

My Very First Nude House Party! (This was submitted by one of our readers who'd rather not mention his name which we naturally admiration) My Naked Party Narrative: I was exceptionally fortunate in that my first nudist or social encounter with nudity was at a unclothed party hosted by close friends. I will call them Sunday and Lila. We met years ago, during our collegedays. Back then, we were all dirt poor grad students waiting tables at a popular campus eatery. Sunday was a musical theater geek who played piano and guitar. I sang a little. Thus did Lila. During open mic Saturdays at the restaurant, Lila and I regaled diners with classic Broadway duets. Sometimes we received ovations, but mostly we just woke the deceased. During time spent together outside of work, we three uncovered quite a number of things in common. We all have left leaning politics, custom pipe tobacco recipes, all matters steam-punk, the slow food movement, regional Indian cuisine, obscure bands together with microbreweries and market unique craft beer. Lila went for flavored stouts. Sunday and I were directly up IPA (Indian Pale Ale) monks. When my lease ended in my own second year of grad school, Sunday and Lila mentioned they had a large bedroom for rent in their own house. The rent was dirt cheap and we imagined we had all get along splendidly. Sunday and Lila were by this time engaged. I moved in and our roommate bliss commenced. Three weeks after I moved in, Sunday and Lila sat me down. They explained they had, for several years, hosted a monthly party at their house. We are sort of, like, members of a special club, Lila explained. Sunday gave me permission to refuse presence without anxiety about scorn upon full disclosure of the club's, shall we say, raison d'etre. Then they told me. In plain English - they host bare house parties! I was mesmerized, intrigued, but petrified. My ambivalence about the unclothed house party thought took hold of me at once. Lila gradually probed, motivating me to talk freely. Sunday reaffirmed my right to refuse attendance at their next unclothed house party without worry of offending my hosts. First Naked Party I am absolutely stoked by the absolute notion of attending my first naked party, I admitted. I'd never been much of an exhibitionist, but I'd enjoyed my fair share of nonsexual societal nudism dreams. I'd wondered about nudist colonies, naked beaches, unclothed parties, etc. I 'd also concerned about appearing dumb. Like any average man, I had my fair share of neuroses and body image issues. Sunday and Lila were both runners, and in fantastic shape. I was quite the opposite. You'd be amazed at all the shapes and sizes who attend our naked parties. is not even about that. It's about freedom and communion with other like minded individuals. No one will judge you, or mistreat you based upon 'looksist' bullshit. Definitely not in our house! Again, your existence is not obligatory, but we had love to share this bare house party experience with you. So I was sold! In the days prior to my first naked party, I thought I might vomit nails at any moment. I was beyond nervous. My internal critic rose up to its fullest glory. I examined myself in my full length bedroom mirror obsessively. I wondered about my slight beer belly, my stretch marks, my hairy butt, my sagging pecs, my ridiculously modest pride and delight, doomed to remain unspeakably shriveled in the existence of guests. Would others be as grossed out about my body as I occasionally was? What the hell was I doing anyway? What if as the evening progressed the naked party turned, well, jubilant? I was so not prepared for that degree of nude fun. I 'd an impulsive idea: get dressed and merely leave, come back hours later, and feign disinterest. Before I could make great on my b.s. getaway, Lila rapped on my bedroom door. I reached for a towel, but then thought, What Is the point? If I'm staying, may as well get it over with. I dumped the towel and opened the bedroom door. Leah was upon the threshold. So was Sunday. They were "Au Naturale", completely naked and relaxed as you please. They ushered me into the living-room, asking how I believed, telling me to relax, and assuring me I could pull away into my room whenever I wanted. I heard a car pull into the drive. I believed I would die. Guests arrived. They chatted with their hosts, shook my hand, congratulated me on my first visit to the nudie club. They each excused themselves and went off to get naked in the master bedroom. By calmed down. Mainly because I soon realized there was certainly nothing to worry. My greatest bookings commenced and finished inside my head, and were not based upon any real dangers presented by the scenario, or specific people. Lila circulated, serving hors d'oeuvres and other finger food. Sunday passed around bottles of home made stout crafted by a buddy of his, also naked and in attendance. I slipped effortlessly into conversation about the recent National Book Award winners, as the assembled bunch of nude people turned out to be fairly literate, contained in part by voracious readers. Someone even went to date as to compliment my shoulders. I blushed. I was disappointed when my first naked party finished. All of it went by so fast, so clearly, so opposite of all I had expected and feared. I can't say all my body image issues were forthwith abated by my foray into naked parties. But I did experience a level of unprecedented independence that has since galvanized my awareness of personal bravery and self confidence. I'm also not nearly as plagued by my internal critic. I attend naked parties regularly, and love the utter lack of pretense naturism entails. In the most philosophical sense, naturist parties force you to look at others without prejudice. Their humanity is what's actually on display; the nudity is only coincidental. I say, everyone should attend a minumum of one non sexual nude or clothes discretionary function in their own life. Young Naturists And Nudists America FKK Tags: body image, naked and naked parties, social nudity Type: Nude Party and Naked Parties, Social Nudity Blogs About the Author (Author Profile) Guest blogs written entirely for Naturist Portal.


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