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Rack Mount Network Attached Storage with High Storage & Capabilities

PrimeArray Storage has unveiled its new rack mount network attached storage, which offers a lot of storage and capabilities without the hassle. Call us 978-455-9488 or visit our website: http://primearraystorage.com

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Rack Mount Network Attached Storage with High Storage & Capabilities

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  1. Affordable Network Attached Storage Products

  2. Customizable & Dependable Network Attached Storage PrimeArray is a leader in providing customizable and dependable data storage products for corporate, government, institutional and educational networks. Large and small organizations across the globe use our network attached storage products for affordable data storage and streamlined information sharing.

  3. Network Attached Storage Products NetServ XS 8 Bay 6G SAS NAS NetServ XS 12 Bay 6G SATA NAS NetServ XS 16 Bay 6G SATA NAS

  4. Why do Customers Buy our Network Attached Storage Products? PrimeArray has thousands of satisfied clients, because we take the time to listen, deliver solutions tailored to the customer's needs and provide excellent support. When you contact PrimeArray, you will reach to a knowledgeable and responsive person who will work to find the right product for your needs.

  5. Contact Us PrimeArray Storage 1500 District Avenue, Burlington, Massachusetts 01803, USA Phone: 800-433-5133International: 1-978-455-9488Hours: 9-5 EST, M-F Email (general): info@primearray.com | Email (sales):sales@primearray.com Web:http://primearraystorage.com

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