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Benefits of intercourse for Women in any age

Is Your Sex Life Good For You? It turns out that sex has many health benefits for women. People who have sex regularly are happier and feel more connected to their partners. But there are many other reasons why a healthy sex life is a good idea. Is sex good for women's health playboy club.<br>

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Benefits of intercourse for Women in any age

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  1. Benefits of intercourse for Women at any age Is Your Sex Life Good For You? It turns out that sex has many health benefits for women. People who have sex regularly are happier and feel more connected to their partners. But there are many other reasons why a healthy sex life is a good idea. Is sex good for women's health playboy club. 1. Reduces Stress Some women's health problems, such as heart disease, are the result of stress. During sex, the pleasure centres of the brain are affected by dopamine, while levels of the stress hormone cortisol drop. Oxytocin is also released, which increases feelings of friendship and happiness when you're feeling stressed. 2. Boosts the Immune System Research from Wilkes University found that college students who have saliva. Sex can also increase serotonin levels. This hormone helps create "happy feelings"; and scientists believe there is a link between depression and serotonin levels playboy nude. 3. Lowers Blood Pressure Hypertension can lead to serious and even fatal cardiovascular complications.Research shows that high blood pressure also negatively affects a woman's orgasm. Gender has been associated with lower systolic blood pressure readings. 4. Improving Cardiovascular Health Sex and health are closely related. In one study, women who reported having a satisfying sex life had a lower risk of high blood pressure and other problems.The study authors say that the quality of sex is more important to women's health than the frequency: satisfying and happy sex is good for the heart playboy jobs. 5. Good Sleep After orgasm, prolactin is released, a hormone that promotes relaxation.And research shows that sex triggers the production of far more prolactin than masturbation. 6. Increased Libido A high libido is associated with improved self-esteem and pain resistance, among other things. You will feel a greater desire for your partner, which can translate into a feeling of greater desire playboy plus. 7.Do the pelvic floor muscles work The pelvic floor muscles, which are responsible for controlling the flow of urine, among other things, can become weaker with increasing age or after pregnancy. These muscles work well during sex. You can practice them yourself by doing Kegel exercises, but sex will also make them work. 8. Create intimacy

  2. Researchers have found that sex creates intimacy and affection in relationships. The more sex a couple has, the more connected they feel. Research also shows that physical contact and affection are very important, even for long-term couples. And talking to your partner after sex to discuss your feelings and fantasies is good for your emotional health playboy logo. 9.Protects the brain A study found that women who remained sexually active into old age had better cognitive function than those who did not. The researchers measured the women's ability to recall words and adjusted the results to account for factors such as depression and physical activity. Sexually active people performed significantly better on the test. 10. Burn Calories You won't burn a ton of calories - some estimates say five calories a minute - but that's no small feat. A Satisfying Sex Life: The Main Benefits Sex and sexuality are still taboo for some. Sex May Improve Sleep Coupled orgasms and masturbation were linked to improved sleep perception in a study of 778 participants published in March 2019 in the journal Frontiers in Public Health. The article suggests that sexual activity can help you fall asleep playboy service. Other studies have found an association between sleep deprivation (particularly the severity of insomnia) and sexual functioning.However, a study published in September 2018 in the Journal of Psychosomatic Research failed to determine whether sleep disorders lead to problems with sexual function or vice versa. Sex can increase intimacy and connection According to a study published in Sexual Medicine Reviews in November 2020, research has shown that sex can lead to more love, trust and intimacy in relationships. People are also better at recognizing and expressing their emotions. According to a September 2017 review in Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, orgasms release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes social connection. You can feel closer to your partner when you have great experiences with them.Sex can increase intimacy and connection According to a study published in Sexual Medicine Reviews in November 2020, research has shown that sex can lead to more love, trust and intimacy in relationships. People are also better at recognizing and expressing their emotions. According to a September 2017 review in Current Topics in Behavioral Neurosciences, orgasms release oxytocin, a hormone that promotes social connection. You can feel closer to your partner when you have great experiences with them.Visit the most trending job site gigolomania.com.

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