

Emotional/Mental Distress and Substance Use Disorders Mental illness and drug use problems frequently are found together. This is due to the fact thatvarious illegal drugs can cause people with an addiction to experience several symptoms of a mental illness Mental illness can often result in alcohol or substance abuse, as some individuals with a mental illness may abuse these drugs as a form of self-medication Mental and drug use conditions share some underlying causes, encompassing changes in brain composition, genetic vulnerabilities, and early exposure to stress or trauma Over one in four grownups dealing with severe mental illness also has a substance use problem. Substance use problems are found more frequently with various mental health issues, including: Depression Anxiety conditions Schizophrenia Personality disorders Substance Use Conditions Drug use disorders can refer to drug use or substance addiction. Symptoms of substance use conditions might include: Behavioral changes, such as: Loss in attendance and performance on the job or academically Routinely causing trouble, (fights, accidents, illegal activities). Using substances in physically harmful situations like while running a machine or driving. Participating in http://ragingalcoholic.com/high-functioning-alcoholic/ or suspicious behaviors. Changes in the desire for food or sleep patterns. Unusual change in character or attitude. http://ragingalcoholic.com/alcohol-poisoning-issues-to-remember/ of mind swings, impatience, or irate tantrums. Time spans of unusual hyperactivity, agitation, or giddiness. Lacking motivation. Appearing afraid, anxious, or paranoid, without any explanation. Physical modifications, such as:. Bloodshot eyeballs and unusually sized pupils. Sudden weight loss or weight increase. Deterioration of physical look. Unusual scents on body, clothing, or breath. Tremblings, intoxicated sounding speech, or impaired coordination. Social mutations, such as:. Hasty change in buddies, favorite hangouts, and hobbies. Legal issues associated with drug abuse. Unusual requirement for money or financial issues. Using http://ragingalcoholic.com/signs-of-alcoholism/ though it triggers problems in relationships. Recuperating from Mental Health Problems and Substance Use. Somebody with a mental illness and drug use disorder should treat both problems. Therapy for both mental illness and drug use disorders may encompass rehab, prescription medications, self-help group, and talk therapy.


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