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Rerajshi Medical Center has been set up by Dr. Shyam Lal at the prime territory of Rajendra Park, Sector-105, (Lucknow).Rerajshi Medical Center has developed itself as phenomenal contrasted with other social protection providers in Lucknow. Rerajshi Medical Center is at present been seen among the best Hospitals in Lucknow. <br>
Rerajshi Medical Center|Dr. Rachna Srivastava|Elawoman Rerajshi Medical Center has been set up by Dr. Shyam Lal at the prime territory of Rajendra Park, Sector-105, Gurugram (Gurgaon) Haryana. Rerajshi Medical Center has developed itself as phenomenal contrasted with other social protection providers in Gurgaon. Rerajshi Medical Center is at present been seen among the best Hospitals inGurgaon. Rerajshi Medical Centerhas experts of all controls and each and every present office.Asa100hadrelationswithMultiSpecialityHospitalarrangedonaneasily
amiable zone we have always ensured the best of Medical Treatment to every single patient. Its Trauma Unit includes the front line misfortune, two errand theaters, two Intensive Care Units, 1 totally arranged ICCU and IMCU. The ICU of the Hospital has the workplace of patient screens, Ventilators, Defibrillators and other keyequipment. Following a long time of organization, Dr. Shyam Lal's dream is to give the staggering consideration to a greater mass influenced in the envision and coming about establishment of Rerajshi Medical Center. is advancing World-Class Facilities at outstandingly engaged rates, the Hospital is particularly known for Obstetrics and Gynecology, Cardiology , Orthopedic, General, Laproscopic, Plastic and CosmeticSurgeries. Rerajshi Medical Center is a multi specialty specialist's office in Railway Road Gurgaon. It was developed in the year 1995. Organizations gave by this inside are Blood Pressure Test and ICU. Beside these, within has been helping number of people through its organizations for unproductiveness pharmaceuticals as well. Rerajshi Medical Center is guided and passed by Dr. Rachna Srivastava, MBBS , MS. Her particular points fuses Obstetrics and Gynecology, Laparoscopic Surgery, Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Tubectomy/Tubal Ligation, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine Insemination(IUI). With prime paramedical organizations like Radiology, Pharmacy and other Laboratory Investigations, Rerajshi Medical Center intends to ensure the patient of incite treatment in like manner making a patient's undertaking as pleasing as could be normal considering the present situation. At Rerajshi Medical Center we comprehend that correct investigation is to a great degree essential for unrivaled clinical outcomes. We have joined key imaging and research focus organizations to give you facilitated expository workplaces under one housetop. With a gathering of particularly educated and especially experienced consultants close by profitable staff, we give benefits completely holding quick to qualitymeasures.
Our proficient case organization practices and best in class automated supplies ensure that our patients get expedient and exact results. Each one of the divisions are outfitted with best in class electronic sorts ofapparatus. SPECIALITIES Inside Medicine : Our Department of Internal pharmaceutical is dealing with the repugnance, finding and treatment of adult afflictions. Masters are especially capable in the organization of patients who have undifferentiated or multi-system ailment frames and can manage extraordinary steady afflictions and conditions capably . They in like manner pass on to patients a cognizance of prosperity which is a basic point in the treatment of anycontamination. Obstetrics and Gynecology : Rerajshi Medical Center has a dug in Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Medlife gives sensational social protection organizations to energetic mothers requiring exceptional care in the midst of and post pregnancy. We have programs in both gynecology and obstetrics for balancing activity and early revelation of disarranges. Our skilled and experienced therapeuticstaffoffersthemostessentialstandardofeducativeandconsistent
organizations, all required clinical workplaces for maternity, work and postnatal care. Neurosciences : Rerajshi Medical Center offers extensive evaluation and world class treatment with compassion and care for patients with neurological disarranges on a very basic level headache, stroke, improvement issue, epilepsy , dementia, damage, spondylosis, muscle issue, neuropathies, etcetera. Nephrology : The authority of Nephrology has state of workmanship Advanced Kidney Dialysis unit which has been set up at "Rerajshi Medical Center". The nephrology assemble involves a talented nephrologist, an expert dialysis proficientandanacademicdietician.Thegatheringfillsinasaunitandisfitfor
