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Online Payment Gateway Services in India

Leading Indian companies, such as EBS is renowned provider of efficient, advanced and reliable eCommerce payment system services in India. These online payment services are completely customized and designed according to the specific requirements of the each individual user.

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Online Payment Gateway Services in India

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EBS Leading Payment Gateway Service Provider in India

  2. EBS Online Payment Services The online merchants need a featured and modern payment gateway, which is up-to to the world standards, in order to reach to the domestic and international customers. E-Commerce and mobile commerce are both increasing in their reach, and revenue- generation capacity, by the day, and the offline merchants are also looking for ways to process payments over the web. E-Commerce offers a number of benefits to the customers. It is more affordable, simple, convenient, and secure, and is now a preferred way of shopping. EBS has been a forerunner payment gateway service in India. Established in the year 2005, the company was the first payment service to fully comply with the PCI: DSS norms. EBS is now a part of Ingenico Group, a leading international payment processing company having a presence in 125 countries, and ties 1000+ financial institutions and banks worldwide.

  3. EBS offers world-class online and mobile payment services to merchants worldwide, and in India. The company also has the offline payment solutions on offer. These include the mobile and the stationary payment terminals. The EBS Online Payment Services EBS is one of the most secure online payment services today. The company offers world-class payment service to the online merchants, through a payment gateway that has features including: 100+ Payment Collection Modes The EBS payment gateway can collect payments made by customers through credit cards (including international cards like Visa, Amex, Master Card, JCB, Diners Club, Discover, and others), debit cards, net banking (EBS allies with more than 50 Indian banks and financial institutions), cash cards, digital wallets, and many more. EBS payment gateway can also process payments in a range of international currencies, including American Dollar, Indian Rupee, Singaporean Dollar, Australian Dollar, Yuan, Yen, Pound, Euro, Rial, Dinar, and others.

  4. Swift On-Boarding An online merchant can onboard the EBS payment service in less than 24 hours. The payment gateway integrates seamlessly with all kinds of shopping carts, including the Magento, Joomla, WordPress, and other shopping carts.

  5. Featured Payment Gateway The EBS payment gateway has advanced features for improving the payment success rates, and for improving the customer retention and customer generation figures. This include:

  6. ● Smart Routing A proprietary technical algorithm that can switch the transactions dynamically to improve the success rates. The EBS system decides which one is the most suitable payment gateway for an online transaction, and automatically diverts the transaction to the most suitable payment gateway.

  7. ● Auto Retry The feature directs the customer to an intermediary page, when the transaction fails because of reasons including wrong password, insufficient balance, and expired cards, among others. The customer can easily choose the same or some other payment option, and complete the purchase.

  8. ● Multilingual Payment Pages The EBS payment pages can be customized in a number of major regional and international languages so that you can reach your customers in a localized and native manner.

  9. ● Mobile Reach The EBS payment gateway SDKs (Software Development Kits) integrate easily with the Apple and the Android Apps.

  10. ● Responsive Pages The EBS payment pages are smartly engineered, and can render themselves according to the devices (including mobiles and smartphones), on which they are accessed.

  11. ● Convenience to the end customer Through features including Turbo Checkout (automatic filling in of information for the repeat customers), Auto Pay, Debit Card and Pin, Email & SMS based Payments, IVRS payments, and many more.

  12. ● The World Class Security Through PCI: DSS compliance, ISO certification, and through the use of exceptional security software with feature including:

  13. ● Industry templates ● Cross parameter checks ● Powerful rule set ● Cross merchant intelligence ● Device fingerprinting ● IP Geolocation ● Real time behavioral mapping ● Outsourced manual review ● Powerful rule set

  14. Contact Us: EBS Third floor, Suashish IT Park, Building 'B', CTS no 68/E, Plot no -134(1), Dattapada Road, Borivali East, Mumbai - 400066, India. Maharashtra. Contact No: +91 44 6663 3333 Fax: +91 22 4488 7000 Email ID: enquiry@ebs.in Website: http://www.ebs.in/IPS Official Blog: http://www.ebs.in/IPS/blog Follow Us At: Facebook: www.facebook.com/pages/EBS-An-Ingenico Company/217158358441608 Twitter: www.twitter.com/EBS_connect Google Plus: plus.google.com/u/2/103068524265718040020/ Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/ebs_2

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