything that has been included in the body will be displayed on the web page.
Step 2: In order to add a heading to your HTML webpage type <h1> as this tag will add a heading to the HTML document. A large bold text that conventionally goes on the top of the document is known as heading. Step 3: Now, just like you have entered the title of your page, you have to enter a heading for the page that can be either your title or a greeting. Step 4: Now to close the heading type </h1> and press the Enter button.
Please note: You can add additional headings as you proceed further. There are six different headings that are of different sizes and you can create different headings by using the <h1></h1> through <h6></h6> tags. Step 5: In order to display the priority or importance of the text headings are used in HTML. But in any case it is not mandatory to use a bigger heading, the user can directly use lower heading. Step 6: Now that we have our head and the heading the next thing will be paragraph. In order to open a paragraph type <p>.
Step 7: In the paragraph write some content that can be either the description of your web page or any unrelated information. Step 8: Let’s understand something about Paragraphs. In order to close the paragraph you have to type </p> after entering your text and then press the Enter button.
Please note: • Multiple paragraph lines can be added in a row by the users in order to create a series of paragraphs just under only one heading. • The color of any text can be changed just by framing the text with the <font color=”color”> and </font> tags. • Text formats like bolds, italics can be added just by using HTML.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head> <body>The content of the document……</body><H1>How to create a web page</H1><P>It is easy to learn</p>
How to Add Additional Elements? Step 1: A picture can be added to your HTML document just like PHPTPOINT has added the images in their HTML tutorials for beginners. Follow these steps in order to add an image to the HTML document: • Just type <img src= in order to open the image tag.• After the “=” sign in quotation marks paste your image URL.• To close your image tag you have to type > just after the image URL. Step 2: The users can also link the created page to another existing page. Follow these depicted steps to link your HTML documents just like our HTML tutorial has their pages interlinked.
• To open the link tag just type <a href= . • After the “=” sign in quotation marks you have to paste the URL of the page to be linked. • To close the link portion of the HTML just type > just after the URL. • In order to identify the link properly type a name for the link just after the closing bracket. • To close the HTML link just type </a> just after the link. Step 3: In order to add a line break to the HTML document just type <br> and press the Enter button. Doing this will create a horizontal line that will divide the page in to two sections.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head> <body>The content of the document……<H1>How to create a web page</H1><P>It is easy to learn</p><img src=”https://www.phptpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/hh2.png"><a href=”https://www.phptpoint.com">phptpoint</a><br>
How to Close Your HTML Document? You have now completed your first HTML webpage, there is just a single thing left to complete the document and that is the closing of the HTML document. Closing is very simple as you just have to close the body by typing </body> and the body tag will be closed. After closing the body, you have to close the HTML body that will be closed just by typing </html> at the end.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Title of the document</title></head> <body>The content of the document……</body><H1>How to create a web page</H1><P>It is easy to learn</p><img src=”https://www.phptpoint.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/hh2.png"><a href=”https://www.phptpoint.com">phptpoint</a><br></body></html>
Congratulations! You have created your first HTML webpage. If you want to learn php then visit here — PHP Tutorial Original Source