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Personal Health Records software

Web Based Personal Health Records Software u2013 Anytime, Anywhere, and Easy Access to varied devices. Handily manage personal health details with 75Health.<br>https://75health.com/personal-health-records.jsp<br>

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Personal Health Records software

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  1. Who Owns the Personal Health Record? Patient health record management has taken the digital route since long. With several statutory mandates and standards in place, not only the modern medical industry and healthcare professionals, individuals as well are expected to exercise caution when it comes to managing protected health information. Here’s where the personal health record software plays a crucial role in enabling them to manage the data efficiently and securely. Rising Concern about Ownership of Health Information Patients’ health information has been traditionally classified into charts that are generally found in different places. Mostly located in medical practices, diagnostic imaging centers and laboratories, these charts carry the importance of being medico-legal documents. The shift toward electronic record management has ensured that individuals have all of their healthcare information in a single location. Personal Health Records Software

  2. Drawing data from varied sources and having a patient-centric approach, the digital medical records have enabled easy and quick access to all critical patient information. With convenience comes the need for protecting the privacy and integrity of sensitive personal medical data. Personal Health Records Software Ownership of Medical Data in Electronic Records Patient ownership of health records has been a recent evolution in healthcare. Created and owned by the patients, personal health records lead to increased ownership of care, accountability, and information-based decision-making. Sensitive personal information is owned by the patient. Regulations have been enforced for ensuring the confidentiality of patients’ medical data. Patients have control over who may access their health information and to what extent. Patients are provided with privileges of restricting disclosure and access to personally identifiable medical information. Sharing of Health Information in the Personal Health Record There is a push toward increased interoperability among various digital health records, laboratories, and healthcare facilities, and other sources that provide patient data. This facilitates the emergence of patient-centric and unified health record system that allows sharing among different providers involved in patients’ care. Patients’ Responsibility in Personal Health Record System The responsibility for wellness and health has to be ultimately borne by the patients themselves. With the care responsibility lying on the practitioners’ part, there is room enough for collaboration in care and health. Clinicians are expected to be accountable and responsible for care. Personal health record software offers ready access to reliable and relevant health information. It facilitates secure communication that ensures all the stakeholders are able to address health concerns more efficiently.

  3. 75Health Personal Health Records Software provides all essential functionalities and features that empower consumers to audit who has accessed information. It enables individuals to control access to particular subsets of data within their personal health records.

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