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OLM to PST Converter

Easily convert Mac OLM to Windows PST, by using this software. It can convert all your OLM data file to PST file formats along with the attachments and provide you the complete access of your important data. For more info: http://olm1.org/pst/

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OLM to PST Converter

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Presentation Transcript

  1. OLM to PST Converter • Fed-up of trying to Convert Mac OLM file to PST file? • Searching for a Solution to Convert all your Mac Outlook data to Windows Outlook?

  2. file Conversion reasons: • Changes in Workplace. • Someone Send an OLM file and Windows doesn’t support OLM file. • Difficult to manage OLM File. • Windows OS is widely used across the world so it is easy to handle and work with.

  3. Solution: • Use OLM to PST Converter tool to Convert all your Mac OLM file into Windows PST File. • Best User Friendly Software. Easy to understand and manageable.

  4. Why us? • OLM to PST Converter easily transfer all OLM email items to PST along with corresponding attachments. • It also Converts Contacts, Calendars, Tasks etc. • Scans all the Items of OLM file and provide access to all the data just before the conversion process. • Converts large sized OLM file with in a minute and save resultant PST file in user defined location. • Maintains the data integrity of the OLM file after the Conversion.

  5. Free Download: • People can download the trial version of the Software free of cost and evaluate the potential of the tool before they invest on software. • There are some limitations with the trial version of the tool, it can only convert first 15 items of the OLM file folders. • To download the trial version visit: http://olm1.org/pst/

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