managing extraordinary and unending kidney related disseminates. We have two dialysis machines following worldwidemeasures. Dialysis is grasped for patients with serious and incessant kidney ailment and besides for various solution toxicities. The division is always connected with to outfit great helpful care with a humantouch. ENT : This specialty division considers maladies related with Ear, Nose and Throat like Adenotonsillitis, sinusitis, strayed nasal septum (DNS), ear pollutions, affectability , headache et cetera. Treatment of these standard issues acquires another estimation at the workplace through the availability of the latest world-class equipment, which gives a prevalent outcome for general patient human administrationsorganization. Dermatology : The Department of Dermatology can really boast of giving the best of Dermatology mind in association with both general and therapeutic dermatology . In the field of standard dermatology surprising treatment workplacesexistforconditionslikevitiligo,psoriasis,contactdermatitis,urticaria
and infectious issue. We give the best in skin aggravation treatment by using a blend of various modalities as we look at skin irritation as a remedialemergency. We have workplaces for the organization of an extensive variety of stake developing treatment by the use of dermal fillers, Botox, and fragmentary laser . We offer the best of engineered peels for the organization of skin break out, pigmentation, open pores barely detectable contrasts and expandmarks. Therapeutic and Reconsturctive Surgery : Plastic surgery shape any twisted bit of the body. Any physical twisting, paying little respect to whether from birth or acquired later, surrenders a mental and excited scar too. Till two or three years back, this scourge of repulsiveness was seen as an unavoidable profound established disrespect. In any case, in the present current time, offensiveness can't be recognized as a castigate and developed look is never again considered as a sign of learning. The term 'plastic' or 'therapeutic surgery' truly covers a variety of surgical and compound techniques which change the body's outward appearance. Frameworks are used to shape certain body parts, for instance, the chest or nose, smooth skin tone to reduce or take out wrinkles, and to change issues coming to fruition on account of setback orcontamination. ABOUTDOCTOR
Dr. Rachna Srivastavain Sector-4, has set up the workplace and has gotten a submitted measurement over the traverse generally years and is also an awesome piece of the time go by two or three prominent people, endeavoring models and other sensible customers and general patients as well. They correspondingly speculate extending their business further and offering associations to two or three more patients inferable from its flourishing over the traverse recently years. The capacity, duty, exactness and sensitivity offered at the center confirmation that the patient's prospering, solace and needs are kept of best need. The workplace is equipped with most recent sorts of gear and gloats outstandingly progressed surgical instruments that assistance with experiencing demanding surgeries or philosophies. Finding the helpful organizations focus is clear as it isSector-4,. Dr. Rachna Srivastava Gynecologistin Lucknow treats the different ailments of the patients by helping them experience stunning medications and techniques. Among the distinctive associations offered here, the center offers answers for Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause,Gynecological
Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The genius is additionally recorded under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors. Besides, the patients in like way visit the workplace for ContraceptionAdvice, Specializations Gynecologist Obstetrician Regenerative Endocrinologist(Infertility) Instruction MBBS - G B Pant Hospital/Moulana Azad Medical College, New Lucknow,2000 MS - Obstetrics and Gynecology - G B Pant Hospital/Moulana Azad Medical College, New Lucknow,2003 Experience By and by Sr. Advisor at Mamta Hospital, Gurgaon Sr. Advisor (Owner) at Naman Medicare,gurgaon Honors andRecognitions Best Gyne grant in a program held inGurgaon. Enrollments Alliance of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India(FOGSI) Enlistments 3582 Haryana State Medical Council,2008
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