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Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan

To select windows or Linux hosting has absolutely no connection with what operating system you are using on your desktop. Even if you have windows O.S on your local machine you can still use a Linux hosting plan and the inverse is also true.

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Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Should I choose Linuxor Windowsweb hosting plan?

  2. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? This question if asked to a new hosting user ambiguous answers are received.It is similar to the question asked to a kid, who do you love more your mummy or daddy?Selection of Windows or Linux hosting does not depend on your desktop operating system.If you have Windows O.S on your local machine you can still use a Linux hosting plan.If you have Linux on your local machine you can still use a Windows hosting plan.

  3. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? What is the framework that the website is based on For websites based on technology that is Windows specific like ASP.NET, Microsoft SQL, Microsoft Access, select the Windows planPrice or the budget you have allocated for running the websiteIf you do not require Windows specific technology and want something that is more economical select Linux hosting Linux hosting / cPanel hosting compared to Windows hosting is more economical There is a license cost associated with Windows

  4. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? Specifications and features useful to you Some websites require higher resources to functionEcommerce website must have smooth navigation and good site loading speedSelect a plan that provides more resources The control panel, user interface offered by the hosting cPanel for Linux and plesk for WindowsSelect a user friendly interface that is appropriate to your requirementsCheck the support of the hosting provider and ask for demo of the control panel

  5. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? Scalability, Security and Additional featureswhat exactly you need from your websiteAt the initial level shared hosting will suffice most of the new websitesAt later stages website may require cloud hosting or dedicated server hostingCheck if the hosting provider offer migration from the Windows server to Linux server or vice-versaDoes the hosting provider offer SSL certificates, data backup facilityAre there additional features like PCI compliance, server monitoring, and spam filter, etc. Check which hosting plan is offering features that are optimum for your website

  6. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? Technical Support offered What level of technical support is offered by the hosting providerThe technical support may be expertise in either Linux or windowMost of the hosting companies have more Linux techs than the Windows techsCheck if the support is available 24x7 and is it an exuberant supportBefore coming to any conclusion check the above pointsAfter the evaluation you can come to conclusions likeThe Linux web hosting plan is best suited for my websiteThe Windows web hosting plan is best suited for my website

  7. Should I choose Linux or Windows web hosting plan? Thank you for viewing this presentation Kindly visit our website for more insights www.eukhost.com

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