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Our Restaurant has been famous for being one of the best Indian restaurant in Amsterdam for years. We warmly welcome you to come and enjoy your food in our restaurant in a peaceful and beautiful nature. Our Restaurant has been famous for being one of the best Indian food in Amsterdam for years. For more details visit our website:https://rabaab.nl/<br>
Indian Restaurant in Amsterdam
AboutUs Thenamerabaab,(alsospelledrubabor rebab)canrefertoseveralroughlysimilar stringinstruments.Therabaabisaleading instrumentinthemusicoftheArabsandis playedallovertheMiddleEastandNorth Africa.ItgetsitsnamefromtheArabicword whichmeans“playedwithabow”and, confusingly,oftenalsoservesasageneric termforanystringinstrumentplayedwitha bow.Therabaabisattestedfromthe7th centuryCE.ItismentionedinoldPersian books,andmanySufipoetsmentionitin theirpoems.
Indian Restaurant in Amsterdam DrinkMenu SoftDrinks Wines Beers Indian&IndonesianBeers Special IndianDrinks Coffee &Tea Distilled Aperitifs Liquors Cognac
Opening Hours Monday: 16:00–23:00 Tuesday: 16:00–23:00 Wednesday: 16:00–23:00 Thursday 16:00–23:00 Friday: 16:00–23:00 Saturday: 16:00–23:00 Sunday 16:00–23:00
Contact Us Geldersekade23,1011EJ Amsterdam +31(0)20-420-5225 info@rabaab.nl
Thank You https://rabaab.nl/