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How to Add WordPress Pagination to Your Website (A Simple Guide)

What are the benefits of using WordPress pagination?ud83dude15<br><br>How to add pagination to my WordPress site?ud83eudd14<br><br>In case you have any doubts on how to add pagination, check out our blog.ud83dudc47<br><br>https://bit.ly/3cA74T1<br><br><br>

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How to Add WordPress Pagination to Your Website (A Simple Guide)

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  1. How to Add WordPress Pagination to Your Website (A Simple Guide)

  2. INTRODUCTION WordPress pagination allows you to split a list of products, pages, posts, or the post itself. That way, you don't force the reader to browse through all the content at once. Instead, they can view a list of just several posts at a time . The website boasts almost 5000 posts. Showing a list of all posts on one page would be too overwhelming. Not only would it affect the user experience, but it could also even crash the user's browser. WordPress pagination, they can navigate back to where they were in just a few clicks. And that’s not the only example of why (and when) to use pagination.

  3. When to Use Pagination? A blog page with a list of posts is the most obvious place to add pagination. That’s where WordPress adds pagination for you out-of-the-box Other situations when you may want to use WordPress pagination include: A-List of Products (e-Commerce) A list of products is another example of something that can quickly get out of hand. Adding pagination to a product category page prevents your visitors from getting flooded with all the products at your store. It also makes navigation and browsing much more convenient.

  4. A Long-Form Blog Post Google loves long-form content. Research shows that the longer the content, the better, with around 1,500 often cited as being close to a sweet spot. In fact, long-form content is nowadays the absolute minimum if you think about getting into the top 10. Certain tests show that content as long as 7,000+ words, receives 4x the traffic of a 1,200-word one. Typically, the longer your posts, the better. That's as long as the content you publish is informative and high-quality. Listicle/Ad Display Revenue Another example of where to use pagination is a listicle. Of course, not all listicles qualify for using pagination. Ideally, add it to the listicles where each item on the list has a decent length. However, where pagination shines are short, click-baity posts and listicles. Usually, they’re of low quality, and each page contains very little information. This forces the visitor to keep clicking from one page to the next.

  5. The Benefits of WordPress Pagination Use Improved website navigation Pagination makes viewing long-form posts or scroll through product or post lists more convenient. And it’s not just about the ease of finding pieces of information on a shorter page. Better UX (especially on mobile). By paginating content, you reduce the amount of data that your visitors have to load. Doing this helps reduce page loading time, which is critical, especially on mobile.

  6. Reduced bounce rate Page speed is not the only thing affecting bounce rate. If your visitors see a huge, 7,000-words post, they may feel overwhelmed and leave. By chunking your content, you make it easier for your audience to read the post. . SEO Boost As with any ranking factor, it is unclear how important pagination is. Google claims that, on its own, it doesn’t offer any special benefits

  7. The following pagination benefits might have a positive impact on your SEO, however: Improves website crawlability Paginating posts reduces the number of links search engine bots see on each post. This makes crawling each of those posts significantly easier Increases CTR from SERPs Pagination allows you to break your post down by search intent. That way, each of its paginated chunks can appear in SERPs separately. This increases the chance someone clicks through to your site.

  8. Speeds your website up Pagination means there’s less media on each page. This, in turn, means even less data that your visitor’s browser has to process. A slight mobile SEO boost content-wise Tests show that mobile SERPs are dominated by lighter content, with 800 words or less. Pagination allows you to split your posts into chunks. That way, your content can render in less than one second, and gets a higher chance of reaching the top spots in SERPS

  9. Adding WordPress Pagination Using Plugins A plugin is the simplest way of managing WordPress pagination WP-PageNavi WP-PageNavi is a very popular pagination plugin. While it’s not as robust as the previous option, one of the reasons why it’s so often downloaded is its simplicity. However, there’s a catch. At first sight, the plugin has just enough options to keep things simple.

  10. WP-Paginate WP Paginate is probably the best WordPress pagination plugin if you’re a beginner. It has enough options to allow you to get decent pagination without any PHP knowledge. The only drawback is that unless you go premium (or know CSS), you don’t have any built-in options to style it. The only thing you get is 4 preset layouts. The premium version comes with 11 layouts and adds some extra styling settings.

  11. Customizable WordPress Content Splitter and Navigation Plugin Pagination by BestWebSoft is a very robust WordPress pagination plugin. It gives you almost complete control over your pagination with no coding required. The plugin can automatically add pagination to multiple pages on your website. These include your homepage, blog, archive, or search result page. You can also use it to set the pagination position (including alignment and margins) or manage its display types.

  12. Pagination Styler for WooCommerce Pagination Styler is a simple plugin to add pagination to your WooCommerce website. It allows you to customize the text and styling of the pagination. Available settings include things like colors, buttons, borders, or position. For those who want even more customization, the plugin also offers decent developer options. If you like to customize things with code, don't forget to check out the documentation .

  13. Alphabetic Pagination Alphabetic pagination allows you to use letters in your pagination. While it may not seem useful on blog pages, it’s an excellent addition to product or category pages. It’s no surprise the plugin is fully compatible with WooCommerce. Of course, you’re not limited to product or category pages and are free to use the pagination


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